Dr. Takuya KIYOKAWA from Robot Learning lab received SICE International Young Authors Award for SII2025....>>More
Kazuki ONUKI of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Shohei MATSUMOTO of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Assist. Prof. Taisho SASADA of Dependable System lab received the Google Japan Cybersecurity Research Award....>>More
Akari HAGA et al. from Natural Language Processing lab received the Outstanding Paper Award at BabyLM Challenge 2024.....>>More
Assist. Prof. Mazen Soufi of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab received the CAS Young Investigator Award at the 33rd JSCAS....>>More
Haruki Kanaya of Dependable System lab received the best student paper award at SSS2024....>>More
Prof. Sakriani SAKTI et al. of Human-AI Interaction lab received the Best Paper Award at Oriental COCOSDA 2024....>>More
Hanbit Oh and Naoto Komeno from Robot Learning lab received IEEE RAS JJC Young Award....>>More
Takumi Sumino of Information Security Engineering lab received the best poster award at the hardware security summer seminar....>>More
Students of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2024....>>More
Ramos Alonso Fernández of the Robot Learning lab received the honor of International Session Best Presentation Award Finalist from the Robotics Society of Japan....>>More
Assist. Prof. Hikaru Sasaki and Prof. Takamitsu Matsubara from the Robot Learning lab were awarded the Advanced Robotics Excellent Paper Award by the Robotics Society of Japan. ....>>More
Kokoro Yamasaki of Dependable System lab was awarded at the information science workshop for his outstanding presentation.....>>More
Takuya Fukushima of Social Computing lab received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Mana Makinae of Natural Language Processing lab received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Naoya Fujikawa et al. of Social Computing lab received the Best Paper(multilinguality track) award at WASSA2024....>>More
Yuta Fujimoto and Yohanssen Pratama of Optical Media Interface lab each received the MIRU2024 student award at MIRU2024....>>More
Shugo KAJI et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received the 2024 Richard B. Schulz Best Transactions Paper Award....>>More
Yusuke Ide of Natural Language Processing lab was received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Prof. Rui Ishiyama (Symbiotic Systems lab), and Assoc.Prof. Kazuya Kitano et al. (Optical Media Interface lab) received the Takagi award at SSII2024....>>More
Naoya Nishiura of Robot Learning lab received the SCI student presentation award....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received EMC Japan/APEMC Okinawa Excellent Paper Award....>>More
Kundjanasith Thonglek et al. of Software Design and Analysis lab received the IEICE Communication Society Best Paper Award....>>More
Takumi Hachimine of Robot Learning lab received the IEEE R&A Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award....>>More
Koichiro Nakamura of Network Systems lab was awarded by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Kansai....>>More
Yoriko Matsuda et al. and Hikaru Higashiyama et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the MVE Award from Techinical Group on Media Experience and Virtual Environment, IEICE....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab received a IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award....>>More
Yasuhito Morikawa of Software Design and Analysis lab was awarded by the Technical Committee of Software Science, IEICE Information and Systems Society....>>More
Hiroyuki Deguchi of Natural Language Processing lab received the AAMT Best Young Researcher's Award at Asia-Pacific Addociation for Machine Translation....>>More
The studens and faculty staff of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at NLP2024....>>More
Seiji Gobara of Natural Language Processing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2024....>>More
Junko Hayashi of Social Computing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2024....>>More
Tatsuki Asada et al. of Interactive Media Design lab received the SIG-MR Award....>>More
Students and faculty staff of Human Robotics lab were each awarded the Excellent Presentation Award at SICE SI2023....>>More
The students of Information Security Engineering lab were each awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Kota Nieda of Interactive Media Design lab was awarded at the HCG symposium 2023....>>More
Yusuke Sakai et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded for their outstanding research at IPSJ NL258....>>More
Le Vu Trung Duong et al. of Computing Architecture lab received the Outstanding Paper Award at CANDAR 2023....>>More
Hikaru Nishiyama of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded at the Young Scientist Meeting of IEICE EMCJ....>>More
Yuto Nakata et al. of Human Robotics lab were awarded at SICE SSI2023....>>More
The students of NAIST were awarded by sponsoring companies at Doctoral Career Messe 2023.....>>More
Tomoya Akabe of Computing Architecture lab was awarded for his outstanding research at NAIST Emergent Leading-Edge Researchers Symposium....>>More
Hirotaka Tahara of Robot Learning lab was awarded for his outstanding research at NAIST Emergent Leading-Edge Researchers Symposium....>>More
Prof. Hirokazu Kato of Interactive Media Design lab received ISMAR 2023 Career Impact Award....>>More
Wiraatmaja Christopher et al. of Large-Scale Systems Management lab received the Best Paper Award at BRAINS 2023....>>More
Prof. Yoshinobu Sato of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab was bestowed a title of MICCAI Fellow....>>More
Prof. Satoshi Nakamura of Augmented Human Communication lab entitled IEEE Life Fellow membership....>>More
Hirotaka Tahara of Robot Learning lab received SICE International Young Authors Award for IROS, and IEEE RAS JJC Young Award....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab received the best poster award at the hardware security summer seminar....>>More
Po-Yen WU of Robot Learning lab received the honor of International Session Best Presentation Award Finalist from RSJ....>>More
A research group of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won the first prize in the Emotion Physiology and Experience Collaboration Competition....>>More
Tatsuki Otobe of Human Robotics lab received the Best Presentation Award at the International Comfort Congress 2023....>>More
Yusuke Sakai et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded for their outstanding research at IPSJ NL257....>>More
Students of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2023....>>More
Ayuki Katayama et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2023 Hackathon....>>More
Kei Furukawa of Augmented Human Communication lab received IPA Student Award at ICPhS 2023....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility Best Paper Honorable Mention....>>More
Ippei Otake et al. of Optical Media Interface lab received MIRU Interactive Presentation Award at MIRU2023 symposium....>>More
Akihiro Higaki of Optical Media Interface lab received MIRU Student Encouragement Award at MIRU2023 symposium....>>More
Akihiro Higaki of Optical Media Interface lab won the first prize at MIRU2023 WAKATE Program....>>More
Prof. Yoshinobu SATO of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab was awarded by the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology for his outstanding research achievement and contribution to the society....>>More
Yuka Ko of Augmented Human Communication lab received the Best Student Paper Award at IWSLT 2023....>>More
Yuki Yamaoka et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the MVE Award from Techinical Group on Media Experience and Virtual Environment, IEICE....>>More
Hikoto Iseda of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received the young researcher award at DICOMO 2023 symposium....>>More
Shizuku Iida et al. of Social Comptuing lab received the best paper award at DEIM2023....>>More
Takumi Fukuda of Internet Architecture and Systems lab received the Best Paper Award at IEEE(SM'23)....>>More
Akira Kawabata of Natural Language Processing lab received a young researcher award at NLP2023....>>More
Miyu Oba of Natural Language Processing lab received a young researcher award at NLP2023....>>More
Assoc. Prof. Hidetaka Kamigaito et al. of Natural Language Processing lab received a committee award at NLP2023....>>More
Shohei Hisada et al. of Social Comptuing lab received the Fujitsu Sponsor Award at NLP2023....>>More
Kazuhiro Ito of Social Comptuing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2023....>>More
Shota Kobayashi of Social Comptuing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2023....>>More
Zhouqing Zhang of Social Comptuing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2023....>>More
Shizuku Iida of Social Comptuing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2023....>>More
Hiromasa Tanaka of Social Comptuing lab received a interactive award at DEIM2023....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab received a Young Researcher Award from IEICE Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility....>>More
Shota Inoue of Human Robotics lab received a Graduate School Research Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan....>>More
Takuma Nagao of Dependable System lab received the VLD Excellent Student Author Award for ASP-DAC 2023....>>More
Kundjanasith Thonglek of Software Design and Analysis lab received a IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award....>>More
Paper of Daiki Koge et al. of Computational Systems Biology lab was recognized as a top cited paper in Molecular Informatics....>>More
Taisho Sasada of Ciber Resilience lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Network Systems, IEICE....>>More
Kim Gahee et al. of Robot Learning lab were awarded at SICE SI2022....>>More
Shota Inoue et al. of Human Robotics lab were awarded at SICE SI2022....>>More
Tatsuki Otobe et al. of Human Robotics lab were awarded at SICE SI2022....>>More
Yoshiki Kitamura of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Keiichi Ozaki of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Keiichi Ozaki of Information Security Engineering lab received the best poster award at the Hardware Security Forum 2022....>>More
A joint team of Division of Information Science received awards in the Cabinet Secretariat business idea contest....>>More
Maho Otsuka et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the Best Paper Award at APMAR2022....>>More
Miyu Oba et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded for their outstanding researh at the IPSJ/SIG-NL 254....>>More
Jion Hirose et al. of Dependable System lab received the PDAA2022 Best Paper Award....>>More
Tomoya Yamanokouchi of Robot Learning lab received the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award....>>More
Tomoya Yamanokouchi of Robot Learning lab received the Shimazu Corporation Award at the 2022 Doctoral Career Messe KYOTO....>>More
Riku Shinohara and Huakun Liu et al. Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won the third place and Excellent F1-score award in the Nurse Challenge competition....>>More
Shun Arizono of Large-Scale Systems Management lab received a presentation award from the Operations Research Society of Japan....>>More
Team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic obtained the 1st Place in the Restock & Disposal Task in the World Robot Summit’s Future Convenience Store Challenge....>>More
Makoto Yoshida et al. of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab were awarded at the DPSWS2022....>>More
Yuki Kadokawa of Robot Learning lab was awarded for his outstanding research at the NAIST Sohatsuteki Sentan Symposium....>>More
Daiki Mayumi et al. of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received the DICOMO2022 best paper award....>>More
Yuki Mishima of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab was awarded at the IPSJ Kansai Branch Convention 2022....>>More
Yoshinobu Fukumitsu of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab was awarded at the IPSJ Kansai Branch Convention 2022....>>More
Hikoto Iseda of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab was awarded at the IPSJ Kansai Branch Convention 2022....>>More
Hikaru Nishiyama of Information Security Engineering lab received the best poster award at the hardware security summer seminar....>>More
Daiki Mayumi et al. of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received the best paper award at WellComp 2022....>>More
Wendyam Eric Lionel Ilboudo of Robot Learning lab received the International Session Best Presentation Award from the Robot Society of Japan....>>More
Yuto Nishida of Natural Language Processing lab was awarded for her outstanding researh at the YANS 17th symposium....>>More
Miyu Oba of Natural Language Processing lab was awarded for her outstanding researh at the YANS 17th symposium....>>More
Hoai Luan Pham of Computing Architecture lab received the Best Track Award at SBCCI 2022....>>More
Prof. Tkahiro WADA of Human Rogotics lab received the Technological Contribution Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc....>>More
Choi Jungmin et al. of Natural Language Processing lab received the JSAI Annual Conference Award....>>More
Daiki Mayumi of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received the best presentation award at DICOMO 2022 symposium....>>More
Masaki Kawanaka of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received the young researcher award at DICOMO 2022 symposium....>>More
Maho Otsuka of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the young researcher award at DICOMO 2022 symposium....>>More
Hiroto Oshimi of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the young researcher award at DICOMO 2022 symposium....>>More
Takumi Goto of Natural Language Processing lab was awarded for his outstanding researh at the IPSJ/SIG-NL 252....>>More
Assist. Prof. Hikaru SASAKI of Robot Learning lab received the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award....>>More
Takuma Uno et al. from Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received a paper award from IPSJ SIGUBI....>>More
Ukyo Honda et al. of Conputational Linguistics lab were awarded by the Association for Natural Language Processing....>>More
Yoichi Ishibashi of Augmented Human Communication lab was awarded by the Association for Natural Language Processing....>>More
Assist.Prof. Takuya Kiyokawa of Human Robotics lab was awarded by the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation....>>More
Prof. Kiyoshi Kiyokawa of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the Technical Achieement Award and VR Service Award from IEEE VGTC Community....>>More
Son Teyon of Human Robotics lab was awarded by the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation....>>More
Keishi Tainaka et al. of Interactive Media Design lab received the MVE Award from Techinical Group on Media Experience and Virtual Environment, IEICE....>>More
Makoto Yoshida of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received the 2021 IPSJ Yamashita SIG Research Award....>>More
Yuya Kitayama et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the MVE Award from Techinical Group on Media Experience and Virtual Environment, IEICE....>>More
Yuki Kadokawa of Robot Learning lab received a IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award....>>More
Kizashi Nakano of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received a IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award....>>More
Prof. Yuki Kadobayashi of Cyber Resilience lab was awarded by the Institute of Information Security....>>More
Prof. Yuki Kadobayashi of Cyber Resilience lab was awarded by the Institute of Information Security....>>More
Prof. Yuichi Hayashi of Cyber Resilience lab was awarded by the Institute of Information Security....>>More
Kundjanasith Thonglek of Software Design and Analysis labreceived the Young Engineer Award from the Technical Committee on Energy Engineering in Electronics and Communications....>>More
Qu Qianyue of Large-Scale Systems Management lab was awarded for her outstanding research....>>More
Mayuki Toyoda et al. of Human Robotics labwere awarded for their outstanding research presentation at SICE-SI2021....>>More
Mayuka Kono of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering labreceived the best student presentation award at UWW 2021....>>More
Kazuhiro Shidara et al. of Augmented Human Communication labwere awarded at the HCG symposium 2021....>>More
Cong Xi from Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the Human Communication Award from IEICE Human Communication Group....>>More
Kota Morimoto of Information Security Engineering labwas awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Shogo Fusushima, a graduate of Information Security Engineering lab, was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
A group of students won several prizes at JPHACKS 2021....>>More
Ryo Fukuda et al. of Augmented Human Communication lab received the best student paper award at Oriental COCOSDA 2021....>>More
Shohei Higashiyama et al. of Computational Linguistics labreceived the best paper award at the 7th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text....>>More
Tomokazu Matsui et al. of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received the Best Paper Award at ICMU2021....>>More
Cheng Zhuo from Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab was awarded at the 40th JAMIT Annual Meeting (JAMIT 2021)....>>More
A group of students from Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won the Judge's Special Award at the Intervese Virtual Reality Challenge....>>More
A group of students from Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won the Kawakami Memorial Award at the Intervese Virtual Reality Challenge....>>More
Shusaku Tomita et al. of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab were awarded at DPSWS2021....>>More
Kizashi Nakano et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the Best Student-Authored Journal Paper Award at ISMAR 2021....>>More
Daiki Mayumi of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab was awarded at the IPSJ Kansai Branch Convention 2021....>>More
Masaki Kawanaka of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab was awarded at the IPSJ Kansai Branch Convention 2021....>>More
Ryota Saze of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab was awarded at the IPSJ Kansai Branch Convention 2021....>>More
Yuta Kimata of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab was awarded at the IPSJ Kansai Branch Convention 2021....>>More
Osamu Yamada et al. of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received a paper award from DICOMO2021....>>More
Hitoshi Shimizu et al. of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received a paper award from DICOMO2021....>>More
Shusaku Tomita et al. of Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab received a paper award from DICOMO2021....>>More
Team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic won the Overall Winner Prize in the Future Convenience Store Challenge (FCSC) at the 2020 World Robot Summit (WRS)....>>More
Team NaRiPa VisionAIrs won the 2nd place in the “Eastern Asia + South Eastern Asia” region of the OpenCV AI Competition 2021....>>More
Tran Thi Diem of Computing Architecture lab received the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE iCCECE'21....>>More
Assist.Prof. Hiroki Ouchi et al. of Computational Linguistics lab were awarded for their outstanding researh at the IPSJ/SIG-NL 249....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEICE....>>More
Assist.Prof. Keisuke Uemura of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab are selected as a recipient of the 2021 ESCEO-AgNovos Healthcare Young Investigator Award...>>More
Seiya Kawano et al. of Augmented Human Communication lab received the JSAI Incentive Award....>>More
Cheng-Yu Kuo of Robot Learning lab received the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award....>>More
Assist. Prof. Takuya Kiyokawa of Human Robotics lab received the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award....>>More
Akito Ihara of Software Design and Analysis lab was awarded for his outstanding paper at the Software Symposium 2021....>>More
Assoc. Prof. Takaashi Ishio et al. of Software Engineering lab received the best paper award from the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers....>>More
Tomoya Akabe et al. of Computing Architecture lab received the Poster Award at COOL Chips 24....>>More