
日時(Date): 平成27年11月9日(月)3限 (13:30 -- 15:00)
Mon., Nov. 9th, 2015 (3rd Period, 13:30 -- 15:00)
場所(Location): L1
司会(Chair): 浮田宗伯 (Norimichi Ukita)

講演者(Presenter): 明和政子(京都大学)
Masako Myowa-Yamakoshi (Kyoto University)
題目(Title): Emergence of Self :Development of Social Cognition from Perinatal Period
概要(Abstract): There is a clear continuity in human sensorimotor development from prenatal to postnatal life. We have found that fetuses have some knowledge of their own bodies; they manifest a sense of knowing that their bodies are entities different from the other entities in the external environment. However, few studies have investigated sensorimotor experience in perinatal period might directly affect the later stage of cognitive development. In this talk, I will present our recent findings suggesting that preterm infants and full-term neonates actually follow different trajectories in neural information processing. Also, we will discuss the possibility that such early neural alternations in the development might be related to later difficulties with higher social-cognitive development in preterm children.

ゼミナール I, II ページへ