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The method of all themes is subject to change to Online due to the state of emergency.

Division of Information Science, NAIST
Summer Seminar 2023 (Aug. 21-23)

Summer Seminar 2023 will be held online, and hybrid online-offline in the Division of Information Science, NAIST, on August 21-23. You can experience the cutting-edge research on Information Science during this Summer Seminar.

We are looking forward to your application!

Date Aug. 21-23, 2023 (The dates vary depend on the themes)
Venue Depending on topic, you can either:
- Stay at home and connect to the online system designated by the theme lecturers (Online case), Or
- Come to Division of Information Science, NAIST, Takayama 8916-5, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan (Online-Offline hybrid case)
Intended audience Education higher than undergraduate including non-academic applicants who are planning to become IS students.
If you are not a candidate, please apply the Lab tour
Capacity Depends on each theme (please check the table below).
If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity, a selection process will be done by the corresponding laboratory.
Admission fee FREE! However, you will be responsible for setting up your computer environment to connect to the online system, and the internet fee. Furthermore, please note that we don't cover any travel or accommodation costs. We also don't issue any documents for applying visa etc.
Application form >>>> Check the assignment
Contact us Summer Seminar Committee

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  1. Invitation to Modern Software Development and Operation (DevOps): The software engineering tools, knowledge, and techniques you can start using today
  2. Laboratory: Software Design and Analysis Laboratory
    Summary: Modern software development (e.g., Agile and DevOps) has been continuously increasing the value of systems. This seminar will give you a chance to practice the phases of software development from coding to testing and release, employing the various modern development support tools that are often used in DevOps. Specifically, the code review tools (Pull Request), regression testing tools (JUnit/PyUnit), continuous integration/delivery tools (GitHub Action), Quality measurement (SonarQube), and operation tools (Docker/Kubernetes) will be used. In addition, the challenges that have yet to be solved by modern software development will be discussed as topics for future research.
    Method: Face-to-Face
    Date: 2 days
    Capacity: 5
    Qualification: Strong interest in Software development and programming experience.
  3. 実装の脆弱性を利用して強力な暗号を解読してみよう!
  4. Laboratory: Information Security Engineering Laboratory
    Summary: 暗号モジュールの動作中に生じる消費電力や放射電磁波といった本来の入出力以外の情報(サイドチャネル情報)を観察することで秘密鍵を奪うサイドチャネル攻撃が新たな脅威として注目を集めています。本セミナーでは、暗号アルゴリズムをソフトウェア及びハードウェア実装し、暗号処理の動作中に生じるサイドチャネル情報を実際に計測し、それを用いて暗号を解読する手法について学ぶと共に、こうした攻撃に対抗するための対策手法についての基本概念を学びます。 本実習は8/22,8/23で実施いたします。
    Method: Face-to-Face
    Date: 2 days
    Capacity: 6
    Qualification: Pythonによるプログラム経験があること。
  5. Physical and psychological state recognition using biological signals
  6. Laboratory: Cybernetics and Reality Engineering Laboratory
    Summary: You will develop an application that recognizes a user's physical or psychological state using a myoelectric sensor. On the first day, you will learn basic development procedures and check sample programs. On the second day, you will work with other participants to implement an improvement to the application according to what you learned on the first day. On the third day, you will complete the application and present it to the lab members. Let’s develop an application to detect user intention before it happens with the game paper-rock-scissors in mind!
    Method: Face-to-Face
    Date: 3 days
    Capacity: 5
  7. Implementing and experiencing Pseudo-haptics
  8. Laboratory: Cybernetics and Reality Engineering Laboratory
    Summary: Pseudo-haptics technique is a technique that manipulates haptic perception like force and texture primarily through visual and auditory information. For example, you may have experienced a sense of "heaviness" when your character's movements became slower in a game. In this program, we will understand the principles of Pseudo-haptics, brainstorm new ideas for Pseudo-haptics technique together with the instructor, and implement those ideas using Unity. On the first day, we will have a brief lecture on Pseudo-haptics techniques, learn the basics of how to use Unity, test sample programs for a Pseudo-haptics technique, and brainstorm ideas. On the second day, we will consult with the instructor to implement your original Pseudo-haptics technique. On the third day, we will finalize our systems and present them for the instructor and laboratory members. If you are interested in haptic experiences in games or VR, cognitive science and psychology, or illusions, please join us!
    Method: Face-to-Face
    Date: 3 days
    Capacity: 5
  9. Development of AR applications for smartphones
  10. Laboratory: Cybernetics and Reality Engineering Laboratory
    Summary: Let's develop an AR application that recognizes the real environment with a camera such as Pokémon Go or SNOW. You will develop the application on a laptop computer using Unity and AR Foundation as smartphone application development (Don't worry, we will lend you the development equipment if necessary). On the first day, you will learn basic development procedures, check some sample programs, and generate your own ideas. On the second day, you will implement the application based on object recognition, face recognition, gesture input, etc., according to your own interests. On the third day, you will complete the application and give the presentation for the lab members. Let’s come up with various applications such as placing virtual vases or furniture in the room, changing the age of the face, or using voice to notify the recognized objects.
    Method: Face-to-Face
    Date: 3 days
    Capacity: 5
  11. Machine learning to detect malicious attacks in network traffic
  12. Laboratory: Software Design and Analysis Laboratory
    Summary: In this exercise, you will use machine learning to analyze a large amount of network packets and develop a program that can detect malicious network attacks such as DDoS. You will also understand and evaluate the performance of the program. In the exercise, you will learn the basics of machine learning in a hands-on manner, so that you can acquire the skill to build your own machine learning model from scratch and apply that technology to network analysis.
    Method: Hybrid (You can choose Online or Face-to-Face)
    Date: 2 days
    Capacity: 5
    Qualification: Experience in Python is preferred
  13. イーロンマスクの衛星ネットワークStarlinkを徹底解剖!
  14. Laboratory: Internet Architecture and Systems Laboratory
    Summary: 世の中には様々な無線通信インフラがありますが、Starlinkは一体どんな特性のネットワークなのでしょうか?Starlinkはじめ色んなネットワーク上で実際に通信してみて、他のネットワークとの違いを体験します。
    Method: Face-to-Face
    Date: 2 days
    Capacity: 5
    Qualification: None
    Document: Link
  15. Can humans understand animals better through AI?
  16. Laboratory: Mathematical Informatics Laboratory
    Summary: 動物の行動や情動についてよりよく理解するために今日においても研究が盛んになされている。さらなる動物研究の進展のために、より大規模に自動的な計測がなされていくと考えられる。いずれヒトによってすべての計測データを確認することには限界が生じるであろう。そのため、実際に動物の行動を機械学習・AIによって分析する試みも多数なされるようになっている。しかし、実際にはモデルに対する学習事例を準備するためのアノテーションも、作業者に大きな負担となっている。これはヒトに対して超大規模な学習事例を用いることで機械学習・人工知能の適用が成功してきたという状況と乖離しており、動物のデータに対して機械学習・AIを適用する上で小さからぬ問題となっている。 本テーマでは、画像・映像中の動物の行動・情動状態推定技術について学習し、その適用を行う。その一環として、アノテーションコストを削減するための技術である転移学習や few/zero-shot learning についても紹介し、それらの動物データへの適用可能性について検証する。 また、心拍変動情報からのイヌの情動状態推定や他種の動物の行動分析など、動物の行動・情動、ヒトとのインタラクションの評価に関する我々の様々な技術的アプローチについても紹介する。
    Method: Hybrid (You can choose Online or Face-to-Face)
    Date: 3 days
    Capacity: 9
    Qualification: Pythonによるプログラミングの経験があることが望ましい
    Document: Link
  17. How to write Verilog of RISC-V and run on FPGA within three days
  18. Laboratory: Computing Architecture Laboratory
    Summary: Understand the architecture, write a simulator, write Verilog, and run a C program including printf() on an FPGA. Experience the golden route of steady development in 3 days.
    Method: Face-to-Face
    Date: 3 days
    Capacity: 4
    Qualification: Programming experience in C
    Document: Link
  19. ネットワークセキュリティのための高速かつ高度なカーネルネットワーキングの実装
  20. Laboratory: Large-Scale Systems Management Laboratory
    Summary: extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) や eXpress Data Path (XDP) はLinuxのカーネル上に任意のプログラムを注入することで高速なデータパスを実現できる. その結果,従来のユーザ空間でパケットを処理する方法と異なり,カーネル空間上でパケットを高速かつ軽量に処理できることが知られている. しかしながら,eBPFやXDPには浮動小数点演算の禁止や最大スタック領域の上限といった様々な制約が存在する. このような制約は機械学習などの高度なプログラムをカーネル上で展開することを難しくしている. 本テーマでは,eBPFやXDPによるパケット処理手法を学習するとともに,カーネル上で機械学習を搭載した高度なパケット処理による侵入検知システム(Intrusion Detection System: IDS)を実装し,次世代通信基盤を支える高度なカーネルネットワーキングの理解を深める. # キーワード: extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF), eXpress Data Path (XDP), 機械学習, ネットワークセキュリティ, 侵入検知システム(Intrusion Detection System: IDS)
    Method: Online
    Date: 2 days
    Capacity: 3
    Qualification: C言語とPythonによるプログラミング経験があることが望ましい.
    Document: Link
  21. ロボットに行動を学習させてみよう
  22. Laboratory: Robot Learning Laboratory
    Summary: 深層学習に代表される機械学習はデータから有益な情報を取り出すことができます.本セミナーは,ロボットが実際に取得したデータに機械学習を適用することで課題の解決に挑戦します.学習の仕組みとロボット制御への利用方法を学びます.
    Method: Face-to-Face
    Date: 2 days
    Capacity: 4
    Qualification: Pythonによるプログラミング経験があることが望ましい.
  23. Deep learning meets Physics for Image defogging
  24. Laboratory: Optical Media Interface Laboratory
    Summary: In recent years, deep learning approaches have achieved remarkable success in image processing. On the other hand, the performance of deep learning depends on the size and quality of training dataset. This seminar focuses on image defogging, and we evaluate the performance and limitation of deep learning through synthesizing foggy images with a physics-based model and training a deep neural network.
    Method: Hybrid (You can choose Online or Face-to-Face)
    Date: 2 days
    Capacity: 5
    Qualification: Programming experience in Python
  25. Network Reliability Evaluation Using Binary Decision Diagram
  26. Laboratory: Large-Scale Systems Management Laboratory
    Summary: ネットワークのリンクが確率的に故障するとき、指定された2ノード間で正しく通信が行える確率をネットワーク信頼性といいます。ネットワーク信頼性はネットワークのサービスの質を評価する重要な指標ですが、その計算はNP困難であり、素朴な方法では数十リンク規模のネットワークでも厳密に計算することは難しいです。しかし実用上は、二分決定グラフ(BDD)と呼ばれるデータ構造を用いることで数百リンク規模のネットワークに対してもネットワーク信頼性を厳密かつ高速に計算できることが知られています。本テーマでは、BDDを用いたネットワーク信頼性評価法について、PythonのライブラリGraphillionを用いて実践的に学習します。
    Method: Hybrid (You can choose Online or Face-to-Face)
    Date: 2 days
    Capacity: 3
    Qualification: Programming experience in Python
    Document: Link
  27. Cooperation in Swarm Robotics Using Kilobots
  28. Laboratory: Dependable System Laboratory
    Summary: In this seminar, the participants will try to design distributed algorithms using Kilobots, which are small robots for swarm robotics. In online settings, we will use a simulation software for the robots.
    Method: Hybrid (You can choose online or face-to-face)
    Date: 3 days
    Capacity: 3
    Qualification: Programming experience (e.g., in C, Java)

Lab tour

Please visit Lab Tour.


Please visit Access Map.


Please visit FAQ (in Japanese).

Handling of the Seminar when public transport services are suspended, etc.

1. Handling of the Seminar when public transport services are suspended
The Seminar will be cancelled when the services of the Kintetsu lines (Keihanna, Nara, and Kyoto) and/or Nara Kotsu Bus lines (routes serving Gakken Kita-Ikoma Sta., Gakuenmae Sta., and Takanohara Sta.) are suspended due to a major disaster, accident, etc. The table below shows the handling of the seminar when public transport services are restored.
2. Handling of the seminar when a weather warning is issued
The Seminar will be cancelled when an Emergency Warning and a storm(or snowstorm) warning is issued in Ikoma City, Nara City and the area including those cities. The table below shows the handling of the seminar when the warning is cancelled.

Status at 7:00 a.m./10:00 a.m.Handling of the seminar
Public transport services are restored and the warning is cancelled at or before 7:00 a.m.The Seminar are held for the whole day
Public transport services are restored and the warning is cancelled at or before 10:00 a.m.The Seminar are held in the afternoon
Public transport services remain suspended and the warning remains in effect after 10:00 a.m.The Seminar are cancelled for the whole day

Note: Information on the TV, Internet, etc. is used to check if public transport services are suspended/restored or a warning is issued/cancelled.

Past Seminars (in English)