2023 博士キャリアメッセKYOTOにおいて、Abraham Olufemi Abiodunさん(博士後期課程3年)、Yohanssen Pratamaさん(同3年)、Golbabaei Babakさん(同2年)、立花 巧樹さん(同2年)が、それぞれ企業賞を受賞しました。(2023/11/7)
Abraham Olufemi Abiodun, Yohanssen Pratama, Golbabaei Babak, and Koki Tachibana were each awarded by sponsoring companies at Doctoral Career Messe 2023.
京都クオリアフォーラム主催、2023博士キャリアメッセKYOTO第2部 ~博士学生を知る~は、博士に対する期待や現状を本音で語りあい、博士後期課程の学生を京都・奈良で 盛り上げるための第一歩として、「文部科学省技術イノベーション創出に向けた大学フェローシップ創設事業」「JST 次世代研究者挑戦的研究プログラム」に採択された京都・奈良の6大学が連携して企画した交流イベントで、11月7日、8日に京都工芸繊維大学創立60周年記念館にて開催されました。「博士学生を知る」「共に育てる」「交流」「スキルアップ」「社会を知る」の機会として、博士後期課程の学生が自分自身と研究活動をPRする場です。
Doctoral Career Messe 2023 is a networking event for doctoral students with gloabal companies and universities in Kyoto and Nara prefectures sponsored by the Kyoto Qualia Forum. Thoroug this event, Doctoral students promoted themselves as an opportunitiy to " get to know doctoral students", "grow togehter", "exchange," "improve their skills," and "get to know society." The students introduced themselves and their research outline in English interactiong with students and global companies in different fields, aiming at improving the transferable skills and networking with society. |
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受賞者 Awardee:
Abraham Olufemi Abiodun(D3) (サイバーレジリエンス構成学研究室/Cyber Resilience lab)
発表テーマ Research theme:
"Electricity Theft Detection for Smart Homes with Knowledge-Based Synthetic Attack Data"
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice:
I am deeply honored to receive this award from SHIMADZU CORPORATION for my presentation in the Doctoral Career Messe Kyoto 2023. This recognition not only reflects my commitment to advancing scientific research and innovation but also highlights the importance of collaboration between academia and industry. Thank you for this esteemed accolade; it inspires me to continue my pursuit of excellence in my field. Also I am grateful to the NAIST Career Services Office for their exceptional organization of the event.
スクリーンホールディングス賞 SCREEN Award
受賞者 Awardee:
Yohanssen Pratama(D3)
(光メディアインタフェース研究室/Optical Media Interface lab)
- 発表テーマ Research theme:
"material classification using single photon avalanche
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice:
Receiving this award is a great honor for me. I am deeply grateful to the professors at the Optical Media Interface Laboratory for their invaluable guidance and advice, as well as to all the students in the laboratory for their insightful discussions. This award has further motivated me to work harder and achieve even greater success in the future.
村田機械賞 Murata Machinery Award
受賞者 Awardee:
Golbabaei Babak(D2)
(コンピューティング・アーキテクチャ研究室/Computing Architecture lab)
- 発表テーマ Research theme:
"Systolic Tensor Calculation Unit Design through
Approximate Computing"
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice:
I am honored and grateful to receive this award. This recognition fuels my dedication to advancing in my field, and I am immensely grateful for the support and encouragement from Computing Architecture Laboratory, NAIST Career Service Office, and Murata Machinery company.
写真左から、Abrahamさん, Yohanssenさん, Babakさん
三洋化成賞 Sanyo Chemical Industries Award
受賞者 Awardee:
立花 巧樹/Koki Tachibana (D2)
(ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究室/Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab)
- 発表テーマ Research theme:
写真は立花 巧樹さん
- 外部リンク Links to:
2023博士キャリアメッセKYOTO第2部案内 PDF:20231108_qualia.pdf