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>>Synopsis of the COE Program Research Results for 2002
Program for Strategic Research and Development
This program is expected to be actively implemented from next year onwards, now that the Ubiquitous information system is in place. Also with the “e-NAIST Initiative" in mind, we have demonstrated the functionality of our current technologies with a sample Ubiquitous system in an international symposium. In this presentation, we also set out the overall concept of our COE as well as specific research targets.
Program for Industrial-Governmental-Academic Cooperation
The fact that NAIST has been designated a COE means an increased likelihood for new research funding to be granted from the state, particularly in the area of audio media and intellectual support media. We have also set up an office in Tokyo in an effort to create an environment for efficient virtual interoperability.
Program for the Development of an International Stronghold
Surveys on overseas research trends were conducted by our research core leaders, which involved preliminary interviews given to overseas candidates for post-doctoral research. We also organized four international seminars, where Japanese students were given valuable opportunities to obtain a grasp on world research trends for themselves. In March, a large international symposium with 363 registrants (363 university-internal, 105 external) was also held, inviting eight professors from overseas COEs and five Japanese researchers from COEs inside the country. In this symposium, the overall picture of our COE program was set out: a poster PR campaign was launched with introductions of the current states of COE-funded research, presentations were given by our research core leaders on their respective projects, and a demonstration of our present technologies was conducted.
Program for Training Young Researchers
For the position of COE-funded researcher, 23 positions were offered to ten research assistants of NAIST engaged in exploratory studies, and to research students in the final stages of their PhD degree. Under the supervision of the research core leaders, they actively participated in the startup operations for the Program for Strategic Research and Development and achieved fruitful research results.

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