
日時: 9月19日(木)4限(15:10~16:40)

会場: L2

司会: 陳娜
今林 亘 D, 中間発表 知能システム制御 杉本 謙二, 岡田 実, 浦岡 行治(物質), 松原 崇充, 小蔵 正輝
title: Feedback Error Learning Control against Temporal Sensing Failure and SPR condition Establishment by Filter Design
abstract: Feedback error learning (FEL) control attains accurate response to a target signal by tuning parameters in the feedforward (FF) controller, provided that feedback (FB) control stabilizes closed-loop in two-degree-of-freedom structure. The authors proposed an FEL tuning law by which the output error converges to zero for any target signals, under a strictly positive real (SPR) condition of the closed-loop. We apply FEL control to the following two problems. A), temporal sensing failure is known that in networked control the sensing signal may be lost from time to time due to congestion in communication channels. Such temporal sensing failure also happens due to occlusion of non-contact sensors. In this presentation, we show that our FEL control is effective for such sensing failure through numerical simulation. B), SPR condition is not always satisfied even if the plant is biproper or has relative degree one. We propose to satisfy the SPR condition by designing a filter in FF controller. This is done by solving i) a linear matrix inequality (LMI) for a nominal plant; and ii) a finite set of LMIs for the uncertain plant in a polytope representation. We verify the effectiveness of these methods via a numerical example.
language of the presentation: Japanese
牧 泰宏 M, 2回目発表 知能システム制御 杉本 謙二, 岡田 実, 松原 崇充, 小蔵 正輝
title:State estimation under irregurarly signal loss
abstract: In networked control systems, the problem is that the sampling period changes irregularly due to signal loss. In this study, we consider state estimation of a system whose sampling period is irregular due to signal loss. In this presentation, we will describe how to design an observer that switches the gain according to the number of losses that occurred, and shows a numerical simulation.
language of the presentation: Japanese
八木 聖太 M, 2回目発表 知能システム制御 杉本 謙二, 岡田 実, 松原 崇充, 小蔵 正輝
title: Robust stabilization of transmit power control algorithms in environments with structural uncertainty
abstract: We study stabilization problems for a distributed power control algorithm (Foschini-Miljanic Algorithm) for wireless communication networks. We consider the problem of adjusting required SINR(Signal−to−Interference plus Noise power Ratio)of the channels in the communication network for ensuring the stability of the algorithm. We present numerical simulations for illustrating the effectiveness of the theoretical results obtained.
language of the presentation: Japanese
白井 侯丞 M, 2回目発表 ネットワークシステム学 岡田 実, 杉本 謙二, 東野 武史, Dong Duong Thang, Chen Na
title:An Experimental Investigation of the MUSIC-based Wireless Position Location using LCX antenna at 5GHz band
abstract:In recent years, a wireless system using LCX(Leaky CoXial cable) antenna has been studied as a method of locationg a wireless terminal in indoor. As typical method, the IFFT(Inverse Fast Fourier Transform) of the channel frequency response is available for obtaining channel impulse response, then, local position can be estimated based on the TDOA(Time Difference Of Arrival). Although spacial resolution of positioning is limited by measured bandwidth of frequency response, the MUSIC(MUltiple SIgnal Classification) algorithm has been proposed to overcome its limitation. Previous study employed the MUSIC algorithm in 2 by 2 LCX antenna system at 2.4 GHz band, and its precision has been evaluated experimentally. Since the LCX antenna has newly developed for 5 GHz, positioning performance at 5 GHz band has newly developed for 5 GHz, positioning performance at 5 GHz band has evaluated in this research. After the channel response was measured in the radio anechoic chamber, and its precision is experimentally evaluated.
language of the presentation: Japanese