生体医用画像研究室のZahnd Guillaume Pierre博士研究員らが、国際会議IFMIA 2017においてBest Oral Presentation Awardを受賞しました。
Dr. Zahnd et al. won the Best Oral Presentation Award at the IFMIA 2017.
IFMIA 2017 (International Forum of Medical Imaging in Asia 2017)は、医用画像に関するアジア国際フォーラムで、2007年に韓国済州島で開催されて以来、台北(台湾)、沖縄(日本)、太田(韓国)、台南(台湾)とほぼ隔年で開催されています。本年は、1月19日、20日の両日に沖縄の那覇市で開催されました。 The International Forum on Medical Imaging in Asia (IFMIA) 2017 is an international conference for scientists, engineers and clinicians in all Asian countries to exchange new ideas and the latest research outcomes in medical imaging. |
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- 受賞テーマ
"Pattern Analysis of the Kinematics in Ultrasound Videos of the Common Carotid Artery-Application to Cardiovascular Risk Evaluation"
The clinical context of this study is the prediction of cardiovascular risk by analyzing ultrasound images sequences of the common carotid artery. An amplitude-independent analysis of the arterial wall motion during the cardiac cycle is performed, to extract a "vascular fingerprint" from the specific pattern of the resulting temporal trajectory. Results demonstrate that this framework is a strong candidate to classify healthy and at-risk subjects.
- 受賞者 Awardee:
Guillaume Zahnd, Diane Galbrun, Sami Qorchi, Kazue Saito, André Sérusclat, Philippe Moulin, Kazuyuki Nagatsuka, Maciej Orkisz, Yoshito Otake, Yoshinobu Sato
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice
This work is the result of a collaboration between the ICB Lab at NAIST, the National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center in Osaka, and the laboratory Creatis in France. For this article, I decided to take the risk to present pioneering work related to an emerging patho-physiological phenomenon that is currently not fully characterized, yet highly promising for cardiovascular risk prediction. I have been very touched to be rewarded by the jury members at IFMIA. My sincerest thanks go to my colleagues that greatly helped me constructing this piece of work, and to the participants of the IFMIA 2017 conference for the numerous fruitful discussions that have been initiated.
- 外部リンク Links to:
IFMIA2017のホームページ: http://ifmia2017.may-pro.net/