Division of Information Science, NAIST
Spring Seminar
Feb. 19 (Wed.) - 21 (Fri.) 2020
Spring Seminar 2020 will be held on the Division of Information Science, NAIST, on February 19-21. You can experience the cutting-edge research on Information Science during this Spring Seminar.
We are looking forward to your application!
Date |
Feb. 20 - 21, 2020 (2 days course), or Feb. 19 - 21 (3 days course), 2020 (Depend on the topics) |
Venue |
Division of Information Science, NAIST (Takayama 8916-5, Ikoma, Nara 630-0192, Japan) |
Intended audience |
Education higher than undergraduate including non-academic applicants who are planning to become IS students.
If you are not a candidate, please apply the Lab tour |
Capacity |
Depends on each theme (please check the table below).
If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity, a selection process will be done by the corresponding laboratory.
Admission fee |
FREE! However, we don't cover any travel or accommodation costs. We also don't issue any documents for applying visa etc. |
Application form |
Contact us |
Spring Seminar Committee
ss2002[at]is.naist.jp |
- Feb. 19 Wednesday (Only for 3-day course)
09:20 Members of labs will wait for participants in first floor (1F) of IS building (red building)
9:30 - 17:00 Participant takes one day training (Lab.)
- Feb. 20 Thusday (Start of 2-day course)
09:20 all participants of 2-day and 3-day course gather at L3 room of IS building
9:30 - 10:00 Explanation of NAIST's entrance examination (at L3 room of IS building)
10:00 - 11:00 Introductions of CICP Projects
11:00 - 17:00 Training (Lab.)
- Feb. 21 Friday
09:30 - 17:00 one day training (Lab.)
- 1. Introduction of Analog Computing Circuits for Post-Digital Era
Laboratory: |
Computing Architecture Laboratory |
Summary: |
Experiments on speeding up of programs by using a Non-neumann digital accelerator (IMAX) will be provided. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
2 |
Qualification: |
The candidates are expected to hold programming experience in C |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 2. How to Develop Anti-Counterfeit System using Blockchain Smart Contracts
Laboratory: |
Computing Architecture Laboratory |
Summary: |
This lectures gives you brief introduction about decentralized Blockchain technology as well as its key features. You are also instructed how to code smart contract hierarchy for building a simple Anti-Counterfeit system on Ethereum platform. You are encouraged to learn solidity programming language in advance . |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
Programming language skill is required |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 3. Introduction to Neuromorphic LSI Model Inspired by Real Visual Structure
Laboratory: |
Computing Architecture Laboratory |
Summary: |
There are regulations imposed on the provision of these technologies to non-Japanese entities, based on the Japanese "Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act". Therefore, according to our university policy, unfortunately, we can not accept international students into my laboratory. |
Date: |
3 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
There are regulations imposed on the provision of these technologies to non-Japanese entities, based on the Japanese "Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act". Therefore, according to our university policy, unfortunately, we can not accept international students into my laboratory. |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 4. Algorithm design toward 100 small robots
Laboratory: |
Dependable System Laboratory |
Summary: |
Most existing systems, such as the Internet, clouds, and IoTs, are distributed systems, which consist of many computers that can communicate with each other. In this seminar, we will learn algorithms for distributed systems by making 100 small robots (kilobots) collaborate. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
Programming experience |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 5. Why are FPGAs' performance different? But they are the same
Laboratory: |
Dependable System Laboratory |
Summary: |
FPGA is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by a designer. Recently, FPGAs have been widely utilized for big data analytics, financial transaction, machine learning accelerator, and so on. In this seminar, we will provide two FPGAs whose performances are different. With designing ring oscillators on these FPGAs, we have the applicants consider the causes of the difference in their performance from measurement and circuit simulation. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
2 |
Qualification: |
Design experience in Verilog language |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 6. ドライブレコーダ動画を用いたキュレーション動画の作成
Laboratory: |
Ubiquitous Computing Systems Laboratory |
Summary: |
ドライブレコーダは,年々普及が拡大しているが,事故発生時などネガティブな場面での活用が多い.本研究室では,ドライブレコーダ動画のポジティブな活用の一つとして観光動画キュレーションに取り組んでいる.本セミナーでは,ドラレコ動画から画像解析技術を用いてオブジェクト認識し,その結果に基づくキュレーション手法の開発に取り組む. |
Date: |
3 days |
Capacity: |
4 |
Qualification: |
言語は問わないがプログラミング経験があること |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 7. プログラムを自動修正する開発環境
Laboratory: |
Software Engineering Laboratory |
Summary: |
本セミナーでは、学習データとして用いるソフトウェア開発データの選択によって自動修正の能力をどこまで人間に近づけられるか実験を行うことで、プログラムの自動修正技術の基礎を学びます。 |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
4 |
Qualification: |
プログラミング経験があること(言語は問わない)。 |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 8. Build your own little supercomputer
Laboratory: |
Software Design and Analysis Laboratory |
Summary: |
Supercomputers are high-performance computers that enable large-scale computation required for countless scientific applications including weather forecasts, drug design, and artificial intelligence. In this seminar, you will build your own small computer cluster by interconnecting multiple low-cost computers. You will be provided with the same set of software used in large-scale production supercomputers. You will run parallel distributed applications on your cluster and understand how supercomputers achieve their massive computing performance. |
Date: |
3 days |
Capacity: |
4 |
Qualification: |
Programming experience |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 9. Using machine learning for packet analysis and cyber attack detection
Laboratory: |
Software Design and Analysis Laboratory |
Summary: |
In this seminar, we will analyze a large amount of network packet datasets using machine learning models. We develop programs to detect cyber attacks using the machine learning models and evaluate the programs. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
Experience in Python is preferred |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 10. Theory and Practice on Cybersecurity
Laboratory: |
Laboratory for Cyber Resilience |
Summary: |
In this seminar, you can have an practical experiences on security assessments on WLAN and discuss countermeasures based on your experiences. You also have a theoretical practice for comprehensive cybersecurity defense through board games. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
10 |
Qualification: |
You need to take your laptop having WLAN and which runs Linux-based OS as an VM. You should be also familiar with Linux CUI. |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 11. 実装の脆弱性を利用して強力な暗号を解読してみよう!
Laboratory: |
Information Security Engineering |
Summary: |
暗号モジュールの動作中に生じる消費電力や放射電磁波といった本来の入出力以外の情報(サイドチャネル情報)を観察することで秘密鍵を奪うサイドチャネル攻撃が新たな脅威として注目を集めています。本セミナーでは、暗号アルゴリズムをソフトウェア及びハードウェア実装し、暗号処理の動作中に生じるサイドチャネル情報を実際に計測し、それを用いて暗号を解読する手法について学ぶと共に、こうした攻撃に対抗するための対策手法についての基本概念を学びます。 |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
4 |
Qualification: |
C言語によるプログラミング経験があること |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 12. Let's Hack Vehicles
Laboratory: |
Internet Architecture and Systems Laboratory |
Summary: |
現在普及している自動車は複数のECU(車載コンピュータ)がCAN(車内ネットワーク)を通して様々な情報をやりとりして稼働しています。本研修ではそのECU同士の通信を傍受しデータの意味を解析して、その内容を可視化したり、リモコンドア解除をスマホから行ってみたりと、車をとことんハックします。. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
特になし(Linuxのコマンドライン操作経験やデータ整形のためのプログラミング経験があることが望ましい) |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 13. Learning wireless communication using software defined radio
Laboratory: |
Network Systems Laboratory |
Summary: |
Attendee will try to build the digital wireless communication system using the software defined radio. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
2 |
Qualification: |
Not specified. The matlab programming will be included in this seminar. |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 14. ビデオシースルーHMDで視覚拡張の世界を体感しよう
Laboratory: |
Cybernetics and Reality Engineering (CARE) Laboratory |
Summary: |
近年、科学技術の力で人間の能力をパワーアップする人間拡張という研究分野が盛んになっています。本実習ではその入門として、ステレオカメラの映像を加工してHMDを通して見ることで、周囲の見え方が様々に変化する視覚拡張システムを制作します。1日目は基本的な画像処理について学び、2日目はインストラクタと相談しながら自由にシステムを改良していきます。自身の興味やスキルに合わせて、360°カメラや距離センサ、ジェスチャ入力装置、視線検出装置などを用いたり、シェーダや深層学習を用いたリアルタイム画像変換などにチャレンジすることもできます。どのように便利な見え方、あるいは楽しい見え方をするかはあなたのアイデア次第です。意欲のある人はさらに3日目に参加するのもOKです。 |
Date: |
3 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
CまたはC++によるプログラミング経験があることが望ましい |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 15. テレイグジスタンスシステムを制作してみよう
Laboratory: |
Cybernetics and Reality Engineering (CARE) Laboratory |
Summary: |
近年、インターネットの発達により顔画像を利用したSkypeやFaceTimeによるテレコミュニケーションが一般的になってきました。この顔画像だけのテレコミュニケーションを発達させ、遠く離れた場所にあるロボットやシステムをネットを介して遠隔操作し、何らかの作業を行うことをテレイグジスタンスといいます。本実習ではその入門として、カメラを搭載した遠隔操作可能なロボットに様々な機能や役割を追加したテレイグジスタンスシステムを制作します。最終的に、遠隔作業用・遠隔コミュニケーション向けテレイグジスタンスになるかはあなたのアイデア次第です。1日目は簡単なテレイグジスタンスシステムの構成方法について学び、あたらしいテレイグジスタンスのアイデア出しを開始、2日目はインストラクタのサポートを受けながら自由にシステムを実装していただきます。3日目も参加希望の人は引き続き実装していただけます。 |
Date: |
3 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
CまたはC++によるプログラミング経験があることが望ましい |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 16. マイコンと機械学習を使って行動認識システムを作ろう
Laboratory: |
Cybernetics and Reality Engineering (CARE) Laboratory |
Summary: |
コンピュータやセンサの小型化が進み、生活の中へと多くのシステムが導入され、人々を支えています。システムでは、センサから人々の行動に関するデータが取得され、コンピュータがそのデータを分析し、人々のサポートを行うアクチュエーションを行っています。本実習では、マイコン(Arduino, ESP32, M5Stackなど)とセンサ(加速度、ジャイロなど)を用いて、「センシング→行動認識→アクチュエーション」の流れを体験してもらいます。どのようなセンサを使い、どのような行動をどのような手法(機械学習など)により認識し、どのようなアクチュエーションをするかについてアイデアを出すところから始めていただき、実装するまでをチャレンジしていただきます。1日目はマイコンの基本的な利用方法について学び、アイデア出しを開始、2日目はインストラクタのサポートを受けながら自由にシステムを実装していただきます。3日目も参加希望の人は引き続き実装していただけます。 |
Date: |
3 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 17. Development of AR system based on human sensing technology
Laboratory: |
Interactive Media Design Laboratory |
Summary: |
While augmented reality (AR) technology has been in widespread use, most of those are currently limited as game application. Goal of the project is to develop the system for sensing user' current status and behavior and overlaying useful information in the real world based on those. You can learn human sensing technology and AR technology with head mounted display or projector through this project. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
Programming experience is preferred. |
Introduction Slide: |
Not yet available |
- 18. Making photo-realistic computer graphics from measurement
Laboratory: |
Optical Media Interface Laboratory |
Summary: |
Making photorealistic computer graphics from measurement Photorealistic computer graphics is an image of computer modeled scenes with a quality as close to real scene as possible. One of the key techniques in it is measuring the properties of a real object based on computer vision technique. In this seminar, the participants can learn computer vision technique to capture the realisticity in real object and computer graphics technique to apply it onto computer modeled scenes. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
5 |
Qualification: |
Programming experience in Python |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 19. Bio-inspired robot control and AI
Laboratory: |
Intelligent System Control Laboratory |
Summary: |
The goal of this project is to gain the ability of developing customized simulators. The project involves learning simulation theory (elements of probability, generating random variables and discrete event simulation approach, etc.) and simulation programming practice. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
8 |
Qualification: |
None |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 20. 地理ビッグデータ利活用: リスク予測型自動避難誘導,地理的リスク分析
Laboratory: |
Large-Scale Systems Management Laboratory |
Summary: |
地震によって道路が閉塞する確率や平常時の道路需要など,道路ネットワークに関する地理ビッグデータの整備が進められています.こうした地理ビッグデータが,避難誘導方式や地理的リスク分析にどのように利活用できるかを実習を通して体験してもらいます. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
JavaまたはPythonの経験があることが望ましい. |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
- 21. Developing IoT Applications using Raspberry Pi
Laboratory: |
Large-Scale Systems Management Laboratory |
Summary: |
The Internet of Things (IoT), where a variety of things (e.g., people, sensors, mobile phones) can interact with one another through an Internet-like infrastructure, serves a fundamental architecture for a wide range of important applications such as e-health, smart home and environmental monitoring. In this project, we will use Raspberry Pi and some sensors like temperature and humidity sensors to develop a simple IoT application. |
Date: |
2 days |
Capacity: |
3 |
Qualification: |
Programming experience in C or Python |
Introduction Slide: |
Slideshare |
Lab tour
Please visit Lab Tour.
Please visit Access Map.
Please visit FAQ(in Japanese).
Handling of the Seminar when public transport services are suspended, etc.
1. Handling of the Seminar when public transport services are suspended
The Seminar will be cancelled when the services of the Kintetsu lines (Keihanna, Nara, and Kyoto) and/or Nara Kotsu Bus lines (routes serving Gakken Kita-Ikoma Sta., Gakuenmae Sta., and Takanohara Sta.) are suspended due to a major disaster, accident, etc. The table below shows the handling of the seminar when public transport services are restored.
2. Handling of the seminar when a weather warning is issued
The Seminar will be cancelled when an Emergency Warning and a storm(or snowstorm) warning is issued in Ikoma City, Nara City and the area including those cities. The table below shows the handling of the seminar when the warning is cancelled.
Status at 7:00 a.m./10:00 a.m. | Handling of the seminar |
Public transport services are restored and the warning is cancelled at or before 7:00 a.m. | The Seminar are held for the whole day |
Public transport services are restored and the warning is cancelled at or before 10:00 a.m. | The Seminar are held in the afternoon |
Public transport services remain suspended and the warning remains in effect after 10:00 a.m. | The Seminar are cancelled for the whole day |
Note: Information on the TV, Internet, etc. is used to check if public transport services are suspended/restored or a warning is issued/cancelled.