
ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究室のEdgar Marko Tronoさん(博士後期課程2年)が、電子情報通信学会 知的環境とセンサネットワーク研究会において若手研究奨励賞を受賞しました。 (2015/05/14)

Edgar Marko Trono, Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab., was awarded in the Technical Committee on Ambient intelligence and Sensor Networks (ASN).
  • 受賞研究テーマ Research theme:
    「Implementation of a mountainside sensor network with an ambient air pressure-based routing scheme」

  • 受賞者 Awardee:
    Edgar Marko Trono

  • 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice
    Because this study is still in its early stages, I was unsure about its potential. This award shows that there is interest in the academe, and it encouraged me to continue. I would like to thank all my professors for their guidance, ATR for making this study possible, and Kume-san for working with me. There are more to learn, problems to solve, and hurdles to overcome in this research. I will do my best and work harder to produce an output that can help gather mountainside data.

>> ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム研究室 Ubiquitous Computing Systems lab.