平成26年度 プロジェクト実習II、IV について / Project Practice II/IV in 2014
■ 履修に関する注意 / Important Reminders
- 学内テーマは5月より実施予定です。
- プロジェクト実習とプログラミング演習は重複して履修が可能です。
- 4月中旬に学内テーマの履修希望調査のメールを送ります。
- Internal themes, which is provided by lecturers belonging to NAIST, will be started from May.
- It is allowed to take both ``Project Practice'' and ``Exercise in Programming.''
- The application form for internal themes will be e-mailed in middle of April. To apply to internal themes, please submit the application form according to the email.
- External themes (internships etc.) will be announced when each proposal from a company (or organization) have been received. To apply to external themes, please follow the application procedure of each external theme described in the web page below.
■ 報告書 / Report
After the practice of an internal / external theme is finished, the report must be handed in within 2 weeks.
Please refer to this page for details:
報告書の書き方 / How to Write a Report
■ 学内テーマ / Internal Themes
New internal themes will be announced by email and through this page:
平成26年度の学内テーマ一覧 / List of Internal Themes in 2014
■ 学外テーマ(学外機関から提案のテーマ) / External Themes
New external themes will be announced by email and through this page:
平成26年度の学外テーマ一覧 / List of External Themes in 2014
- 本ページに記載のない企業や大学、研究組織(海外含む)へのインターンシップ
- インターンシップ開始より前に、プロジェクト実習担当教員に申請すること
- インターンシップのテーマは情報技術に関連するものであること
- インターンシップの従事時間が40時間以上であること
インターンシップの内容・期間等を証明できる書類(Webやメールのやりとり等)を揃えて、 projectpractice14@is.naist.jp まで問い合わせてください。
Important notice regarding external internships
In addition to the external internships announced on this page, we may accept some external themes as the Project Practice and offer the credit.
The requirements are as follows:
- An internship at a company, a Univesity or other research institute (including overseas organizations)
- The student must apply to us before the internship starts.
- The theme of the internship should relate to information science and technologies.
- The actual working hours of the internship should be 40 hours or more.
We will make the decision on each individual case about whether or not to accept as the Project Practice.
Please contact us (projectpractice14@is.naist.jp) with the information on the theme and period of the internship (e.g. Web page, E-mails, etc.).
■ 過去のプロジェクト実習 / Past Project Practices
(projectpractice14 at is.naist.jp)