コンピューティング・アーキテクチャ研究室のTran Thi Diemさん(博士後期課程3年)が、国際会議IEEE iCCECE'21において、Best Student Paper Awardを受賞しました。
Tran Thi Diem of Computing Architecture lab received the Best Student Paper Award at IEEE iCCECE'21. (2021/8/17)
IEEE iCCECE ’21 (The 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering 2021) は、産学の研究者と開発者が一堂に会し、バーベイシブコンピューティング、IoT、コンピューティングとIT、電子、回路とシステム、エネルギー電力システムなど分野の最先端の研究の発表と意見交換の場を提供する国際会議です。2021年8月16日-17日にオンラインにて開催されました。
The 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering 2021 (IEEE iCCECE ’21) was held in August 16-17, 2021, online. The conference draws together researchers and developers from academia and industry. The iCCECE ’21 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE. Topic in the spectrum of the conference theme includes pervasive computing, internet of things, computing and IT, electronics, circuits and systems, energy and power system.
受賞者/著者 Awardee/Authors :
Thi Diem Tran 写真はTran Thi Diemさん
受賞研究テーマ Research theme:
"Exploring Versatility of Primary Visual Cortex Inspired Feature
Extraction Hardware Model through Various Network Architectures"
受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice
I am honored to recognize the best student paper award in the The 4th IEEE International Conference on Computing, Electronics and Communications Engineering 2021. This award will become a significant motivation and inspiration to reach future researches.
Importantly, I would like to thank my co-authors for their assistance and dedicated engagement throughout my work. Thanks very much for your enthusiasm.