Generation of Medical Report by Predicting Topic of Sentences

Li Wai Hei(1811417)

In this paper, we present a method to generate medical reports automatically using neural network. The possibility of generating medical report by computer is always an interest as the demand of medical report generation is high while the generation process itself is also repetitive. The system takes a medical image as an input and outputs a medical report which correctly describing the medical image under the format of existing reports. The system will also output the analysation of the medical images for reference. In this research, we will build the system will two distinct neural network, which are Convolutional Neural Network and Long-Short Term Memory Neural Network respectively, while utilizing the information from medical reports by grouping the sentences in reports into topics. We will demonstrate that the finding we have in the research will help the development of generating medical reports by computer. Which ultimately we hope the process can be done without guidance from human."