
日時: 9月25日(水)4限(15:10~16:40)

会場: L1

司会: Kim Youngwoo
田井中 渓志 M, 2回目発表 インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一, 清川 清, Alexander Plopski, 武富 貴史(客員)
title:A Proposal of Augmented Reality Software Design Guidelines for Assembly Work Support
abstract:The effectiveness of augmented reality (AR) technology for assembly work support has been confirmed in many papers, and systems using AR can be easily designed and developed by the emergence of hardware that can easily handle AR technology in recent years and the enhancement of the software development environment. However, in order to create an efficient work support system, appropriate design and development of software is important, and this requires specialized knowledge. Currently, guidelines for work support that can solve this problem are not exist. In this time, therefore, based on the information presentation method using AR that has been published so far, we propose a guideline that enables the design of appropriate AR software for work support according to the work contents and the position and orientation estimation technology to be used.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表概要:組み立て作業支援に対して,拡張現実感(AR)技術が有効であることは数多くの論文で確認されており,また近年のそのAR 技術を手軽に扱えるハードウェアの登場やソフトウェアの開発環境の充実などにより,AR を用いたシステムが,容易に設計・開発可能になった.ただし,効率的な作業支援システムを作成するには,ソフトウェアの適切な設計・開発が重要となり,これには専門的な知識が必要となるが,現在,これを解決する作業支援のためのガイドラインは存在しない.そこで,今回,これまでに発表されたAR を用いた情報提示手法をもとに,作業の内容や使用する位置姿勢推定技術に応じた適切なAR作業支援ソフトウェアの設計を可能にするガイドラインを提案する.
渡邉 大生 M, 2回目発表 インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一, 清川 清, Alexander Plopski, 武富 貴史(客員)
title: Accurate color reproduction on Optical-See-Through Head Mounted Display
abstract: Today's Optical-See-Through Head Mounted Display (OST-HMD) follows Sutherland's 1st prototype. Therefore, the existing OST-HMD shares many same problems as the prototype. As one of the problems, there is color reproduction problem. To overcome the problem, there are two approaches which are hardware approach and software approach. The hardware approach has the possibility to dramatically overcome the problem. For instance, one hardware approach can show a virtual object onto the user's view which is subtracted background light. However, the approach generally induces a large amount of the equipment or the heaviness. Therefore, that kind of the research take a long time to obtain the practical result. On the other hands, the software approach needs less number of the equipment to construct OST-HMD. Therefore, that makes the amount of time to obtain practical result more shorter and keeps the advantage which OST-HMD has lightweight. An existing software approach outputs a difference image that is generated from target image and background image. However, the method puts the priority for the color reproduction compare to the semi-transparency of the target image. Therefore, the result shows some areas which can be recognized as the background component. Hence, This study try to showing the image which is compensated with higher priority to remove the semi-transparency compare to the color reproduction.
language of the presentation: Japanese
BUTASLAC ISIDRO Ⅲ MENDOZA M, 2回目発表 インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一, 清川 清, 太田 淳(MS), Alexander Plopski
title: Exploring how Augmented Reality Support can Impact the Evaluation of Occupational Therapists
abstract: The aim of this work is to support therapists' clinical evaluations by providing them augmented reality (AR) visualizations. We believe that if therapists observe patient information through an AR experience, this would greatly improve their clinical eye. Since there are a million ways to present information, the main question this work seeks to answer is "What should be visualized, and how?". We show possibilities of what data to visualize by using load cells to obtain force information and kinect camera to obtain 3D joints position of patient. With these data we then present different ways of how to visualize these information, such as a scaling graphs depending on the force exerted by the patient on the location on the chair, or overlay a skeleton visualization on the patient itself. We also explore different mediums the therapist can experience AR, such as comparing the differences between handheld devices and head mounted displays. We will assess the different forms of visualizations we have created when we deploy the whole system to the hospital.
language of the presentation: English
YU MIAO M, 2回目発表 インタラクティブメディア設計学 加藤 博一, 清川 清, Alexander Plopski, 武富 貴史(客員)

会場: L2

司会: 松田裕貴
田力 健人 M, 2回目発表 ロボティクス 小笠原 司, 杉本 謙二, 高松 淳, 丁 明
title:3D Model-Based Interference-free Assembly Sequence Generation for Products with a Large Number of Parts
abstract:Current approaches to generating product assembly sequences with given assembly constraints require manual input.To reduce human intervention in the process, we propose an automated sequence planning method using only a STEP file, a kind of 3D CAD file.To find the assembly sequence of many parts with the least number of direction changes, we use a genetic algorithm and provide a method to select the initial gene based on the interferences rather than merely generating randomized initial genes.The proposed method can generate an assembly sequence even for an assembled product with 32 parts.Next, generally speaking, to assemble products, parts that have holes are prepared and the other parts are inserted to the holes.Aiming to generate a feasible sequence satisfying the insertion condition using only the STEP CAD file, we propose to use insertion matrix indicating the insertion relation between adjacent parts.Experiments have shown that the male part to be inserted are assembled after preparing the female part properly.
language of the presentation:Japanese
TULATHUM PATTARAPORN M, 2回目発表 ロボティクス 小笠原 司, 杉本 謙二, 高松 淳, 丁 明
title: Transferring Touch Feeling Between Different Users Using Haptic Sensor
abstract: Haptic feedback refers to the technology that stimulates the senses of touch and motion. These sensations enable direct interactions of a user with physical objects as well as the development of remote haptic feedback and haptic-based simulation systems. The purpose of this study is the development of a haptic perception and transformation system including bidirectionality and self-reference of human perception. This method can be used for perceiving the feelings when touching on material surfaces and transfer those feelings to different people.
language of the presentation: English