
日時: 平成24年11月21日(水)4限 (15:10 -- 16:40)
場所: L1

講演者: Petri Pulli (University of Oulu)
題目: Smart Living Environment for Senior Citizen
概要: Presentation will address demographic change is developed countries where the proportion of elderly people is increasing rapidly. Improving the quality of life and the autonomy of elderly people in their everyday lives is becoming more and more important. The specific aim of research is to develop smart homes and living environments and advanced mobile location- and context-based services such as telepresence and augmented reality services. This is achieved with the help of innovative embedded, ubiquitous mobile and internet applications and services. Methodology of the research is based on integrating research, design concepts and innovative ideas in real life experimentation. Through this experimentation the services and applications can be evaluated and improved in collaboration with the users. Main interest areas of our research are: (1) Safety navigation, supporting daily life activities and social interaction of elderly people at home and neighboring environments. (2) Smart kitchens, supporting daily activities related to kitchen and its social interaction in real life. (3) Memory prothesis, supporting daily interaction with other people and with the smart living environment both at home and its surroundings.

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