Yoriko Matsuda and Uito Arisumi of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab were each awarded the Human Communication Award by the HCG IEICE.
Assist. Prof. Yutaro Hirao Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the Best Demo in Show Award at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.
Akari HAGA et al. received the Outstanding Paper Award at BabyLM Challenge 2024.
Assist. Prof. Mazen Soufi of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab received the CAS Young Investigator Award.
Assoc. Prof. Uchiyama of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab presented the research findings of alumnus Mr. Nakamura and received the Presentation Award.
Ramos Alonso Fernández of Robot Learning lab received the honor of RSJ International Session Best Presentation Award Finalist.
Open Campus for Prospective Students will be held on Mar. 8, 2025. ....>>More
Dr. Takuya KIYOKAWA from Robot Learning lab received SICE International Young Authors Award for SII2025....>>More
Kazuki ONUKI of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Shohei MATSUMOTO of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Yoriko Matsuda and Uito Arisumi of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab were each awarded the Human Communication Award by the HCG IEICE....>>More
Assist. Prof. Yutaro Hirao Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the Best Demo in Show Award in the Emerging Technologies category at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.....>>More
Kodai Iwasaki et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received SIG Haptics Presentation Award at the 33rd SIG Haptics Workshop of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan ....>>More
Assist. Prof. Taisho SASADA of Dependable System lab received the Google Japan Cybersecurity Research Award....>>More
Spring Seminar 2025 for prospective students will be held on Feb. 25-27, 2025...>>More
Akari HAGA et al. from Natural Language Processing lab received the Outstanding Paper Award at BabyLM Challenge 2024.....>>More
Assist. Prof. Mazen Soufi of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab received the CAS Young Investigator Award at the 33rd JSCAS....>>More
Assoc. Prof. Uchiyama of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab presented the research findings of alumnus Mr. Nakamura and received the Presentation Award....>>More
Haruki Kanaya of Dependable System lab received the best student paper award at SSS2024....>>More
Prof. Sakriani SAKTI et al. of Human-AI Interaction lab received the Best Paper Award at Oriental COCOSDA 2024....>>More
The team of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won the first place in the IPIN competition....>>More
Hanbit Oh and Naoto Komeno from Robot Learning lab received IEEE RAS JJC Young Award....>>More
Takumi Sumino of Information Security Engineering lab received the best poster award at the hardware security summer seminar....>>More
Students of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won 3 awards at VRSJAC....>>More
Students of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2024....>>More
Ramos Alonso Fernández of the Robot Learning lab received the honor of International Session Best Presentation Award Finalist from the Robotics Society of Japan....>>More
Assist. Prof. Hikaru Sasaki and Prof. Takamitsu Matsubara from the Robot Learning lab were awarded the Advanced Robotics Excellent Paper Award by the Robotics Society of Japan. ....>>More
Kokoro Yamasaki of Dependable System lab was awarded at the information science workshop for his outstanding presentation.....>>More
Takuya Fukushima of Social Computing lab received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Mana Makinae of Natural Language Processing lab received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Naoya Fujikawa et al. of Social Computing lab received the Best Paper(multilinguality track) award at WASSA2024....>>More
Yuta Fujimoto and Yohanssen Pratama of Optical Media Interface lab each received the MIRU2024 student award at MIRU2024....>>More
Shugo KAJI et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received the 2024 Richard B. Schulz Best Transactions Paper Award....>>More
Yusuke Ide of Natural Language Processing lab was received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Summer Seminar 2024 for Prospective Students will be held on August 19-21, 2024...>>More
Prof. Rui Ishiyama (Symbiotic Systems lab), and Assoc.Prof. Kazuya Kitano et al. (Optical Media Interface lab) received the Takagi award at SSII2024....>>More
Naoya Nishiura of Robot Learning lab received the SCI student presentation award....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received EMC Japan/APEMC Okinawa Excellent Paper Award....>>More
Kundjanasith Thonglek et al. of Software Design and Analysis lab received the IEICE Communication Society Best Paper Award....>>More
Assist. Prof. Monica Perusquía of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab was awarded the Runner-Up honor in the category of Research Teams with Inspirational Research Practices at ACM CHI 2024....>>More
Takumi Hachimine of Robot Learning lab received the IEEE R&A Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award....>>More
The Biomedical Imaging Intelligence lab, led by Assoc. Prof. Yoshito Otake, was launched in the Applied informatics field on May 1.
NAIST Open Campus 2024 will be held on May. 18, 2024. ....>>More
Koichiro Nakamura of Network Systems lab was awarded by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Kansai....>>More
Yoriko Matsuda et al. and Hikaru Higashiyama et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the MVE Award from Techinical Group on Media Experience and Virtual Environment, IEICE....>>More
The Human-AI Interaction lab, led by Prof. Sakriani SAKTI, was launched in the Meida Informatics field on April 1.
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab received a IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award....>>More
Yasuhito Morikawa of Software Design and Analysis lab was awarded by the Technical Committee of Software Science, IEICE Information and Systems Society....>>More
Hiroyuki Deguchi of Natural Language Processing lab received the AAMT Best Young Researcher's Award at Asia-Pacific Addociation for Machine Translation....>>More
The studens and faculty staff of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at NLP2024....>>More
Seiji Gobara of Natural Language Processing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2024....>>More
Junko Hayashi of Social Computing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2024....>>More
Tatsuki Asada et al. of Interactive Media Design lab received the SIG-MR Award....>>More
Open Campus 2024 for Prospective Students will be held on Feb. 24, 2024. ....>>More
Spring Seminar 2024 for prospective students will be held on Feb. 26-28, 2024...>>More
Students and faculty staff of Human Robotics lab were each awarded the Excellent Presentation Award at SICE SI2023....>>More
The students of Information Security Engineering lab were each awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Kota Nieda of Interactive Media Design lab was awarded at the HCG symposium 2023....>>More
Yusuke Sakai et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded for their outstanding research at IPSJ NL258....>>More
Le Vu Trung Duong et al. of Computing Architecture lab received the Outstanding Paper Award at CANDAR 2023....>>More
Hikaru Nishiyama of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded at the Young Scientist Meeting of IEICE EMCJ....>>More
Yuto Nakata et al. of Human Robotics lab were awarded at SICE SSI2023....>>More
Doctoral Dissertation Defense(Dec. 14-)
The students of NAIST were awarded by sponsoring companies at Doctoral Career Messe 2023.....>>More
Tomoya Akabe of Computing Architecture lab was awarded for his outstanding research at NAIST Emergent Leading-Edge Researchers Symposium....>>More
Hirotaka Tahara of Robot Learning lab was awarded for his outstanding research at NAIST Emergent Leading-Edge Researchers Symposium....>>More
Prof. Hirokazu Kato of Interactive Media Design lab received ISMAR 2023 Career Impact Award....>>More
Wiraatmaja Christopher et al. of Large-Scale Systems Management lab received the Best Paper Award at BRAINS 2023....>>More
Prof. Yoshinobu Sato of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab was bestowed a title of MICCAI Fellow....>>More
Prof. Satoshi Nakamura of Augmented Human Communication lab entitled IEEE Life Fellow membership....>>More
Hirotaka Tahara of Robot Learning lab received SICE International Young Authors Award for IROS, and IEEE RAS JJC Young Award....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab received the best poster award at the hardware security summer seminar....>>More
Ryushiro Sakamoto of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab was awarded by the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology for his outstanding research....>>More
Po-Yen WU of Robot Learning lab received the honor of International Session Best Presentation Award Finalist from RSJ....>>More
A research group of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won the first prize in the Emotion Physiology and Experience Collaboration Competition....>>More
Tatsuki Otobe of Human Robotics lab received the Best Presentation Award at the International Comfort Congress 2023....>>More
Yusuke Sakai et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded for their outstanding research at IPSJ NL257....>>More
Students of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2023....>>More
Ayuki Katayama et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2023 Hackathon....>>More
Kei Furukawa of Augmented Human Communication lab received IPA Student Award at ICPhS 2023....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility Best Paper Honorable Mention....>>More
The Biomedical Imaging Intelligence lab, led by Assoc. Prof. Yoshito Otake, was launched in the Applied informatics field on May 1.
The Human-AI Interaction lab, led by Prof. Sakriani SAKTI, was launched in the Meida Informatics field on April 1.
Doctoral Dissertation Defense(Dec. 14-)
Dr. Takuya KIYOKAWA from Robot Learning lab received SICE International Young Authors Award for SII2025....>>More
Kazuki ONUKI of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Shohei MATSUMOTO of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Yoriko Matsuda and Yuito Arisumi of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab were each awarded the Human Communication Award by the HCG IEICE....>>More
Assist. Prof. Yutaro Hirao Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the Best Demo in Show Award in the Emerging Technologies category at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.....>>More
Kodai Iwasaki et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received SIG Haptics Presentation Award at the 33rd SIG Haptics Workshop of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan....>>More
Assist. Prof. Taisho SASADA of Dependable System lab received the Google Japan Cybersecurity Research Award....>>More
Akari HAGA et al. from Natural Language Processing lab received the Outstanding Paper Award at BabyLM Challenge 2024.....>>More
Assist. Prof. Mazen Soufi of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab received the CAS Young Investigator Award at the 33rd JSCAS....>>More
Assoc. Prof. Uchiyama of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab presented the research findings of alumnus Mr. Nakamura and received the Presentation Award....>>More
Haruki Kanaya of Dependable System lab received the best student paper award at SSS2024....>>More
Prof. Sakriani SAKTI et al. of Human-AI Interaction lab received the Best Paper Award at Oriental COCOSDA 2024....>>More
The team of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won the first place in the IPIN competition....>>More
Hanbit Oh and Naoto Komeno from Robot Learning lab received IEEE RAS JJC Young Award....>>More
Takumi Sumino of Information Security Engineering lab received the best poster award at the hardware security summer seminar....>>More
Students of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won 3 awards at VRSJAC....>>More
Students of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2024....>>More
Ramos Alonso Fernández of the Robot Learning lab received the honor of International Session Best Presentation Award Finalist from the Robotics Society of Japan....>>More
Assist. Prof. Hikaru Sasaki and Prof. Takamitsu Matsubara from the Robot Learning lab were awarded the Advanced Robotics Excellent Paper Award by the Robotics Society of Japan. ....>>More
Kokoro Yamasaki of Dependable System lab was awarded at the information science workshop for his outstanding presentation.....>>More
Takuya Fukushima of Social Computing lab received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Mana Makinae of Natural Language Processing lab received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Naoya Fujikawa et al. of Social Computing lab received the Best Paper(multilinguality track) award at WASSA2024....>>More
Yuta Fujimoto and Yohanssen Pratama of Optical Media Interface lab each received the MIRU2024 student award at MIRU2024....>>More
Shugo KAJI et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received the 2024 Richard B. Schulz Best Transactions Paper Award....>>More
- Jun. 29, 2024
Yusuke Ide of Natural Language Processing lab was received a young researcher award from the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing, Information Processing Society of Japan....>>More
Prof. Rui Ishiyama (Symbiotic Systems lab), and Assoc.Prof. Kazuya Kitano et al. (Optical Media Interface lab) received the Takagi award at SSII2024....>>More
Naoya Nishiura of Robot Learning lab received the SCI student presentation award....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received EMC Japan/APEMC Okinawa Excellent Paper Award....>>More
Kundjanasith Thonglek et al. of Software Design and Analysis lab received the IEICE Communication Society Best Paper Award....>>More
Assist. Prof. Monica Perusquía of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab was awarded the Runner-Up honor in the category of Research Teams with Inspirational Research Practices at ACM CHI 2024....>>More
Takumi Hachimine of Robot Learning lab received the IEEE R&A Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award....>>More
Koichiro Nakamura of Network Systems lab was awarded by the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Kansai....>>More
Yoriko Matsuda et al. and Hikaru Higashiyama et al. of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab received the MVE Award from Techinical Group on Media Experience and Virtual Environment, IEICE....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab received a IEEE Kansai Section Student Paper Award....>>More
Yasuhito Morikawa of Software Design and Analysis lab was awarded by the Technical Committee of Software Science, IEICE Information and Systems Society....>>More
Hiroyuki Deguchi of Natural Language Processing lab received the AAMT Best Young Researcher's Award at Asia-Pacific Addociation for Machine Translation....>>More
The studens and faculty staff of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at NLP2024....>>More
Seiji Gobara of Natural Language Processing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2024....>>More
Junko Hayashi of Social Computing lab received a student presentation award at DEIM2024....>>More
Tatsuki Asada et al. of Interactive Media Design lab received the SIG-MR Award....>>More
Students and faculty staff of Human Robotics lab were each awarded the Excellent Presentation Award at SICE SI2023....>>More
The students of Information Security Engineering lab were each awarded by the Technical Committee on Hardware Security, IEICE....>>More
Kota Nieda of Interactive Media Design lab was awarded at the HCG symposium 2023....>>More
Yusuke Sakai et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded for their outstanding research at IPSJ NL258....>>More
Le Vu Trung Duong et al. of Computing Architecture lab received the Outstanding Paper Award at CANDAR 2023....>>More
Hikaru Nishiyama of Information Security Engineering lab was awarded at the Young Scientist Meeting of IEICE EMCJ....>>More
Yuto Nakata et al. of Human Robotics lab were awarded at SICE SSI2023....>>More
The students of NAIST were awarded by sponsoring companies at Doctoral Career Messe 2023.....>>More
Tomoya Akabe of Computing Architecture lab was awarded for his outstanding research at NAIST Emergent Leading-Edge Researchers Symposium....>>More
Hirotaka Tahara of Robot Learning lab was awarded for his outstanding research at NAIST Emergent Leading-Edge Researchers Symposium....>>More
Prof. Hirokazu Kato of Interactive Media Design lab received ISMAR 2023 Career Impact Award....>>More
Wiraatmaja Christopher et al. of Large-Scale Systems Management lab received the Best Paper Award at BRAINS 2023....>>More
Prof. Yoshinobu Sato of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab was bestowed a title of MICCAI Fellow....>>More
Prof. Satoshi Nakamura of Augmented Human Communication lab entitled IEEE Life Fellow membership....>>More
Hirotaka Tahara of Robot Learning lab received SICE International Young Authors Award for IROS, and IEEE RAS JJC Young Award....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa of Information Security Engineering lab received the best poster award at the hardware security summer seminar....>>More
Ryushiro Sakamoto of Imaging-based Computational Biomedicine lab was awarded by the Japanese Society of Medical Imaging Technology for his outstanding research....>>More
Po-Yen WU of Robot Learning lab received the honor of International Session Best Presentation Award Finalist from RSJ....>>More
A research group of Cybernetics and Reality Engineering lab won the first prize in the Emotion Physiology and Experience Collaboration Competition....>>More
Tatsuki Otobe of Human Robotics lab received the Best Presentation Award at the International Comfort Congress 2023....>>More
Yusuke Sakai et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded for their outstanding research at IPSJ NL257....>>More
Students of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2023....>>More
Ayuki Katayama et al. of Natural Language Processing lab were awarded at YANS2023 Hackathon....>>More
Kei Furukawa of Augmented Human Communication lab received IPA Student Award at ICPhS 2023....>>More
Taiki Kitazawa et al. of Information Security Engineering lab received the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility Best Paper Honorable Mention....>>More
Open Campus for Prospective Students will be held on Mar. 8, 2025. ....>>More
Spring Seminar 2025 for prospective students will be held on Feb. 25-27, 2025...>>More
Summer Seminar 2024 for Prospective Students will be held on August 19-21, 2024...>>More
NAIST Open Campus 2024 will be held on May. 18, 2024. ....>>More
Open Campus 2024 for Prospective Students will be held on Feb. 24, 2024. ....>>More
Spring Seminar 2024 for prospective students will be held on Feb. 26-28, 2024...>>More
Summer Seminar 2023 for Prospective Students will be held on August 21-23, 2023...>>More
Open Campus 2023 for Prospective Students will be held on May. 13, 2023. ....>>More
Open Campus 2023 for Prospective Students will be held on Feb. 25, 2023. ....>>More
Spring Seminar 2023 for Prospective Students will be held on Feb. 27-Mar. 1, 2023...>>More
The 2nd NAIST International Symposium on Data Science will be held on Oct. 14(Fri.), 2022...>>Program and entry
Summer Seminar 2022 for Prospective Students will be held on August 22-14, 2022...>>More
Open Campus 2022 for Prospective Students will be held on May. 14, 2022. ....>>More
Spring Seminar 2021 for Prospective Students will be held on Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2022...>>More
Summer Seminar 2021 for Prospective Students will be held on August 10-12, 2021...>>More
Spring Seminar 2021 for Prospective Students will be held on Feb. 17-19, 2021...>>More
Onlin Summer Seminar 2020 for Prospective Students will be held on August 19-21, 2020...>>More
Open Campus 2020 for Prospective Students will be held on line on May 30, 2020...>>More
Open Campus 2020 for Prospective Students will be held on Feb 22, 2020...>>More