After the practice of an internal / external theme is finished, the report must be handed in within 2 weeks. Please refer to this page for details:
報告書の書き方 / How to Write a Report
学内テーマは、5月より実施予定です。4月下旬に履修希望調査のメールを送ります。 学内テーマ履修希望者はメールに従って履修希望調査票を提出してください。
Internal themes, which is provided by faculty members belonging to NAIST, will start from May. The application form will be emailed in late April. To apply to internal themes, please submit the application form according to the announcement.
New internal themes will be announced by email and through this page:
平成28年度の学内テーマ一覧 / List of Internal Themes in 2016
Internships at businesses, universities, and research organizations (including ones in other countries) that satisfy the following criteria can also be approved as an external theme, satisfying the requirement for the project practice class.
In order to determine whether the internship satisfies the project practice requirements, please send the details of the internship content and schedule to your main advisor and discuss with him/her. If there are any unclear points, feel free to ask the faculty in charge of project practice (projectpractice16@is.naist.jp). Please note that if sufficient information is not provided in advance, it is possible that the internship will not be approved as project practice. The decision about whether credit is given for the internship will be made based on a report submitted after the internship concludes. Along with the report, please turn in documentary evidence (a web page or email exchange) demonstrating the content and term of the internship.