I graduated Miyazaki Univercity last year.
My study was “Tyrosine Sulfation on Bioinfomatics(Biocomputation)”.On this study,I tried to develop
the rule of tyrosine sulfation that which Y(tyrosine residuce) is sulfated and which is not.And I have
assembled the dataset of Protein (about GPCR;Gprotein coupled receptor) that may be sulfated. I used the webtool that called"Sulfiantor"(http://br.expasy.org/tools/sulfinator/).
In this laboratory,I want to study biocomputation of 3D
protein sturcture with post translational modification
such as sulfation.
Sulfation is one of a post translational modification that occurs in all our body and all eucaryote.
My hobby is tea ceremoney.I start it since I enter the Univercity.So I've been learning 5 more years in club activity and personal lesson from my teacher.The style of Tea Cerermoney that I learned is so called "Urasenke-style" that is most influenced style.In this Univercity so called "NAIST", I enter Tea ceremoney club.Thought the style is different from that I've learned.Tea Ceremoney has many difference between style to style.But each style has the same origin in about 400 years ago.So the Spirit of the Tea Ceremoney is same.
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