5.Flexible Research Environment
Our flexible research environment encourages students to exercise initiative and work independently on their own theme and to continue on the frontier of a future IT society.
The School focuses on stimulating students' independence in research.

Many students are very familiar with fields of research and research problems when they enter this School and may decide their lab right after the initial orientation and lab visits. The School gives priority to students' preference rather than distributing an equal number of students to each lab.
Once students are assigned to each lab, if they wish to change their research field or if their current lab does not suit their interest, they may change labs if circumstances allow. A strong interest in one's Master's studies is, to be sure, given much importance.
Students may choose their research themes freely after consulting with supervisors.
The courses are organized to cover a wide range of Information Science fields.
Research covers a wide range of Information Science in the three departments of Computer Science, Media Informatics and Applied Informatics, with 21 basic-studies labs, one lab with visiting lecturers, and thirteen collaborative labs at corporations off campus.
Diversified programs
In order to complete the Master's Program, students may choose between submitting a “Master's Thesis”(4 credits) or doing "Theme Research" (4 credits), which is a report that summarizes a technical survey and a system development.