Team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic obtained the 1st Place in the Restock & Disposal Task in the World Robot Summit’s Future Convenience Store Challenge.
10月25日から26日に国立京都国際会館で開催された「ワールド・ロボット・サミット(WRS)」の「フューチャーコンビニエンスストアチャレンジ競技(WRS FCSC Trial Competition@IROS2022)」において、本学と立命館大学、パナソニックによる「NAIST-RITS-Panasonic」チームが「陳列・廃棄タスク」で優勝しました。「ワールド・ロボット・サミット(WRS)」は、経済産業省と新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)の共催によるもので、今回は、国際会議IROS2022において、「フューチャーコンビニエンスストアチャレンジ」競技の「陳列・廃棄タスク」が実施されました。この競技はコンビニで日常行われている「陳列・廃棄」業務をAI搭載ロボットに行わせ、その正確性などを競うものです。この競技において本学のGustavo Garcia客員准教授が率いる「NAIST-RITS-Panasonic」チームが1位を獲得しました。 | ![]() |
The World Robot Summit’s Future Convenience Store Challenge (FCSC) took place as a part of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022), one of the most prestigious international robotics conferences in the world. The FCSC is a competition about making robots do tasks such as shelf-stocking and replenishment of multiple types of food products, interacting with customers and staff, and cleaning restrooms. Team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic led by Affiliate Associate Professor Gustavo Garcia competed in this challenge as one of five contending teams and obtained the first prize. |
- 受賞者 Awardee:
チーム NAIST-RITS-Panasonic
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice:
On behalf of Team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic, I am very happy to announce that we have obtained the 1st Place in the Restock & Disposal Task in the World Robot Summit’s Future Convenience Store Challenge (FCSC). We are proud to have had the honor to represent two Japanese universities and a world-class company in this international robotics competition, as one of five contending teams. We would like to thank the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) for supporting these competitions through the years, which have brought us countless valuable experiences. I have had the honor to lead our team to the third consecutive victory, which could not be possible without the valuable contributions and active cooperation of NAIST, Ritsumeikan University (RITS), and the Robotics Hub of Panasonic Corporation. Finally, we would like to sincerely express our deepest gratitude to Professor Ogasawara (NAIST) for his constant guidance and support during the 6-year history of the team, as well as to Professor Taniguchi (RITS) and Professor Wada (NAIST) for their support in this endeavor.
- 外部リンク Links to:
- World Robot Summit: https://wrs.nedo.go.jp/
- WRS FCSC Trial Competition @ IROS2022: https://f-csc.org/2022-wrs-fcsc/
- Team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic website: https://naripa.gitlab.io/
- Team NAIST-RITS-Panasonic channel:
- RITS Emergent Systems Lab: http://www.em.ci.ritsumei.ac.jp/
- Panasonic Robotics Hub: https://tech.panasonic.com/jp/robot/