2009.10.21-10.26 チェンマイ・タイ
9th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics (9th AOCMP)
7th South-East Asian Congress of Medical Physics (7th SEACOMP)


タイトル:"Multimodality Registration System for Ultrasound with Hardware-based Registration"
発表形式:Poster Presentation
概要:There are several medical imaging scanners and each modality has different aspect for visualizing inside of human body. By combining these images, diagnostic accuracy could be improved, and therefore, several attempts for multimodal image registration have been implemented. Ultrasound (US) apparatus can obtain anatomical and functional images related to US easily and noninvasively.
In order to register US image and image from other modality, we developed hardware-based multimodal image registration system with optical tracking system. Our system is applicable for any existed conventional imaging scanners. The system uses reference marker attached on the gantries of scanners, and the reference marker is used for calibration between each scanner’s image coordinate and common coordinate which is shared with US apparatus. For validating the system, we scanned a point source with foam polystyrene and Agarose gel and F-18 liquid by PET scanner and US. Using this system, images from PET and US were visually aligned, and good correlations between PET and US images were obtained after the registration. The results suggest this system can be inexpensively used for multimodal image registrations between US and other modalities.

アジア・オセアニア地域,及び東南アジア地域の医学物理に関する学会で,放射線治療に関するQuality Controlの演題や,放射線被爆量に関するシミュレーションの演題が主であった.


初日に教育講演において,アジア地域における医学物理士の役割や教育に関する講演を聴くことができ,工学の研究者として,医学物理の分野にどういった貢献ができるのかということを考えさせられる内容であった. 自らの研究に対しては,主に放射線技師の方などと意見交換を行い,臨床に応用するために必要な意見・コメントを頂くことができた. また,"Young Medical Physicist Awards on Presentation"にて"Outstansing Poster Presentation"を受賞することができた.