コンピューティング・アーキテクチャ研究室の Nguyen Duc Phucさん(博士後期課程2年)が、国際会議 2017 the 9th International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC 2017)においてBest Oral Presentation Awardを受賞しました。
Mr. Nguyen Duc Phuc (2nd year of doctoral cource) of Computing Architecture Laboratory received the Best Oral Presentation at the 2017 the 9th International Conference on Future Computer and Communication.
International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC) is a leading annual conference of future computers and communications for all researchers from over the world. ICFCC conference provides a valuable opportunity for researchers and scientists to exchange their ideas face to face. ICFCC has strong organization team, dependable reputation and wide sponsors all around the world. In 2017, Previous ICFCC conferences were taken place at Malaysia, China, Romania, Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia, Singapore. This year, 2017, 9th ICFCC was hold in April 21st-23rd at Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan. Many sections were covered in conference problem. At the section of “Wireless Communications and Systems”, we were delighted to be announced to be received the award “The Best Oral Presentation”.
- 受賞者 Awardee:
Duc Phuc Nguyen
- 受賞テーマ Research theme:
"A Multi-mode Error-Correction Solution based on Split-Concatenation for Wireless Sensor Nodes"
- 著者 Authors:
Duc Phuc Nguyen, Thi Hong Tran, Yasuhiko Nakashima
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice
I am delighted that I have got the best oral presentation award of the ICFCC 2017. Actually, many creative ideas had been introduced in the conference. In the section of “Wireless Communications and Systems”, I had good opportunities to meet and discuss with famous researchers from over the world about wireless communication field. Furthermore, I had received many good comments about my research theme, this is really useful for my future works. I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Thi Hong Tran, Professor. Yasuhiko Nakashima and all of the Computing Architecture laboratory’s members for many guidances and encouragements.
Finally, I would like to share some minor tips for a good presentation. There are 3 steps. At first, in the presentation slide, I think that we should give many illustration figures, short sentences, hook sentences. Secondly, we should do the rehearsal many times before presentation. Finally, keep calm and feel free to express your ideas with the audience.
- 外部リンク Links to:
ICFCC 2017:http://www.icfcc.org/
>> コンピューティング・アーキテクチャ研究室 Computing Architecture Lab.