知能コミュニケーション研究室の岡本 真由子さん(修了生)らが、国際会議Oriental COCOSDA 2020においてBest Paper Awardを受賞しました。(2020/9/21)
国際会議Oriental COCOSDA 2020(The 23rd Conference of the Oriental COCOSDA International Committee for the Co-ordination and Standardisation of Speech Databases and Assessment Techniques)は、2020年11月5日から7日まで、オンラインで開催されました。 |
- 受賞者/著者 Awardees/Authors :
岡本 真由子(修了生)、Sakriani Sakti、中村 哲
受賞研究テーマ Research theme:
"Towards Speech Entrainment: Considering ASR
Information in Speaking Rate Variation of TTS Waveform
State-of-the-art text-to-speech (TTS) systems successfully
produce speech with a high degree of intelligibility.
But TTS systems still often generate monotonous synthesized
speech, unlike natural utterances. Several existing studies have
addressed the issue of modeling speaking style variations in
TTSs. Unfortunately, scant research has discussed the dialog and
entrainment context. In this paper, we address TTS waveform
generation toward speech entrainment in human-machine
communication and focus on the synchronization of speaking rates
that may vary within an utterance, i.e., slowing down to
emphasize specific words and distinguish elements to highlight.
We assume a dialog system exists and concentrate on its speech
processing part. To perform such a task, we develop
(1) a multi-task automatic speech recognition (ASR) that listens
to the conversation partner and recognizes the content and the
speaking rate and (2) a generative adversarial network
(GAN)-based TTS that produces the synthesized speech of the
response while entraining with the partner’s speaking rate. The
evaluation is performed on a dialog corpus.
Our results reveal that it is possible to entrain the input
speech by synchronizing the speaking rate.
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice
- 外部リンク Links to:
Oriental COCOSDA HP: https://ococosda2020.ucsy.edu.mm/index.jsp?i=0
>> 知能コミュニケーション研究室 Augmented Human Communication lab.