ディペンダブルシステム学研究室のFakir Sharif Hossainさん(博士後期課程2年)が、電子情報通信学会ディペンダブルコンピューティング研究会において第3回研究会若手優秀講演賞を受賞しました。(2016/11/29)
本賞は、2015年6月から2016年5月までに開催された電子情報通信学会ディペンダブルコンピューティング研究会が主催する第1種研究会において一般講演を行った者のうち、33歳未満の特に優秀な講演を行った者を、総講演件数の5%を上限に表彰する賞です。 |
- 研究テーマ
"Scan Segmentation Approach to Magnify Detection Sensitivity for
Tiny Hardware Trojan"
Outsourcing of IC fabrication components has initiated the
potential threat of design tempering using hardware Trojans and also
has drawn the attention of government agencies and the semiconductor
industry. The added functionality, known as hardware Trojan, poses
major detection and isolation challenges. This paper presents a
hardware Trojan detection technique that magnifies the detection
sensitivity for small Trojan in power-based side-channel analysis. A
scan segmentation approach with a modified LOC test pattern
application method is proposed so as to maximize dynamic power
consumption of any target segment. The proposed architecture allows
activating any target segment of scan chain and keeping others freeze
which reduces total circuit switching activity. This helps magnify the
Trojan’s contribution to selected segment by increasing dynamic power
consumption. Experimental results for ISCAS89 benchmark circuit
demonstrate its effectiveness in side-channel analysis.
- 受賞者 Awardee:
Fakir Sharif Hossain (D2)
- 著者 Authors:
Fakir Sharif Hossain (D2), Tomokazu Yoneda, Michiko Inoue
- 受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice
I am astonished receiving this award as it is my first Oral presentation award and provided by the largest technical community of Japan, IEICE.
>> ディペンダブルシステム学研究室 Dependable System lab.