NAIST-IS-1251208: Kaltstein Oliver

DIVA-EMIN: Efficient Dependability for Post-Silicon Materials

Kaltstein Oliver (1251208)

Microprocessors for new materials (e.g. IGZO thin film) are required to have a small amount of transistors, so that they can fit onto the material. At the same time due to the sensitivity of film-material more redundancy is necessary to avoid early system-failure. In this thesis, I propose DIVA-EMIN, a novel method to provide a high dependability to keep the circuit smaller than in a straightforward Dual Modular Redundancy (DMR) implementation. In order to reduce the circuit overheads, infrequently used parts of the processor have been isolated from the additional system for the dependability. DIVA-EMIN reduces the size of a DMR-module to half of the surface while degrading dependability by only 10%.