平成24年度 情報科学研究科 博士学位論文発表梗概

0961207 前田 紗希

近年,バイオサイエンスの分野において計測環境がin vitro(人工的な環境)からin vivo(生体内)へと変化するにつれ,細胞に与えるダメージの少ない光ピンセットが計測ツールとしての注目を集めており,一分子計測や細胞触診などに応用され始めている.
しかし細胞内での光ピンセット操作(in vivo 光ピンセット操作)は,通常の光ピンセットの力が数pN〜数百pN程度の小さいものであることから,粘着性の高い細胞内で対象とする微小物体を自由に操作することができず,更に,細胞内の様々な構造が立体的な障害となるため実現困難な状態である.

本研究では,細胞内での自由な光ピンセット操作を実現することを目的として,パルスレーザー光を光ピンセットのアシストに用いて操作する手法であるPLAT (Pulse-Laser-Assisted optical Tweezers) を開発し,パルスレーザーを改良することで使用用途に沿った性能を発揮させることに成功した.

次に,通常の光ピンセットでは操作することのできない試料である,カバーガラス基板に固着させた粒子を用意し,それらを取り外す実験によりPLATの効果を実証する.そして,PLATにおけるパルスレーザー光のパルス幅の重要性について述べ,操作対象によって好適なパルス幅を 選択することで効率よく操作できるようになることを報告する.
本研究で用いたパルス幅は6 ns,20 ns,160 ns,150μsの4種類であり,各パルス幅の効果を粒子の取り外し実験と誘電破壊確率を調査する実験結果について報告する.

0861005 佐藤康之

現実の制御問題において,より良い制御性能を得るためには, 対象システムに存在する「非線形性」と「入力制約」を考慮することが重要である. 近年,入力制約を考慮した非線形制御系設計法として, 「制御Lyapunov関数を用いた制御系設計法」が注目を集めている. この方法は,制御Lyapunov関数と呼ばれる関数の値を減少させるように入力を設計する もので,入力制約だけでなく, ロバスト性や最適性などを付加した制御系設計に関しても研究が行われている. しかしながら,この設計法を実際のシステムに適用するためには, 解決するべき課題が残されている.

本発表では,制御Lyapunov関数を用いた制御系設計法における 二つの未解決問題について,それぞれを解決する制御系設計法を提案する. 具体的には,以下の二つの課題に取り組んだ.

従来研究では,入力制約のクラスとして「ノルム制約」を対象としていたが, プレフィードバックを用いた制御系設計など, 現実の問題では入力制約がノルム制約にならない場合がある. そこで,本研究ではより一般的な入力制約のクラスとして凸入力制約を考え, 凸入力制約を持つ非線形システムに対して,制御Lyapunov関数を用いた制御系設計を行う. 具体的な設計プロセスは,まず凸最適化を用いて制御Lyapunov関数の微分を最小化する入力(最小化入力)を導出し,次に最小化入力を連続な関数に変換する. 提案する設計法は,従来のノルム制約を考慮した設計法の自然な拡張となっている.

非線形制御系設計において,局所的に線形制御系と一致するように 制御系設計を行うことは重要な課題であり, 制御Lyapunov関数を用いた制御系設計においても研究が行われている. しかしながら,従来の方法は厳密線形化可能な1入出力システムのみを対象としており, 設計過程が複雑であるという問題がある. そこで本研究では,厳密線形化可能な多入出力系に適用可能であり, 線形近似系に対するLQ最適制御則から容易に変換可能な 大域逆最適制御則を設計する. さらに,提案する制御則がゲイン余裕を持つことを示す.

また,提案した二つの制御則の有効性について, 数値シミュレーションと磁気浮上系による実機実験により検証を行った結果を示す.

0961208 的場 俊亮




次に,1リンク機械システムを用いた有限時間整定位置決め制御を行う.1リンク機械システムは不連続な摩擦を含むので,不連続微分方程式によってモデル化される.この不連続性のため,前段で紹介した大域的逆最適制御則の有限時間整定性は保証されないことに注意する.そこで, 1リンク機械システムの制御問題に対して大域的逆最適制御則が有効であることを確認し,コンピュータシミュレーションおよび実機実験により有限時間整定制御則の有効性を明らかにする. 実機実験において,その他の収束速度を持つ指数安定化制御および有理安定化制御との比較と,その他の有限時間整定制御手法との比較を行い,本研究で用いた大域的逆最適制御則による有限時間整定制御の制御性能を検証する.


0961210 Farit Mochamad Afendi
Statistical Models of Plant Functions in Jamu Medicines

This study is intended to develop statistical models that capture a systematic utilization of plants in Jamu medicines so that Jamu formulation can be represented as statistical models. Exploration on the relationship between plants and Jamu efficacy using Biplot reveals many plants are rarely utilized while some plants are highly utilized toward specific efficacy. Furthermore, I modeled the ingredients of Jamu formulas using Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) in order to predict their efficacy. The plants used in each Jamu medicine served as the predictors, whereas the efficacy of each Jamu provided the responses. This model produces 71.6% of correct classification in predicting efficacy. Permutation testing then is used to determine plants serve as main ingredients in Jamu formula by evaluating the significance of the PLS-DA coefficients. By performing 1,000 permutation processes we found 231 plants are significant and almost all of them are supported by scientific papers. Next, in order to explain the role of plants serve as main ingredients in Jamu medicines, information of the reported pharmacological activity of the plants is added to the predictor's block, which make the block can be represented by three-dimensional array, indexed by Jamu, plants, and pharmacological activity. To handle this three-dimensional array of predictor's block, N-PLS-DA model, multiway version of PLS-DA, is utilized. Exploration on weights of the pharmacological activity of the resulting N-PLS-DA model reveals that the beneficial of some activities are specific for certain efficacy and the other activities are diverse toward many efficacies. As a result, in formulating Jamu the plants are selected so that, besides curing the targeted diseases or health problems as indicated by the specific activities, the plants also should overcome the other discomforts caused by the targeted diseases or health problems as indicated by the general activities.

1061203 平野 徹
Extracting Named Entity Relations from Large Text Corpora

Web上に存在する膨大なテキストは広い分野をカバーしており,巨大な知識源と考えることができる. テキストを知識源として活用するには,個々のテキストに含まれる情報を抽出し構造化された形式に変換する必要がある. 本研究では,情報検索や質問応答などのアプリケーションにおいて重要な知識源となる実世界の実体を指し示す固有名詞間の関係情報を抽出することを目的とする.
本研究で抽出する関係情報は,個々の文書(D)で言及されている意味的な関係のある固有名詞の組(X,Y)とその間の関係(R)を [X, Y, R, D]の構造化された形で表現した情報である. 例えば,「民主党の山田一郎は山田次郎の兄です」の文書(ID = 002)から抽出される関係情報は[山田一郎,山田次郎,兄,002]がある. この例では,固有名詞間の関係を表す表現「兄」が文書中に明記されているが,明記されていない関係情報も本研究では抽出対象とする. 例えば,上の文書(ID = 002)からは,関係を示す表現が文書中に明記されていないが 「民主党」と「山田一郎」の間に「党員」の関係があると読み取れるため,関係情報[山田一郎,民主党,党員,002]も抽出できる.
上記の2種類の関係情報を抽出するために,本研究では, (1)入力文書内で共起する固有名詞の組から何らかの関係を有する組を選択(関係性判定)し, (2)選択された組がどういう関係にあるのかを示す表現を入力文書から抽出(関係表現同定)し, (3)関係を示す表現が文書中に存在しない組の関係を推定(関係推定)する,3つのタスクに分ける.
本発表では以下の本研究の主な貢献について述べる. (1)関係性判定タスクは,従来,同一文内で共起する組に対して関係の有無を判定することはできたが, 日本語において頻出する文をまたいで共起する組に対して判定することはできなかった. そこで,照応解析で用いられている文脈的情報を関係性判定タスクに適用し文をまたいで共起する組に対しても判定可能な手法を提案した. (2)関係表現同定タスクでは,文の構造情報だけでは関係表現か判断できない事例に対して,大規模テキストから自動獲得した2種類の外部知識を利用する手法を提案した. 1つは関係を示す名詞を推定した語彙的知識で,もう1つは対象組の過去の関係から現在の関係を予測する関係予測モデルである. 評価実験では提案した2種類の外部知識を用いることの有効性を確認した. (3)関係推定タスクにおいては,関係情報の類似性に基づく推定手法の根幹を担う類似度尺度について, 上記(1)(2)のタスクで自動獲得された関係情報に基づく固有表現組(X,Y)の類似度と 固有表現組の出力する文書(D)の類似度を組み合わせた尺度を提案した. 評価実験では2種類の類似度の混合割合を変えた実験を実施し,提案手法の有効性を確認した.

0961212 Ramon Francisco Mejia
Secure Trans-organizational Role-Based Access Control for the Internet of Things

“Internet of Things” (IoT) describes technologies where physical objects have a digital representation composed of roles. However, using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to secure IoT systems presents new challenges in RBAC where access control is supported in a trans-organizational way. In a trans-organizational setting, the involvement of a trusted third party in role authentication introduces performance issues due to the high volume and distributed nature of Auto-IDs.

Chapter 2 proposes a ToRBAC model within and across organizational domains that does not require user-role assignment lists to be shared. A family of ToRBAC models are formally defined, which includes role hierarchies and constraints. The models are shown to have properties that address role administration structures, standardized roles, and identification of liability. Also, it is shown that management complexity in ToRBAC is minimized compared to the traditional RBAC model.

Balancing the security and functionality of ToRBAC systems requires designing a flexible key management and role representation scheme. Chapter 3 proposes a secure scheme based on a Hierarchical Identity-Based Encryption (HIBE) mechanism. Analysis shows that the scheme is secure against algebraic and random oracle attacks, and discusses the security of the protocol for various intruder models. Furthermore, it is shown that the scheme offers advantages over PKI in implementing ToRBAC systems.

To implement the proposed scheme, two-dimensional monochrome (2D) barcodes must be able to store cryptographic keys. Chapter 4 investigates error control for 2D barcodes with increased data density. It is shown that the communication channel model is an additive white Gaussian noise channel, with the variance σ = 0.5637. Then, a symbology for designing high-density 2D barcodes including error-correcting codes and symbol interleaving, was designed. Tests show that 2D barcodes with an image quality ≧ 11.176 dB are robust against errors (< 0.05% bit-error rate), and the symbology adapts to the irregularities caused by printers, scanners, and physical damage.

0961211 Mauricio A. P. Burdelis
Temporal Difference Approach in Linearly Solvable Markov Decision Processes

The Reinforcement learning (RL) approach to Machine Learning is a technique to learn how to make decisions in order to achieve a desired goal. The model does not include the presence of a supervisor. The agent must learn by trial and error. This is done by taking actions and observing their consequences in the form or a reward (or cost) signal. Such problems are usually formalized as a Markov decision process (MDP). The mathematical framework of MDPs relies on the Bellman equation and is very general, but finding solutions can be inefficient because of the explosion of possible future states.

The framework of linearly solvable Markov decision processes (LMDP) greatly simplifies reinforcement learning. By attending specific conditions the Bellman equation can be made linear, and it becomes possible to obtain solutions more efficiently. However, it is necessary to previously know the passive dynamics of the system (i.e. the behavior of the system in the absence of controls) which is crucial in the model, but unknown in general.

A method to calculate such passive dynamics distribution (by performing continuous embedding of known traditional MDPs) exists, but requires the previous knowledge of all transition distributions and all immediate costs. Those are usually not known beforehand in temporal difference methods. Such methods require the agent to explore the environment and learn by trial-and-error.

Here we propose a method to estimate the passive dynamics and state costs of a given system. Such system can then be modeled as an LMDP. The method can also be combined with a temporal difference algorithm of the LMDP framework (called Z learning). This enables the direct application of Z learning without the need for explicit knowledge of passive dynamics nor state costs beforehand. The only required knowledge about the passive dynamics distribution of the system is which states can and which cannot be visited starting from each state. During the application of the method, new constraints regarding the passive dynamics and state costs are successively incorporated in the model from observed information of immediate costs. The resulting algorithm properly estimates the desirability and optimal cost-to-go functions, as well as the passive dynamics and state costs, when solving the resulting constrained optimization problem.

The convergence speed of the new algorithm is not significantly affected when compared to pure Z learning. This represents an important breakthrough for the LMDPs framework because it allows such framework to be applied directly in a real temporal difference approach.

0961209 Asad Habib
Design and Development of Optimized Hygienic Input Systems for Touch Screen Gadgets (Case Study: Urdu Language)

Input system design is a generic term which refers to a (GUI) Graphical User Interface that enables users to efficiently write text or enter commands to a device or application software. This includes text based, graphical and other means of input to the system. Hardware keyboards, soft keypads, GUIs of various desktop and web applications, mobile phone and tablet PC interfaces are typical examples of input systems. In this dissertation, we focused on soft or virtual keypads. We proposed mutually exclusive novel optimized Urdu keypads for various types of touch screen devices. We kept in view the intrinsic parameters of Urdu language and touch screen devices. We put user's health in prime focus at the design time and developed "hygienic" touch screen keypads. In addition, we explored character level applications of Computational linguistic. Urdu is used as case study language. We introduced a novel Urdu Romanization technique also.

QWERTY replica keypads migrated from typewriters to computers and now to touch screen handheld devices. It's the most common mode of input and for most languages, it's the only choice available to users. The multi-tap T9 keypads are also in use. Applications like Dasher are also available. Touch screen systems have their own dynamics that demand designing novel input systems with better usability, more user friendliness and higher performance. The generic keypads lack these qualities when deployed on touch screen platforms, particularly the small touch screen gadgets such as smart phones and PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) etc.

"Hygiene" has been ignored since long by input system designers. RSI (Repetitive Strain Injuries), CTS (Carpel Tunnel Syndrome), CTD (Cumulative Trauma Disorder), ophthalmic endemics and eyesight weakness etc. are few among many health hazards caused by regular and prolonged use of computers. RPA (Resting Point of Accommodation) and Convergence prospects are important design time considerations. Small touch screen input designs have been inspired by greedy approach in order to "accommodate more in less". Limited screen area appears cluttered with too many buttons and icons etc. that puts more strain on eyes due to acute and meager visibility. Keeping foremost focus on user's health at design time, we developed "hygienic" touch screen keypads that facilitate fast, correct and easy composing.

We live in the age of touch screen gadgets boom. Touch screen gadgets come in various sizes, shapes, platforms and other specifications. We categorized touch screen devices in three different sizes; small, medium and large size devices and proposed three distinct keypads for each of these categories. Each of these has been optimized for accurate, easy, speedy and efficient typing. Our proposed keypads offer better visibility, usability, extendibility, aesthetics and user friendliness.

Composing Urdu is a thorny task on modern touch-screen devices. Design and development of optimal keypads for Urdu is complicated due to complex orthography and relatively large letter-set. We introduced a new Urdu Romanization technique that suit small touch screen devices. We successfully reduced the Urdu alphabet set by 22.7% from 58 to 38 letters. Our proposed keypads are optimized for Urdu but applicable to Arabic, Persian, Punjabi and other Perso-Arabic script languages too. With minor changes in the backend script settings, our proposed keypads are applicable to non-Perso-Arabic script languages with larger letter-sets e.g. Hindi etc.

We carried out evaluation of our proposed keypads in two ways. Automated procedures showed improvement by 52.62% over in-the-market generic keypads for small screen gadgets. Medium size screen keypads showed 57.06% improvement. We conducted users' evaluation for real world performance comparison. Detailed results are presented in the subsequent chapters.

0861026 PUNZALAN Florencio Rusty
Respiratory Motion Tracking and Correction Simulation for Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography

Coronary magnetic resonance angiography (CMRA) is a noninvasive and non- exercise diagnostic tool that can visualize plaque progression in the coronary arteries. The main advantage of this technique is the lack of exposure to ionizing radiation or ionated contrast media. In addition, the high tissue contrasts of the images allow for the detection and quantification of plaques and fats in the coronary vessels. CMRA can also be used with other magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques for the assessment of cardiac structure, blood flow and viability. However, image quality has been hampered by motion related artifacts and has not reached sufficient quality for widespread diagnostic application yet. This study investigated the effect of subject-specific respiratory gating using a 3D cardiac model. We proposed a simulation platform for the quantitative assessment of different respiratory motion correction techniques in CMRA.

We used a high-resolution 3-D coronary heart CMRA scan to create a voxelized phantom and serve as the reference image in our simulation platform. This image was used as a template to simulate the effects of respiratory motion on CMRA scans. The resulting deformed and motion-affected 3-D coronary scan are then applied with different respiratory motion correction methods. The resulting corrected images are quantitatively measured in terms of image quality to compare the effectiveness of these correction methods. The goal is to determine the most suitable motion correction method for a certain patient or subject who has to undergo a CMRA scan. There is a high intersubject variabiility in the respiratory motion of the heart, thus a subject-specific correction method or factor is needed to improve the quality of the scan.

0961205 Satoru Noguchi
A study of wide-area geographical resource discovery for distributed mobile applications

Discovering application and network resources is one of essential tasks in pervasive computing environments. Every actor in the Internet performs some sort of discovery in everyday life: people try to find an interesting news article by clicking URLs shown in WWW browsers, WWW clients then try to discover a WWW server hosting a certain web page using DNS servers. The DNS servers may obtain routing information from dynamic routing daemons by locating neighboring routers. In addition to the traditional WWW use cases, recent years, peer-to-peer applications also try to discover a certain resource hosted in other peers. Such usages are taken place not only in human-from/to-machine communications but in machine-to-machine communications.

While there have been a wide variety of resource discovery technologies for a specific type of network such as LAN, MANET, entire Internet, distributed mobile applications for pervasive computing environments raise further challenges: discovering resources in any types of networks according to geographical position, and supporting hundreds of millions of mobile nodes. Some existing solutions are able to handle mobile nodes inside a small network, and others are capable of wide-area resource discovery focusing on the Internet, however, they are dedicated to a specific type of network and do not support geographical location based discovery. The capability of the geographical discovery, appropriate discovery scope selection, and mobility support for huge numbers of nodes are essential for future resource discovery systems.

This dissertation presents a geographical location based resource discovery mechanism for mobile applications, mainly focused on Vehicular Communication systems. To study the issues and analyze solutions in mobile resource discovery, the dissertation takes two approaches, the one is a small scope resource discovery mechanism for single mobile network relying on IPv6 multicast and the GeoNetworking protocol, and the other is a wide-area geographical mobile resource discovery mechanism in heterogeneous environments composed of numerous mobile networks possibly connected to the Internet. The latter approach is built on a hierarchical publish-subscribe architecture and the GeoNetworking protocol so that users can locate resources according to geographical coordinates without scalability issue. Evaluation results show that the proposed mechanism locates mobile resources among huge amount of candidates according to geographical position without overloading both mobile network and the Internet.

1061005 尾花 将輝




最後に, 「p-HInT」システムおよびそれ以外のプロジェクトから得られた実証データを用いて,提案するプロセスの複雑さを適用した.検証では,プロセスの複雑さとリリース後に発生した致命的な障害との関係,および,各プロジェクトの特色とプロセスの複雑さの関係について分析を行った.また, 「p-HInT」システムの開発プロセスを対象に,複雑さの変化と開発中に発生した問題点との因果関係について詳細な分析を行った.その結果,リリース後の致命的な障害とプロセスの複雑さには相関を確認することができた.

本発表では,まずソフトウェア開発プロジェクトにおける問題点とソフトウェアメトリクスについて概説する. 次に提案するソフトウェア開発プロジェクトに発生する追加プロセスを定量的に計測するプロセスの複雑さ尺度について述べる. また,プロセスの複雑さとプロダクト品質の因果関係を調査するために開発に参加した「p-HInT」プロジェクトについて述べる. 最後に提案するプロセスの複雑さとリリース後のプロダクト品質の関係を調査した結果を報告し,本研究をまとめる.

1061010 近藤 豊

現在盛んに研究が行われているヒューマン・ロボットインタラクション(HRI) において,人・ロボット間の対話の実現は必要不可欠である.ヒューマノイド やアンドロイドなどのように人型ロボットの場合,聴覚情報である音声会話の 生成に加え,視覚情報であるボディジェスチャの生成も重要課題となる.特に アンドロイドはその人間に似た外見的特徴から,ジェスチャにおいても人間に 似た動作表現が要求される.そこで,本研究では,人間の動作を計測すること で得られた大規模な動作データベースを実時間で再構成することで,アンドロ イドにおけるボディジェスチャを計画する.これにより,人間の行動・反応に 基づいて,応答性が高く自然なインタラクションが可能な自律HRIシステムの実 現し,広範な被験者実験を通じて,その効果を検証する.

本発表では,提案手法である再構成可能な動作データベースの構築方法と,ジェ スチャの実時間生成を提案し,その基本的な原理について述べる.データベー スの構築には,自然言語処理の類似文章分類手法の1つであるBag-of-wordsを, 類似動作分類手法として応用した.このとき,動作軌跡を周波数空間で扱うこ とにより,ジェスチャ自身が持つ意味的な類似尺度を基に,高速に分類するこ とが可能となる.得られた類似動作は,動的計画法により,より詳細に分類が 行われ,各類似動作群,つまり各ジェスチャには適当なパラメータ(例えば, 手差し動作の場合,目標手差し位置と顔の方向)が与えられる.このパラメー タを基に,現在のインタラクションに適した動作が生成されるよう類似動作同 士が合成される.また,インタラクション実行中のスムーズかつ安全な割り込 み手法を合わせて提案することにより,相手の対話に対して瞬時に応答を返す ことが可能となった.

最後に,提案手法をアンドロイドActroid-SITに実装することで開発した,多人 数とのインタラクションが可能な自律HRIシステムの設計仕様を述べる.累計 1,500名以上が参加した被験者実験の結果から,従来システムと比べ,応答時間, 対話時間,ロボットへの対話開始率,ロボットの印象などの評価項目において 得られた有意性に関しても合わせて報告する.

1061012 佐藤 智紀


センシング技術の1つとして,広範囲に検出領域をもつ漏洩同軸ケーブル(LCX:Leaky CoaXial cable) による侵入者検出が注目されている. このLCXを用いた侵入者位置検出システムは,送信,受信用の2本のLCXを設置し,送信ケーブルから測距用広帯域信号を送信する.受信ケーブルで得られた受信信号と送信信号との相互相関を求めることで,送信端と受信端の間のインパルス応答を求める.そして,このインパルス応答の変動量を測定することで侵入者の有無,及び位置の検出を行う. しかし,LCXを用いた侵入者検出システムは,熱雑音や風によるケーブルの揺れが原因となる誤検出が大きな問題となる.

この問題に対する解として,受信信号から遅延時間とドップラー周波数を示すチャネル散乱行列を得ることで,侵入者成分と外乱成分を分離した上で侵入者の位置を推定する処理が考えられるが,従来手法であるLeast Square(LS) 方式を用いた場合,雑音成分が強くなると外乱成分の分離に影響を与え誤検出率を増大させてしまう. そこで,本論文ではCompressed Sensing(CS) を用いた方式で雑音成分を除去した上でチャネル散乱行列を得るアルゴリズムを提案する. CSは,l1再構成と呼ばれる問題を解くことでスパース解の推定を高精度に行うことが可能であり,これを侵入者検出システムに用いることで誤検出率を改善することが可能になる. また,CS方式において問題となる計算量増大に対する一つの対処として,CS方式とLS方式を組み合わせた方式も提案し,計算機シミュレーションを用いて3方式の誤検出率を比較し,評価を行った. その結果,LS方式と比較してCS方式及び組み合わせ方式の誤検出率がそれぞれ,1/10, 1/5に改善されることが確認された.

次に,より大幅な計算量の削減行うため,CSにおけるスパース解の推定方式の1つであるMatching Pursuit(MP)を用いて侵入者検出処理における計算量改善を図る手法を提案する. 本検出システムのように検出処理を連続的に行うことを考えた場合,ある時間tとt+1の間で侵入者の移動量は本システムにおいて判別可能な最小距離に比べてわずかであり,得られるインパルス応答において大きな変化が起こらないと考えられる. このことを利用すれば,tの推定結果をt+1の推定に利用することで,処理時間を削減できる. そこで,スパース解の推定でl1再構成問題を解く際に用いられるMP方式における計算量削減アルゴリズムを提案する. 計算機シミュレーションによる評価により,誤検出率を下げることなく,前回の推定結果を利用しない場合と比較して計算量を半分程度に下げることが可能であることを示した.

1061014 Hironori Doi
Augmented speech production beyond physical constraints using statistical voice conversion
--Alaryngeal speech enhancement and singing voice quality control --

Speech is one of the principal communication ways for people. Speech conveys not only linguistic information but also emotion and speaker individuality. Moreover, singing voices which are produced by adding rhythm and tone to speech is widely used by many people as one of the musical instruments. Speakers' and singers' voice quality is determined by physical constraints in the speech production mechanism. This limitation of voice quality causes several problems. In this thesis, two of them are focused on.

One problem is vocal disorders caused by the total laryngectomy. The total laryngectomy is surgical operation to remove larynx including vocal folds due to laryngeal cancer. People who have undergone total laryngectomy, called laryngectomees, cannot speak in the same manner as non-laryngectomees because they cannot generate excitation sound using vocal folds vibration. Therefore, laryngectomees use alaryngeal speech produced by alternative speaking methods using residual organs or medical device instead of vocal folds to speech communication. Although alaryngeal speeches allow laryngectomees to speak, they suffer from unnatural sound and lack of speaker individuality. In other words, laryngectomees are subject to stronger physical constraints in speech production than non-laryngectomees. The other problem is limited expression in singing. Singers change their own voice quality to sing expressively but the varieties of singing voice quality that can be produced by individual singers are limited due to physical constraints. It is desirable to be able to achieve a new singing style to produce more expressive singing voices beyond the naturally achievable varieties.

To address these problems, new alaryngeal speech enhancement and singing voice quality control methods based on statistical voice conversion (VC) or eigenvoice conversion (EVC) are proposed as a technique to augment speech production beyond physical constraints in this thesis. VC is a technique that is capable of converting speaker's voice into another speaker's voice beyond physical constraints. In VC, a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) of the joint probability density of an acoustic feature between the source speaker's voice and the target speaker's voice is trained in advance using a special data set, called parallel data, that consists of utterance pairs of these two speakers. Any speech sample of source speaker is converted using the trained GMMs so that it sounds like target speaker's speech. EVC is the flexible voice conversion technique that allows us to convert an arbitrary speaker's voice into another arbitrary speaker's voice. In EVC, an eigenvoice GMM (EV-GMM) is trained in advance with multiple parallel data sets consisting of a single predefined speaker, called reference speaker, and many prestored target speakers. The conversion model which convert the source speaker's voice into the target speaker's voice can be easily constructed by adaptation of EV-GMM using a few of their given voice samples in text-independent manner.

The alaryngeal speech enhancement method based on VC, called AL-to-Speech in this thesis, allows laryngectomees to produce naturally sounding speech by converting alaryngeal speech into normal speech uttered by non-laryngectomees. Moreover, this thesis introduces one-to-many EVC, which is one of the EVC techniques, into AL-to-Speech to make it possible for laryngectomees to speak with unique voice quality. This thesis especially treats enhancement method for three types of alaryngeal speech, i.e., esophageal speech, electrolaryngeal speech, and silent electrolaryngeal speech.

The singing voice conversion allows singers to freely control their own voice quality by converting their singing voice into an arbitrary singer's singing voice by using EVC techniques. Furthermore, to easily develop multiple parallel data sets from nonparallel singing voice data sets of many singers, a technique for efficiently and effectively generating parallel data sets using a singing-to-singing synthesis system is proposed to artificially generate voices of the reference speaker, called reference singer in singing voice conversion. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of those proposed methods.

1061018 林 克彦
Advanced Techniques for Improving Transition-based Dependency Parsing

言語処理分野において構文解析は重要な課題である. 近年,統計的なモデルによって文の依存構造を解析するデータ駆動型依存構造解析が構文解析研究の主流の一つとなっている. 本研究はデータ駆動型依存構造解析におけるアプローチの一つ,Transitionべース法の問題点を改善ことに焦点を当てる.

Transitionべースの手法はShift-Reduce法を応用した手法であり,他のアプローチに比べ,高速な解析が可能であるが,解析精度の面では劣ることが知られている. 本研究では初めに,Shift-Reduce法が入力文の局所的な情報しか考慮できないために解析エラーを起こすことに着目し,文をトップダウン型で解析するTransitionベースの手法を提案した. この手法は文全体から単語間の依存関係を予測することが可能で,Shift-Reduce法に比べ,高い解析精度を達成することができた.また,この手法は従来のTransitionベースの手法が持つ,依存構造と導出間の曖昧性(Spurious Ambiguity)の問題を持たないという利点がある.しかし,提案法は時間計算量の点において従来手法に劣る.

本研究では次に,トップダウン型の手法が持つSpurious Ambiguity解消のメリットをShift-Reduce法に応用することで曖昧性の問題を持たないShift-Reduce法を考案した.この手法は従来のShift-Reduce法と比べ,同等の解析速度を達成でき,解析精度の面でも優れていることが実験より確認された.


1061020 福井善朗

非線形制御において,非可縮多様体上で定義されたシステムの漸近安定化問題が研究されている. この問題を考える上での主な障害は,非可縮多様体上で定義されたシステムの目標点を大域的漸近安定化する静的な連続状態フィードバックは存在しないことである. これにより,非可縮多様体上で定義されたシステムに対して制御系設計を行う場合, 時変か不連続なフィードバック制御を設計する必要がある.

この問題に対し,なめらかではない制御lyapunov関数の設計法である最小射影法と,制御則設計法が提案されている. また,応用例としてホロノミック移動体の静的障害物回避制御や,剛体の姿勢角制御も提案されている. ところが,非ホロノミック拘束を持つ二輪車両の障害物回避問題に対して最小射影法の適用は行われていない.

非ホロノミック拘束を持つ二輪車両の制御を行うために,コンパクト集合の安定化を考えることが行われている. しかし,最小射影法は,コンパクト集合の安定化問題に適用できない問題点があり,適用できるよう拡張可能であるかどうかは未検証である.


提案する集合への最小射影法は,車両の障害物回避問題に対して集合への制御Lyapunov関数が設計できるメリットがある. また,提案する障害物回避制御は大域的な状態フィードバック制御を解析的に導出している点で優れており, 予期せぬ障害物の移動に対して即座に対応できるメリットもあることを示す.

1061025 渡部 進一

現在,無線技術およびモバイルコンピューティングの世界において,位置認識の技術が注目を集めている.位置情報を利用するユーザにとっては高解像度な位置情報ではなく,ある領域に存在するかどうかを知るだけでよいものも存在する.また,携帯端末は回路やバッテリーの大きさに制限があるため,簡易な位置検出手法が求められている.そこで,本研究では簡易なハードウェア構成,および低演算量で構築可能な,領域単位で位置情報を判定する手法について検討する.無線タグが送信機に対して2つの領域のどちら側に存在するかを検出するため,長波信号を直接拡散スペクトル拡散(Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum; DS/SS) 変調した信号を用いた送受信機のアンテナ構成を採用する. 送信機のアンテナ構成により送信機に対する2つの領域に異なる向きの磁界を発生させ,DS/SS 信号を用いることにより,それらの磁界の向きを検出可能とする.


次に,精度に関しての評価として,4×4mおよび2×4mの空間において平均領域判定誤り率を評価した.その結果,受信信号強度のみを用いて存在領域の判定を行う既存の手法に対して0.4 倍および0.2倍の存在領域判定誤り率となることが明らかになった.さらに,演算量の評価として,領域単位で位置を判定する最小二乗法および学習ベクトル量子化法を用いた既存手法と提案手法の演算量の比較を行った.その結果,既存手法に対して提案手法は10分の1以下の演算量であることを明らかにした.本研究で要求されるハードウェ ア規模を見積もるため,ハードウェア容量が異なった場合の検出精度との関係を評価した結果,本論文の手法はADC 3 ビット,Integrate and Dump フィルタ5ビットで構成できることを明らかにした.

1061026 武 兵

観光は世界各地で地域活性化の重要な一環として期待されている. 平成23年に訪日外国人旅行者数は622万人,日本人海外旅行者数は1,699万人に到達し, 観光者へのサービス提供はますます重要になってきている.効率良く観光地を巡るには, 巡回スケジュールを事前に作成し,観光地を対象とするナビゲーションが有効である. このようなサービスを提供するために,携帯端末を用いたパーソナルナビゲーションシステム がすでに開発されている.しかし,これらはほとんどが時間制約内で複数の目的地を巡回する スケジュールを計算するものであるが,旅行者の満足度を大きく左右する天候や体力を考慮した スケジュールの立案法はまだ提案されていない.例えば,天気が晴れと雨の時, 良いとされる観光スケジュールが異なり,旅行者の満足度も当然異なる.また,同じ観光地で, 観光方式や観光時間によって必要な体力が異なり,場合よって体力が足りなくなってしまうことがある. 本論文では,天気,体力コンテキストをそれぞれ考慮した観光スケジュールの立案法に関して, 以下2つの手法を考案し,評価を行った.

(1)天気が確率的にしか予測できない場合を想定し,任意の天気変化パターンに対応した観光スケジュール群 を算出する問題を取り扱う.このスケジュール群は,出発地点を根として目的地ごとに分岐する木(スケジュール木と呼ぶ) で表現される.本問題の目的は,スケジュール木によって示された確率的なスケジュールのユーザ満足度期待値 の総和を最大化することである.この問題を解くために,欲張り法および局所探索法に基き, 近似アルゴリズムを提案する.提案アルゴリズムは,まず欲張り法を用いて初期のスケジュール木を作成し, 部分木を単位とした目的地の置換を繰り返し行うことにより,期待ユーザ満足度が高いスケジュール木を生成する. 本提案手法では,観光候補地20の場合,欲張り法の平均1.23 倍の期待値を持つスケジュール木を得ることができた.

(2)観光中に休憩を適宜に行うことで体力の範囲内で,複数の目的地に対し,好きな方式で巡る観光スケジュール を求める問題を取り扱う.本問題は,観光候補地を異なる方式で観光する場合の体力消費と得られる満足度をあらかじめ定義し, スケジュール全体で得られる満足度をできるだけ大きくすることを目的とする.この問題はNP困難であり, 問題例の規模が大きい時には,実用時間で最適解を算出することは困難である.実用時間で準最適解を得るため, ヒューリスティックな探索法である捕食法に基づいて複数の観光スポットを廻る休憩なしのスケジュールを求めたうえ, 局所探索を用いて適宜に休憩を差し挟むことで解を求める.本提案手法では,観光候補地10の場合, 全探索で得られた解の95.65%の満足度を有するスケジュールを13 秒で得られることを確認した.

1061027 Marina Atsumi Oikawa
A model-based tracking framework for non-textured 3D rigid curved objects using sparse polygonal meshes

Tracking the 3D pose of a known object is a common task in computer vision and approaches aiming to achieve real-time tracking are in constant development to attend different applications and scenarios. Augmented reality, robotic manipulation and gesture recognition are just some examples where accurate and robust tracking is essential for a successful application.

The main issue addressed in this research is the problem of determining the pose of non-textured 3D rigid curved objects. A common approach for non-textured objects tracking uses an edge-based method combined with a wireframe model representing the object shape. Control points are sampled along the model edges and matched with strong gradients detected in the video image. The final pose is then obtained after an optimization process.

However, dealing with curved objects using edge-based tracking is not straightforward, mainly because their edges are not static; instead, they change according to the viewpoint - feature defined as the apparent contour of the object. Furthermore, in order to accurately recover the shape of curved objects, high quality meshes are required, creating a trade-off between computational efficiency and tracking accuracy. Previous works in this context usually imposes some restriction, either in the object shape (e.g. dealing only with simple shapes, resembling some curved primitive) or in the motion of the object.

Considering these shortcomings, this dissertation proposes a novel model-based framework for tracking curved objects using sparse polygonal meshes. To achieve this, a quadrics patch representation was developed, where a general quadric equation is calculated offline for each patch in the mesh and used to give smooth local approximations of the object contour. During tracking, instead of using the edges from the mesh, curves representing the projection of the quadrics are used. With this representation, simple and complex shapes can be handled, being computationally efficient while keeping tracking accuracy.

Furthermore, a method to calculate the number of observable Degrees of Freedom (DoF) of the target object was also included to avoid wrong pose parameter estimation for objects having less than six DoF. It is also used to deal with objects whose number of observable DoF changes according to the viewpoint, being able to recover one missing DoF. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is proved through quantitative and qualitative experiments, comparing our approach and the traditional method using sparse and dense meshes. Results are presented using both synthetic and video image data. A further qualitative evaluation was performed with development of an augmented reality application for rapid prototyping, which was evaluated through a user study and also achieved positive results.

1061028 Raula Gaikovina Kula
Quantitative Analysis of Maintenance Processes at the Micro Level

The current state of mining software repository tools and technologies has provided opportunities for quantitative studies in software engineering. In this presentation, we derive the micro processes to quantify the daily activities of software developers (referred to as Micro Process Analysis (MPA)). We investigated how MPA could be used to address the shortfalls of current software process improvement (SPI) initiatives. Specifically we demonstrated the application of MPA at the maintenance phase. We targeted micro processes associated with bug & patch resolution and peer review.

For bug and patch processes, we quantitatively re-established Lehman's law between maintenance effort and code complexity. With three open source software (OSS) projects and a closed experiment, our proposed metrics proved this relationship to be statistically significant.

For peer review processes, we developed two models to assist OSS members identifying their social standing and career trajectory. SPI is achieved by more efficient and higher quality reviews, through the identification of expertise. Providing a career trajectory model encourages member participation, thus it promotes the sustainability of peer reviews within a project. Our techniques and approaches validated the application of MPA for software maintenance. We concluded that micro processes could serve as supplements to macro processes, therefore providing an added dimension to SPI.

1061031 Rafael Antonio Torres Rodriguez
Comparison of Topic Classification Methods for Spoken Inquiries

One of the most natural means for social interaction among humans is speech. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) technologies have made feasible the usage of speech as an interface for human-machine interaction. As a result it has been applied to telephone-based services, guidance systems, car navigation systems, and others; aiming to provide a more natural interaction. The classification of spoken inquiries into topics is useful to manage the interaction with users by reducing the range of possible responses and for dialog management. However, topic classification of spoken inquiries is often hindered by ASR errors, sparseness of features and phenomena peculiar to spontaneous speech.

This work addresses the topic classification of spoken inquiries in Japanese by comparing the performances of three supervised learning methods with different characteristics: support vector machine (SVM) with a radial basis function (RBF) kernel, PrefixSpan boosting (pboost) and the maximum entropy (ME) method. SVM robustly finds boundaries among topics even when data are not linearly separable, whereas pboost performs feature selection and classifies by checking for the presence of optimal discriminative subsequence patterns in the input. On the other hand, ME estimates probability distributions from data and allows multiclass classification.

An evaluation using words or characters as features for the classifiers is also performed. Using characters as features is possible in Japanese owing to the presence of kanji, ideograms originating from Chinese characters that represent not only sound but also meaning. The differences among the three classifiers allow them to compensate each other's performance. Because of this, the usage of a stacked generalization (SG) scheme that combines their predictions to achieve greater classification performance is proposed.

Analyses on the performance of the above methods and their combination in the topic classification of spoken inquiries from a speech-oriented guidance system operating in a real environment were carried out. Experimental results show that the three methods individually produce some prediction errors that do not overlap, and that the SG scheme improves the topic classification performance by correcting some of them. There was an F-measure of 86.87% for the classification of ASR results from children's inquiries with an average performance improvement of 2.81%, and an F-measure of 93.96% with an average improvement of 1.89% for adults' inquiries when using the SG scheme and character features.

1061034 Ying Lei
Functional analysis of the Veg protein that stimulates biofilm formation in Bacillus subtilis

Biofilm is a complex aggregate of cells that adhere to each other and produce an extracellular matrix. In Bacillus subtilis, an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) and amyloid fiber (TasA), synthesized by epsA-O and tapA-sipW-tasA operons, respectively, are the primary components of the extracellular matrix. I investigated the functional role of the previously uncharacterized veg gene in B. subtilis. It has been known that veg gene, encoding a highly conserved small protein among gram-positive bacteria, is highly transcribed, however, I discovered that the protein level is kept at very low level by rapid proteolysis, in part, with LonA, ClpYQ and MlpA. Therefore I overproduced Veg, and found that overproduction of Veg stimulated biofilm formation via inducing transcription of the epsA-O and tapA-sipW-tasA operons. Moreover Veg restored the biofilm-deficient phenotype of deletion mutants of sinI, slrA or slrR, encoding an antirepressor of SinR that acts as the master regulator of biofilm formation, while hyper-formed biofilm morphology in the absence of SinR was not affected by either additional veg deletion or overproduction, indicating that Veg negatively regulates SinR activity independently of the known antirepressors. Expression of sinR was not affected in Veg-overproducing cells, and SinR amounts were similar in cells expressing different levels of Veg, strongly suggesting that Veg modulates the repressor activity of SinR. Interestingly, in vivo complex analysis showed that Veg inhibits the interactions between SinR and SlrR. Based on these findings, I propose that Veg or a Veg-induced protein acts as an antirepressor of SinR to regulate biofilm formation. I will discuss how Veg activity is regulated and what Veg controls other than biofilm formation via the newly identified pathway.

1161003 Takehiro Ishiguro
Nonlinearity Compensation for Satellite Communications

Recently, the data size of high definition video and other digital data have been growing larger and along with that, a larger channel capacity of satellite communication has been required. To achieve such large capacity, there are two major ways. The first method is to apply higher-order modulation with higher output power of satellite transponder. The second method is to use the frequency band efficiently by superposing two or more signals in one channel. Both methods can be applied without any hardware modification of satellite transponder and is able to apply on current satellite systems.

However, higher CNR (Carrier to Noise Ratio) condition is necessary when using multi-level modulation because the signals are tightly aligned on the constellation. Conventional satellite amplifier must be operated with large backoff to avoid the nonlinear distortion. Satellite systems with superposed signal must also be operated with large backoff because of the inter-carrier interference caused by the amplifier's nonlinearity. In these cases, power efficiency of satellite amplifier will decrease due to a large backoff.

In this presentation, a novel nonlinearity compensation scheme to suppress the nonlinear interference and to use satellite transponder's power more effectively for more channel capacity is proposed. Here a nonlinearity compensation scheme for the receiver side is considered because of the implementation cost and the effect to the system. Then the compensator is implemented to the receiver of two typical satellite networks, multi-level modulated network and carrier superposed network, for performance evaluation. As a result, it is confirmed that the proposed scheme has avoided the degradation caused by amplifier's nonlinearity in both networks.

1161015 Marcos Daniel Villagra
On the Power and Limitations of Quantum Computing Models

To understand the physical limits of computation it is necessary to shift our classical computer models to ones that take into account physical considerations. The best current theory of physical reality is quantum mechanics, which take us to think on computer models based on it. Quantum computation is the study of the power and limitations of computer models that consider quantum mechanical effects like interference and entanglement. Several of the classical computing models like boolean circuits, Turing machines, etc., can be extended to quantum models of computation. In this research we focus in two particular models: the decision tree complexity and communication complexity.

This research is divided in two parts. First we consider upper bounds in the decision tree model. Here we study Quantum Walks, a very powerful paradigm for the design and analysis of quantum algorithms. Clear mathematical foundations are still lacking for this paradigm. Hence, as a step toward this objective, the following question is being addressed: Given a graph, what is the probability that a quantum walk arrives at a given vertex after some number of steps? This is a very natural question, and for classical random walks it can be answered by different combinatorial arguments. For quantum walks this is a highly non-trivial task. Furthermore, this was only achieved before for one specific coin operator (Hadamard operator) for walks on the line. Even considering only walks on lines, generalizing these computations to a general SU(2) coin operator is a complex task. The main contribution of this part is a closed-form formula for the question above for a general symmetric SU(2) operator for walks on lines. As a second contribution, we show how some basic properties of the walk can be deducted by means of weak convergence theorems for quantum walks.

In the second part of this research we focus on lower bounds in communication complexity. In particular, quantum nondeterministic multiparty communication. There are three different types of nondeterminism in quantum computation: i) strong, ii) weak with quantum proofs, and iii) weak with classical proofs. Here we focus on strong quantum nondeterministic protocols where a correct input is accepted with positive probability, and an incorrect input is rejected with probability 1. By extending the definition proposed by de Wolf to nondeterministic tensor-rank (nrank), we show that for any boolean function f, when there is no prior shared entanglement, the strong quantum nondeterministic communication complexity 1) is upper-bounded by the logarithm of nrank(f) in the Number-On-Forehead model; and, 2) in the Number-In-Hand model it is lower-bounded by the logarithm of nrank(f). One application is a new lower bound for the generalized inner product function in the Number-In-Hand model. As another application we show that when the number of players in the protocol is o(\log\log n) we have NQP is not included in BQP in the Number-On-Forehead model.

1161024 Yukihiro Sasagawa
Studies on Improving reliability and efficiency using Adaptive redundancy in LSI system

Nowadays, with the increasing concern for battery life and thermal dissipation problems, the trend of microprocessor design has shifted from a traditional performance-oriented target to the more recent energy efficiency oriented target. Even process scaling contributes to power reduction, the behaviors of transistor become sensitive so that it requires more design margins. Many technologies have been applied to eliminate unnecessary design margins and reduce resources or supply voltages in order to keep the calculation within a limited power budget.

Among these technologies, one recent major technique is to use Razor Flip-Flop to help apply aggressively the well-known low power method DVS(Dynamic Voltage Scaling). With Razor FF detecting setup errors, the supply voltage in these processors is downscaled to a near critical setup timing level for a maximum power consumption reduction. However, the conventional Razor and DVS combinations cannot tolerate well error rate variations caused by IR-drops and environment changes. At the near critical setup timing point, even a small error rate change will result in sharp performance degradation. This dissertation proposes RazorProtector, a DVS application method based on a redundant data-path which uses a multi-cycle redundant calculation to shorten the recovery penalty after a setup error occurrence.

A dynamic redundancy-adapting scheme is also given to use effectively the designed redundant data-path based on a study of the program, device and error rate characteristics. This dissertation employs a metric DCF (Delay Criticality Factor) to measure the sensitivity to the setup error of each calculation type. The results show that RazorProtector with the adaptive redundancy architecture can, compared to the traditional DVS method with Razor FF, under a large setup rate caused by a 10% unwanted voltage drop, reduce Energy Delay Product(EDP) up to 61% at 100us/V, 85% at 200us/V voltage scaling slope.

This dissertation also applied a program characteristic-based tuning method in this paper to dynamically adapt the redundancy level of RazorProtector. The most related parameters, including ILP(Instruction Level Parallelism) and DCF are selected and effectively reflected in the tuning to give an adaptive redundancy dynamically. The simulation results show that under a workload suite with different behaviors, the adaptive redundancy can achieve better EDP reduction than any static controls. Compared to the original DVS method, the proposed dynamic control achieves an average 56% EDP reduction for the interested workloads in benchmark applications.

1261004 木本 奈津子






0661010 河内 了輔


 本研究では,まず,乳児の哺乳行動に着目し,吸啜時において主体的に動く舌運動の計測を行うために,小型力センサを複数個内蔵した人工乳首を開発し,舌と人工乳首の接触圧を計測した.従来,吸啜時における乳児の矢状面断層画像の動的観察により,舌表面の隆起部が乳首の基底部から先端にかけて動く様子が明らかになっている.本研究では,本人工乳首を乳児の口腔内に挿入した結果,人工乳首に加わる接触圧の変動が約2 Hzであること,人工乳首の基底部と先端に設置した力センサの出力について,それらが最大値に達する時刻に差があることが示された.さらに,所定の位置に加わる力を計測することが可能な点接触型力センサを開発し,人工乳首に加わる力の重心が基底部から先端へと動く様子が明らかになった.これらの結果は,乳首に加わる力から乳児の舌運動が計測できることを示唆している.

 次に,下顎の上下運動および舌の巧みな動きに着目し,それらを独立2系統の入力手段として用いる口腔装着型コンピュータ入力システムを構築した.本システムの有用性を調べるために,日本語50音,濁音,半濁音,句読点が入力可能な入力用ソフトウェアを開発し,実験を行った結果,安定した操作が可能であり,単音あたり3 s〜4 sで入力できることが示された.また,楽器演奏が可能なソフトウェアをあわせて開発し,エンターテインメント分野へ応用できる可能性を示した.


1261006 小林 直樹

パルスオキシメータの原理であるパルススペクトロフォトメトリ (pulse spectrophotometry, PSP)は,体表面から生体に複数の波長の光を照射し,透過光の脈動による減光度を測定することにより,血中吸光物質濃度を測定する技術である.パルスオキシメータは現在,血液の酸素化のモニタとして広く医療の現場で使用されている.PSPはパルスオキシメトリ(pulse oximetery)の他に,血中に投与した色素の濃度を連続測定し心拍出量(CO)を測定するパルス式色素希釈法 (PDD: Pulse dye densitometry)にも応用されている.


第1章では研究のベースとなる色素希釈法(dye densitometry)について解説するとともに,pulse oximetery, pulse dye densitometryが開発されるまでの技術背景および測定原理について述べる.




1061024 吉崎 航





1061023 Atsushi Miyamoto
Sparse Bayesian Approach to Inverse Problems

Inverse problems include many useful engineering problems, which estimates latent variables from observation variables. With using Bayesian generative approach for the problems, we can explicitly induce the relationship between these variables. In this dissertation, the estimation methods are proposed for the two inverse problems. One is diffuse optical tomography (DOT) and the other is packet loss rate estimation.

DOT reconstructs three-dimensional tomographic images of brain activities from observations by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). We present a method for the NIRS-DOT based on a Bayesian method introducing the sparse prior and the variational Bayes technique. Through numerical experiments and theoretical analyses, we show that the sparseness with respect to the hyperparameters has phase transition.

Packet loss rate estimation is a inverse problem in communication network. There are two kinds of methods to measure packets: active and passive. The conventional methods for the estimation utilize only active measurements. We propose a method to utilize passive measurements also with using expectation and maximization algorithm. In the limit, the M-step of the algorithm reduce to the compressed sensing. We show through numerical experiments that our method outperforms the conventional algorithm with only active measurements in the estimation accuracy.

Through the two subjects, the results indicated that the sparse Bayesian approach can be useful to the inverse problems.

1061004 Chihiro Obayashi
A Study on Assist-As-Needed Robotic Training Based on Reinforcement Learning

This research proposes a novel robotic trainer for motor skill learning. It is useradaptive inspired by assist-asneeded principle well known in the filed of physical therapy. Most of the previous studies in the field of robotic assistance of motor skill learning requires predetermined desired trajectories which was not examined intensively if they were optimal for each user. Furthermore, it has been known as guidance hypothesis that humans tend to rely too much on external assist,resulting in interference with internal feedback necessary for motor skill learning. A few studies proposed such a system that adjust its assist-strength according to the user's performance in order to prevent the user from being too much relying on the robotic assistance. There are, however, problems in those studies; The physical model of the user's motor system is required, which is inherently difficult.

In this research, we propose a framework for such a robotic trainer that is useradaptive, and that does not require a specific desired trajectory nor the physical model of the user's motor system, which is achieved by a model-free reinforcement learning. We chose darts throwing as an example motor-contrl task as it is one of the simplest throwing task, and its performance can be easily and quantatively measured by score. Training experiments with novices, aiming at maximizing the score of the darts and minimizing the physical roboticv support demonstrate the feasibility and the plausibility of the proposed framework.

0861004 黒岩 将

近年,我が国では,少子化の進行に伴い,独身の数を減らそうとい う動きが活発化し,合コンをセッティングするサービスを,民間企業や地方自治 体が行っている.こうしたサービスにおける主要な課題は,カップル成立数を高 めることである.本研究では,相性の良い(以下,好相性と呼ぶ)男女を同じ合 コンに参加させるために,以下の2 つの問題を同時に解くシステムの設計・開発 に取り組んだ.どのような男女が好相性なのかという問題(予測問題),また,既 知となった好相性をどのように用いて,どのように合コンの参加者を構成すれば 良いのか(組合せ最適化問題),という問題である.前者の予測問題の解決には, 進化計算(EC, Evolutionary Computation)を用い,後者の組合せ最適化問題には, 好相性を表す解ごとに,それに似た属性情報を持つ男女を合コンの定員数ずつ集 めるという単純な方法を採用し,「合コン問題」を段階的に解く構成とした.

提案システムでは,入力を,システム利用者の年齢,血液型,学歴,趣味,年 収などの属性情報とし,出力を,カップル成立の可能性が高い合コン参加者名簿 とする.ECの解候補は,好相性と思われる属性の組合せを表現しており,それ ぞれ異なった合コンに対応させる.解候補に似た属性情報を持つ男女をその解候 補に対応する合コンに割り当てる.その後,合コンを行い,得られた結果(カッ プル成立数)を,その解候補に評価値(適応度)として与える.その後,評価値 付きの解候補群に対しEC 演算を加える.以上の流れを繰り返すことで,高い評 価値を持つ解が解集団内に残っていく形で好相性の準最適解集団を求める. 本研究では,一つの最適解を求める手法を提案し評価を行った後,相性空間の ような多峰性関数の複数極大値算出手法として,類似の解が増えないように工夫 したEC の選択法を導入し評価を行った.相性空間(男女の属性の組が取り得る 値の範囲)は多峰性であり,多様なカップルを成立させるためには,EC によっ て,この多くの峰を求める必要があるからである.合わせて,少ない合コン回数 でより良い解を得ることができるよう,実際の合コンを行わずに,過去の合コン 履歴を活用して任意の解に評価値を与える方法を導入した.

提案システムを評価するため,N個のピーク(好相性の男女の属性情報の組合 せに相当)を持つ多峰性関数であるNMax問題を定義し,N=5の場合について 計算機実験を行った.比較のため,カップル成立した男女の属性を好相性として そのまま使用する手法を用意した.その結果,提案システムが,比較手法に比べ て,半分の合コン実施回数で,最適解に約90%以上一致する解集団を求めること ができ,得られた解を基にした合コン割当てにより約2倍のカップル成立数を達 成できることを確認した.

0561001 Ai Azuma
Study and Application of Advanced Instances of Algebraic Frameworks for Forward-Backward Algorithm

Forward-backward algorithm is an important Dynamic Programming (D.P.) algorithm especially in sequence labeling. This algorithm enables us to avoid explicit enumeration of all the possible output candidates and provides an efficient way to accomplish computation tasks in both learning and prediction steps of sequence labeling.

In recent years, there is a series of studies in formalization of D.P. based on algebraic frameworks. Such frameworks can subsume many important computations by instantiating a concrete algebra. The most of the instances shown in the past research are suitable only to computation tasks in the prediction step, where the main concern is to find the best or next bests solution in the search space. On the other hand, the learning step, which is numerical optimization procedure of models, are also central computation in sequence labeling. However, only a few instances are useful in the learning step, and various important computations in the learning step do not adapt to any algebraic frameworks.

In this dissertation, I first introduce algebraic notations and review the past studies of D.P. related to sequence labeling. Next, I introduce some systematic ways to compose complex algebraic systems from simpler ones. I also show novel advanced instances of algebraic frameworks of D.P. These show promise in various numerical calculations in the learning step. Finally, in order to demonstrate the actual benefit of the algebraic instances proposed in this dissertation, I propose a novel sequence labeling model which utilizes one of proposed instances of the framework in its learning step. I also show the quantitative result of the model.

1061016 畑田 和良

近年, 医療や産業分野への応用を意識したパワーアシストに関する研究が広くおこなわれている. 最も素朴なアシスト方法は, 人間の力の瞬時値を計測し, その値に比例した力を機械によって発生させて, 人間の運動を補助するものであろう. 規則性のない運動を補助する場合には, この手法を用いざるを得ないが, 周期運動にこれを適用した場合, 周期力の脈動を増幅させることになり, 結果的にむらのある運動が実現されてしまうことがある. このような運動は, 効率の点からも望ましくないと考えられる. 本論文では, 周期運動に対して, いかなるパワーアシスト法がエネルギー効率の意味で最適となるかを考える.

まず, 周期運動のひとつである自転車のペダリング動作について考える. 自転車のペダリングに関する力学モデルを導出し, それをもとにしてエネルギー効率が最適となる条件を求める. その結果, 考察している周期運動に対しては, 入力トルクの脈動を除去することが有効であるという指針が得られる. これは, 人間のペダリングトルクをある種の周期外乱と捉え, 繰返し制御を適用することでその脈動を除去する従来研究の正当性を裏付けるものである. また, 繰返し制御器をある種の有限インパルス応答(FIR)フィルタと捉え, いわゆる一般化Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov補題に基づいて設計する手法が従来提案されているが, 本論文では, 無限インパルス応答(IIR)型制御器を用いることで, 所望の周波数特性を満たしつつ, 従来よりも次数の低い制御器の設計法を提案する. さらに, 数値シミュレーションおよび実験結果を通じて, 提案法の有効性と最適条件の正当性を示す.

次に, 提案手法を船舶のエンジン回転数制御へ応用する. 規則波中を航行する船舶は, 波から受ける周期的な力とプロペラから発生する推力の二つの力が入力となって運動している. この状況は, 電動アシスト自転車の運動と類似のものである. そこで, 上記提案手法を船舶のエンジン回転数制御へ応用し, 数値シミュレーションによって燃費の改善結果を示す.

1261002 Mitsuaki Akiyama
Study on High Interaction Client Honeypot for Infiltrative Intrusion Detection

We studied a honeypot that is a decoy system to conduct infiltrative observation for malware infection in order to solve problems of conventional intrusion detection and provide useful information for protection/mitigation scheme. To design and implement, we preliminarily surveyed and clarified typical techniques of adversary for drive-by download which is the recent main infection vector in actual malicious websites.

We enumerated basic requirements for design and implementation of client honeypot, corresponding to above adversarial techniques as follows: detection precision, inspection performance, information collection, safeguarding, camouflaging and seed URL selection. For precisely exploit detection, we proposed stepwise detections for anomalous behaviors of three exploitation phases in order to broaden coverage of detection and discovering various patterns of known/unknown exploitation. In our experiment, a conventional detection method can only one third of exploitations detected by our proposed detection method. For collecting precise information, a client honeypot coordinates network-based events and host-based events to identify complex relationship of web contents and URL-graph structure of malware distribution network. For camouflaged inspection, a client honeypot must be developed based on high interaction system (i.e., real OS and applications) and uses a network environment of IP address randomization. For achieving high-inspection performance and safeguarding, we proposed two approaches: 1) multi honeypot-agent, and 2) multi browser-process. In particular, the second approach is the novel sandbox mechanism for process multiplication on single honeypot OS. Our proposed sandbox enables process-level execution environment isolation. For selecting seed URL, we proposed structural neighborhood URL lookup that preferentially inspects extracted potentially malicious URLs for blacklist candidacy. This method is based on our assumption that unknown malicious URLs exist in the neighborhood of known malicious URLs created by the same adversary because of characteristics of malicious websites that are short-lived and partial mutation of URL to avoid blacklisting. Evaluation result shows effectiveness for blacklist generation to discover URLs in the neighborhood of a malicious URL by using a search engine.

Developed client honeypot, called Marionette, is compatible with all proposed methods and satisfies enumerated requirements. We confirmed feasibility and stability of it in the long-term observation in the real web space. Remarkable observation data indicates critical properties of adversary for next step of actual countermeasures. Finally, we address open problems and future directions of malware countermeasures.

情報科学研究科 副専攻長