
日時平成 16年 10月 5日(火) 4限 (15:10 -- 16:40)
講演者Prof. Michael Sebek
所属 Head of Department of Control Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague www.michaelsebek.cz
講演題目 Research Projects of the Department of Control Engineering at the Czech Technical University
Research activities of the Department of Control Engineering range from theory through algorithms and software to applications and industrial realizations. Several interesting examples will be presented including:
・ Robust control design via polynomial methods (including LMI and l-1 optimization)
・ New numerical algorithms for polynomial matrices (e.g. using FFT) and their implementation in the Polynomial Toolbox for Matlab
・ Control design for very large astronomical telescopes (VLT) with applications in the European Southern Observatory in Atacama Desert, Chile
・ New type of combustion engine for automobiles: linear combustion engine
・ New train communication network applied in Pendolino trains by Alstom
・ H-infinity control of automotive active suspension
・ Automated fish production (Intensive fish culture)
・ Joint optimization project with Honeywell Laboratory Prague
・ Collector field control in an experimental solar power plant (Plataforma Solar de Almeria, E) Every control problem will be briefly described and basic ideas of the solution will be presented. The lecture will be supported by numerous pictures and several videos. The lecture will end with a short video on the scientific history of the city of Prague that was prepared at the occasion of the coming 16th World Congress of IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) in July 2005 in Prague.
備考 本ゼミナールは,NAIST-IS COE 国際セミナーとの共催です.
