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平野 学,木村 泰司,山口 英: 「IPsecとIKEを用いたユーザアクセス制御の枠組みの提案とWWWサーバへの適用」, 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.44, No.9, pp.2344-2352, 2003年9月.

神野 元彰, 井上 美智子, 藤原 秀雄,"ホールドとスイッチの機能を考慮した内部平衡構造," 電子情報通信学会論文誌(DI), Vol. J86-D-1, No. 9, pp.682-690, Sep. 2003.

松本裕治「文法の語彙化と自然言語処理」日本語文法, 3巻, 2号, pp.44-57, September 2003.

Tetsuro Takahashi, Kozo Nawata, Kentaro Inui, Yuji Matsumoto,Effects of Structural Matching and Paraphrasing in Question Answering, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E86-D,No.9,pp.1677-1685,電子情報通信学会

武智峰樹、徳永健伸、松本裕治、田中穂積、WWWページからの手順に関する箇条書きの抽出,情報処理学会論文誌:データベース, Vol.44, No.SIG12, pp.51-63, September 2003.

安室喜弘, 石川悠, 井村誠孝, 南広一, 眞鍋佳嗣, 千原國宏: 立体マーカを用 いた実空間における仮想物体の調和的表現〜インタラクティブMRインテリアデ ザイン〜, 映像情報メディア学会誌, Vol.57, No. 10, pp.1307-1313 (2003/9)

吉本恵子, 井村誠孝, 金谷一朗, 安室喜弘, 眞鍋佳嗣, 千原國宏: 景観画像生 成のための大気状態を反映した照明環境合成, 映像情報メディア学会誌, Vol.57, No.10, pp.1314-1319 (2003/9)

金谷一朗,安川慶,眞鍋佳嗣,千原國宏: 遺跡・遺物のディジタルアーカイブのための形状サーフェスモデル生成法, 日本情報考古学会誌, Vol.9, No.1, pp.1-12

佐藤 智和, 池田 聖, 神原 誠之, 池谷 彰彦, 中島 昇, 横矢 直和, 山田 敬嗣: ``紙面を対象としたカメラパス推定による高解像ビデオモザイキング'', 情報技術レターズ, Vol.2, pp.163-164, September 2003.

Masahide Nakamura, Akito Monden, Tomoaki Itoh, Ken-ichi Matsumoto, Yuichiro Kanzaki, and Hirotsugu Satoh, "Queue-based cost evaluation of mental simulation process in program comprehension," Proc. 9th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium (METRICS2003), pp. 351-360, Sydney, Australia, Sep. 2003

Naoya Nitta and Hiroyuki Seki: ``An Extension of Pushdown System and Its Model Checking Method,'' Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2003), Marseille, France, Sept. 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Susumu Kiyamura, Yoshiaki Takata and Hiroyuki Seki:``Process Decomposition via Synchronization Events and Its Application to Counter-Process Decompostion,''Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM 2003), Czestochowa, Poland, Sept. 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Takashi Kobayashi, Masataka Kanamori, and Suguru Yamaguchi, "The Implementation of Intrusion Detection System Focused on Port Violation", Proc. The 3rd International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT2003), September 2003.

Masataka Kanamori, Takashi Kobayashi, and Suguru Yamaguchi, "A Forensic Analysis with Records of Address Mapping", Proc. The 3rd International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies (ISCIT2003), September 2003.

Katsunori ISHII, Sachiko SUZUKI-YOSHIHASHI, Kunihiro CHIHARA and Kunio AWAZU: The FEL irradiation effects against a phosphorylated peptide and the infrared spectrographic distinguishing method of a phosphate group, 25th International Free Electron Laser Conference & 10th FEL User Workshop, Tsukuba, Japan International Conference

N. Nagai,M. Okada,M. Saito,H. Yamamoto:Array antenna assisted Doppler spread compensator with vehicle speed estimator for OFDM, Fourth International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum

M. Saito,T. Hara,M. Okada,H. Yamamoto: Spreading sequences for multi-carrier CDMA systems with nonlinear amplifier, Fourth International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum

Tomokazu Yoneda, Tetsuo Uchiyama and Hideo Fujiwara, "Area and Time Co-Optimization for System-on-a-Chip based on ConsecutiveTestability," IEEE International Test Conference 2003 (ITC'03), pp.415-422, Sep. 2003.BibTeX

Kazumasa Yamazawa and Naokazu Yokoya: "Detecting moving objects from omnidirectional dynamic images based on adaptive background",Proc. 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP2003), Vol. III, pp. 953-956

Mitsuo Shimohata, Eiichiro Sumita, Yuji Matsumoto, Example-based Rough Translation for Speech-to-Speech Translation, Proceedings of the 9th Machine Translation Summit, pp.354-361

Ikuhisa Mitsugami, Norimichi Ukita, Masatsugu Kidode. Estimation of 3D Gazed Position Using View Lines. 12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Sep. 2003

Takahiro Ueoka, Tatsuyuki Kawamura, Yasuyuki Kono, Masatsugu Kidode. I'm Here!: a Wearable Object Remembrance Support System. Fifth International Symposium on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Sep. 2003

Yoshitsugu Manabe, Keiko Yoshimoto, Masataka Imura, Kunihiro Chihara: Measurement of Lighting Environment Using Imaging Spectrograph, 3rd IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, Vol.1 pp.216-221 Benalmadena, Spain

Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, "Mode Shape Compensator for Improving Robustness of Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Base", Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.3011-3016, September, 2003.

H. Yamajo, H. Saruwatari, T. Takatani, T. Nishikawa, K. Shikano, "Blind Separation and Deconvolution for Convolutive Mixture of Speech Using SIMO-Model-Based ICA and Multichannel Inverse Filtering," Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.I-537-540, Sept. 2003

S. Yamade, A. Lee, H. Saruwatari, K. Shikano, "Unsupervised Speaker Adaptation Based on HMM Sufficient Statistics in Various Noisy Environments," Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.II-1493-1496, Sept. 2003

T. Shiraishi, T. Toda, H. Kawanami, H. Saruwatari, K. Shikano, "Simple Designing Methods of Corpus-Based Visual Speech Synthesis," Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.III-2241-2244, Sept. 2003

H. Kawanami, Y. Iwami, T. Toda, H. Saruwatari, K. Shikano, "GMM-based Voice Conversion Applied to Emotional Speech Synthesis," Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.IV-2401-2404, Sept. 2003

P.Heracleous, S.Nakamura, K.Shikano, "A Semi-Blind Source Separation Method for Hands-Free Speech Recognition of Multiple Talkers",Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.I-509-512Sept. 2003

S.Yoshizawa, K.Shikano, "Model-Integration Rapid Training based on Maximum Likelihood for Speech Recognition",Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.IV-2601-2604, Sept. 2003

Y.Nakajima, H.Kashioka, N.Campbell, K.Shikano, "Non-Audible Murmur Recognition", Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.IV-2601-2604, Sept. 2003

T.Nishiura, S.Nakamura, K.Miki, K.Shikano, "Environmental Sound Source Identification Based on Hidden Markov Model for Robust Speech Recognition", Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.IV-2157-2160, Sept. 2003

P.Heracleous, T.Shimizu, "An Efficient Keyword Spotting Technique Using a Complementary Language for Filtering Models Training", Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech2003), pp.921-924, Sept. 2003

H. Saruwatari, H. Yamajo, T. Takatani, T. Nishikawa, K. Shikano, "Blind Separation and Deconvolution of MIMO System Driven by Colored Inputs Using SIMO-Model-Based ICA with Information-Geometric Learning," Proceedings of IEEE Neural Network for Signal Processing Workshop 2003 (NNSP2003), pp.379-388, Sept. 2003.

Hiroaki Yamajo, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Tomoya Takatani, Tsuyoki Nishikawa, Kiyohiro Shikano, Evaluation of Blind Separation and Deconvolution for Convolutive Speech Mixture Using SIMO-Model-Based ICA," Proceedings of IWAENC2003, pp.299-302, Sept. 2003.

Tomoya Takatani, Tsuyoki Nishikawa, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano, "High-Fildeity Blind Separation of Acoustic Signals using SIMO-Model-Based ICA with Information-Geometric Learning," Proceedings of IWAENC2003, pp.251-254, Sept. 2003.

Raj Kishore Prasad, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Kiyohiro Shikano, "Problems in Blind Separation of Convolutive Speech Mixtures by Negentropy Maximization," Proceedings of IWAENC2003, pp.287-290, Sept. 2003.

Hiroshi Saruwatari, Hiroaki Yamajo, Tomoya Takatani, Tsuyoki Nishikawa, Kiyohiro Shikano, "Blind Separation and Deconvolution of MIMO-FIR System with Colored Sound Inputs Using SIMO-Model-Based ICA," Proc. 2003 IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing, pp.421-424, Sept. 2003.


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