Government-subsidized Projects
This program trains IT human resources with practical security capabilities, required by the industry through both exercises of actual environment use and lectures of basic and applied skills. Attendants can practically experience and acquire skills to encounter information security threats and attacks through a wide range of exercise programs including encryption, systems, networks, monitoring and management in the latest practical training environment.
Inheriting a successful program of "IT specialist fostering projects," we now provide four special training programs of IT-Triadic, IT-RT, IT Spiral, and IT Keys:
IT-Triadic course
A leading education program for IT multi-specialists in a cybermedia society.
IT-RT course
IT Specialist program to foster next-generation roboticists.
IT Spiral course
IT Specialist Program Initiative for Reality-based Advanced Learning and collaborative project to develop a common curriculum for teaching software engineering.
IT Keys course
IT Specialist program to promote Key Engineer as Security Specialists.
Creaton of Ambient Intelligence Basis for Improvement of QOL in Information Society(2010-2013)

This project seeks to create a basic platform for ambient intelligence, which allows our environment to function as a single intelligent unit through a network of cameras and sensors, installed and integrated into and throughout the community. It is based on the concept of the ubiquitous network society, where information processing is networked throughout every aspect of the social community. The project also aims to promote the realization of a safe, secure and comfortable life space for all members of society through the application of ambient intelligence.
IT specialist fostering program (2007-)

In a project started by MEXT in 2006, the School conducted two programs, pushing for highly professional training: the “IT Specialist Program Initiative for Reality-based Advanced Learning (IT-Spiral)” and the “IT specialist program to promote Key Engineers as securitY Specialists (IT-Keys)”. The experience from these programs has been reflected in the School's standard curriculum even after MEXT completed the project.
EPEER Project
Education Program for Engineers and Enterprisers in Robotic (EPEER) aims to foster leading engineers. To provide a practical curriculum, the Project brings together leading Robot Technology researchers from higher education institutes and related organizations.
The Support Program for Improving Graduate School Education(2007-2009)
The Support Program for Improving Graduate School Education was started in 2007 as a new initiative of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. It's aim is to enhance the education level of graduate schools all over Japan by supporting excellent, organized and systematic educational programs in doctoral and master's courses and, as a result, to apply successful programs widely to other schools.
Initiatives for Attractive Education in Graduate Schools (2005-2006)
The educational theme we applied for in the Initiatives for Attractive Education in Graduate Schools, namely the Core Program to Promote Talented Students for the Future in Information Science, was selected as one of the national target programs in scientific fields. In information science, five institutions including our Division of Information Science were selected for the first term.
21 Century COE Program(2002-2006)
To form a research and education center for "Ubiquitous Networked Media Computing", the School was elected as one of the nation's 20 best universities in the fields of "information, electricity and electronics".