Lab Experience

The Division of Information Science offers prospective students various program to take a grasp of the school including open school events, spring and summer seminars.
For those who are not able to attend such events, we provide a custom made lab experience program, from which you can preview our research and academic life.
The program includes:
・short stay (up to three days) on a lab you requested,
・finding solution for a given theme with supervision of faculty and staff,
・attending lab activity.
A previous appointment is required for attending the program.Please send an e-mail with required information as below to
- Name:
- Your school/company name and school year:
- Mail address:
- Labs you plan to visit (or Research Theme):
- Desired dates and duration to stay:
We will arrange your program and reply to you with the schedule. The scheduled date for your visit may not meet your requirement because of the Labs' ordinary activities or other events. Please designate your desired dates to visit with possible widest range.
Program details will be set up based on attendee's request and background.
Note: Collaborative labs are not accepting visitors for this program. We recommend to reserve on-campus accommodation "Guesthouse Sentan", if you come from a long distance.