ソフトウェア設計学研究室のKundjanasith Thonglekさん(博士後期課程修了生)らが、社団法人電子情報通信学会 通信ソサイエティより、通信ソサイエティ論文賞を受賞しました。
Kundjanasith Thonglek et al. of Software Design and Analysis lab received the IEICE Communication Society Best Paper Award. (2024/5/17)
通信ソサイエティ論文賞は、情報通信に関する学術または関連事業において、他の手本となる優秀な論文に対して表彰するものです。 通信ソサイエティ論文賞の選定対象は、表彰時期の前々年の10月から前年の9月までに通信ソサイエティ和文論文誌、通信ソサイエティ英文論文誌、IEICE Communications Express(ComEX)、および通信ソサイティ和文マガジンに掲載されたものです。Best Paper Awardは対象期間に英文論文誌に掲載された中から、有効性、体裁、貢献度、信頼性の観点から特に優秀なものに授与されます。
The Institute of Electronics, Information
and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Communications Society awards outstanding papers from among those published in IEICE Communication Society's Japanese journals, English journals, IEICE Communications Express (ComEX), and Japanese Magazines. The best paper award is selected from the papers which is published in the IEICE Communications Society’sEnglish journals from October 2022 to September 2023 in terms of validity, presentation, contribution, and reliability.
受賞者/著者 Awardees/Authors:
Kundjanasith Thonglek, Kohei Ichikawa (NAIST), Keichi Takahashi (Tohoku University), Chawanat Nakasan (Kasetsart University), Kazufumi Yuasa, Tadatoshi Babasaki (NTT Facilities INC.), Hajimu Iida (NAIST)
(※論文掲載時の所属 affiliation as of the time of publication)
写真はKundjanasith Thonglekさん
受賞研究テーマ Research theme:
"Toward Predictive Modeling of Solar Power Generation for Multiple Power Plants"
受賞者のコメント Awardee's voice:
First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the co-authors, including Kohei Ichikawa, Keichi Takahashi, Chawanat Nakasan, Kazufumi Yuasa, Tadatoshi Babasaki and Hajimu Iida, for their valuable guidance. This work could not have been successfully achieved without their assistance. I am truly honored to receive the Best Paper Award from the IEICE Communications Society. This award is a significant motivation and inspiration that will encourage me to continue working on sustainable energy research.