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Colloquium A/B and Research Status Hearing Schedule 2019

Please check this page frequently as the schedule is constantly updated.

What's New

Importtant reminders

Schedule of Colloquium A/B, 1st quarter (Apr. 9th - Jun. 4th)

Basically, Colloquium A/B will be start from the 2nd quater.

Schedule of Colloquium A/B, 2nd quarter (Jun. 5th - Sep. 30th)

Colloquium B student presentation schedule is here.

Presentations marked with ☁Ewill not be counted as your attendance score.

6/5(Wed., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
6/7(Fri., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (☁EL1) (Abstract)
6/10(Mon., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
6/12(Wed., 3rd Period) (CB) New AP Lecture: Yuki Matduda, Naoya Isoyama (Abstract) [Chair: Kobayashi]
6/14(Fri., 3rd Period) (CB) New AP Lecture: Keichi Takahashi, Na Chen (Abstract) [Chair: Ming Huang]
6/17(Mon., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (☁E (Abstract)
6/19(Wed., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
6/20(Thu., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
6/24(Mon., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
6/26(Wed., 3rd Period) (CB) New AP Lecture: Yuta Hiasa (Abstract) [Chair: Fujimoto]
6/27(Thu., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (☁EL2) (Abstract)
6/28(Fri., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
7/1(Mon., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)

Second presentations & Midterm Presentation Program (Sep. 17th - Sep. 27th)

Colloquium B student presentation schedule is here.

Presentations marked with ☁Ewill not be counted as your attendance score.

9/17(Tue., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (☁EL3) (Abstract)
9/17(Tue., 2nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (☁EL3) (Abstract)
9/17(Tue., 3nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/17(Tue., 4th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/17(Tue., 5th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/18(Wed., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/18(Wed., 2nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/18(Wed., 3nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/18(Wed., 4th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/19(Thu., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/19(Thu., 2nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/19(Thu., 3nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/19(Thu., 4th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/19(Thu., 5th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/20(Fri., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/20(Fri., 4th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/24(Tue., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/24(Tue., 2nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/24(Tue., 3nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/24(Tue., 4th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/25(Wed., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/25(Wed., 2nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/25(Wed., 3nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/25(Wed., 4th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/25(Wed., 5th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/26(Thu., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/26(Thu., 2nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/26(Thu., 3nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/26(Thu., 4th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (☁E (Abstract)
9/26(Thu., 5th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/27(Fri., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/27(Fri., 2nd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/27(Fri., 3rd Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
9/30(Mon., 1st Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
10/4(Fri., 4th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
10/16(Wed., 16:00~) (CB) Student Presentation (☁E (Abstract)

Schedule of Colloquium A/B, 3rd quarter (Oct. 4th - Dec. 6th)

Schedule of Master 1st Presentation (2019/11-2019/12)

Colloquium B student presentation schedule is here.

11/18(Mon., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
11/20(Wed., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
11/21(Thu., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
11/25(Mon., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
11/26(Tue., 10:00-11:00) (CB) Student Presentation (☁E (Abstract)
11/27(Wed., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
11/29(Fri., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
12/2(Mon., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
12/4(Wed., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
12/6(Fri., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
12/9(Mon., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
12/11(Wed., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)
12/20(Fri., 3th Period) (CB) Student Presentation (Abstract)

Schedule of Colloquium A/B, 4th quarter (Dec. 9th - Mar. 3rd)

02/06(Thu., 3rd Period) (CB) Reports of long term abroad activities (Alexander Plopski, Taisuke Kobayashi) (Abstract) [Chair: Taisuke Kobayashi] English

Credit condition for Colloquiums A and B concerning students assigned to laboratories of information science division

Presentation Guideline for Colloquium B

Prepare your presentations as follows.

Procedure to disclose your presentation title and abstract for Colloquium B

In Colloquium B, students make a presentation of their own research. They must give a 1st presentation 6 month after enrollment, and a 2nd presentation a year later than the 1st one or 6 months before their graduation. Students must disclose the presentation title and abstract at least a week in advance. If they fail to do so, the presentation may not be admitted.

  1. Copy either of template-e.html (English only) or template-ej.html (English and Japanese) in the following directories, and create a file with the name [Student No.].html. For example, if your Student No. is 0461099, your file name must be 0461099.html. You can access above directories on the following hosts. Utilize ssh to log in the host.
  2. Open the file, fill out the title and abstract of your talk, and save the file.
  3. Check the site below:
    follow the link of your presentation, and confirm that the information of your talk has been uploaded.

Attending attitude

The first aim of Colloquium presentation is to widen your perspective and train your presentation and communication abilities.

So try to provide a comprehensible presentation and also try to ask many questions and discuss the presentation with each other. To complete this aim, try to understand research activities carried out in this school with each other and gain experience with debate and discussions. Students are given priority as questioners. So, chairs not only get comments from sub-research advisors, but also have to facilitate all the students to join the discussion instead of just relying on the sub-research advisors.

The chair calls on a questioner, who then gives their occupation and name, asks questions and presents opinions. The chair is responsible to control time.

Questions are categorized in two groups. One is to clarify the concept or how to interpret the data, which helps not only the questioner but also audience members from different study fields to understand the research. Another is to present your own opinion, idea, and future problems to be solved, and ask about solutions, which can be really helpful for the next research step. Discussion, pros and cons, also makes research more constructive and helps with progress.

Although in academic conferences and doctoral defense, it is understandable that you might hesitate to ask questions in crowds because of a lack of confidence in your own knowledge, the Colloquium is a place to train yourself and not a rehearsal for a conference. So do not hesitate to take advantage of discussion and debate.

Past ColloquiumEEbsolete name: SeminarEE/a>
colloquium-aEis.naist.jp, colloquium-bEis.naist.jp