ロボットラーニング研究室の佐々木光助教と松原崇充教授らが、日本ロボット学会より、Advanced Robotics Excellent Paper Awardを受賞しました。
Assistant Professor Hikaru Sasaki and Professor Takamitsu Matsubara from the Robot Learning Laboratory have been awarded the Advanced Robotics Excellent Paper Award by the Robotics Society of Japan. (2024/9/5)
日本ロボット学会は『ロボット学に関する研究の進展と知識の普及をはかり、もって学術の発展に寄与すること』を目的に創立され、学術集会等の開催、学会誌、欧文誌、その他刊行物の発行、研究及び調査、研究の奨励及び研究業績の表彰等の事業を行っています。(日本ロボット学会HPより一部抜粋) 本賞は、日本ロボット学会 (Robotics Society of Japan, RSJ) が発行する国際的な学術誌「Advanced Robotics」において、表彰を行う年の前前年の1月から前年の12月までの間発表された研究論文のうち、優秀なもの3件以内に授与されるものです。 |
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This award is granted to up to three outstanding research papers published between January of the year before last and December of the previous year in the international journal Advanced Robotics, issued by the Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ). |
- 受賞者/著者 Awardees/Authors:
Yaqiang Mo(Shinshu University), Hikaru Sasaki (NAIST), Takamitsu Matsubara (NAIST), Kimitoshi Yamazaki (Shinshu University): (※論文掲載時の所属 affiliation as of the time of publication)
- 受賞研究テーマ Research theme:
"Multi-step motion learning by combining learning-from-demonstration and policy-search"
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice:
We are truly honored to receive this prestigious award. This paper is the result of collaborative research with Professor Kimitoshi Yamazaki and Dr. Yaqiang Mo from Shinshu University. This achievement was only made possible thanks to the cooperation of all our co-authors. We sincerely thank everyone who worked with us on this project. We will use this award as motivation to further dedicate ourselves to research. Thank you very much.
- 外部リンク Links to:
-受賞論文 Award-winning paper:
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01691864.2022.2163187#abstract-日本ロボット学会(RSJ) HP:https://www.rsj.or.jp/