
日時: 9月20日 (金) 4限目(15:10-16:40)

会場: L1

司会: MEHMOOD Faisal
小竹 宙樹 M, 2回目発表 ヒューマンロボティクス 和田 隆広 松原 崇充 織田 泰彰 劉 海龍 本司 澄空
title:Admittance-Passive Velocity Field Control for Human-Robot Co-carrying tasks with Human Intention Change
abstract:Human-Robot-Interaction is expected to improve work efficiency by combining the high recognition ability of humans with the high-power and high-accuracy movements of robots. For example, in a task where Human and Robot carry the same object, the robot needs to follow the human's intention as necessary while reducing the human's workload. However, there are cases in which the robot cannot estimate the human's intention due to an immediate human action such as avoiding an obstacle, which may increase the workload on the human or cause danger to the human. In this research, we solve the above problems by combining passive velocity field control, which satisfies the passivity of the system, and admittance control, which enables trajectory generation in response to external forces, and apply it to the Human-Robot Co-carrying tasks. Experiments are conducted for multiple scenarios of the Co-carrying tasks to verify the effectiveness of the control method.
酒井 大輔 M, 2回目発表 ヒューマンロボティクス 和田 隆広 松原 崇充 織田 泰彰 劉 海龍 本司 澄空
title:The effect of vehicle maneuverability on vestibulo-ocular reflex
abstract:When operating machine, the accuracy and gain of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) are correlated with factors such as the sense of agency and mental workload.
This study investigated how changes in machine dynamics and the resulting differences in maneuverability affect the VOR.
In the experiment, participants were seated on a horizontally rotatable chair and controlled the chair's rotation using a joystick.
During the task, participants were required to maintain a constant rhythm and rotate to target angles. After completing the task,
participants filled out a questionnaire to assess their subjective ratings of mental workload and maneuverability.
Preliminary results suggest that VOR accuracy tends to be higher when machine dynamics offer better maneuverability.
language of the presentation:Japanese
松本 暖樹 M, 2回目発表 ヒューマンロボティクス 和田 隆広 松原 崇充 織田 泰彰 劉 海龍 本司 澄空
title:Effect of Mutual Communication on Human-Robot Handovers during Multitasking
abstract:In human-robot collaboration, the handover task is expected in many situations. To smoothly carry out handovers between the human and the robot, communication to understand the other agent’s intention is essential. This research aims to achieve fast and accurate handovers in situations involving multiple tasks and to reduce the psychological burden on the workers by mutually presenting information between two agents. The impact of different robot control algorithms and the presentation of mechanical states on handovers will be verified through subject experiments.
language of the presentation:Japanese
佐藤 瑛人 D, 中間発表 ヒューマンロボティクス 和田 隆広 松原 崇充 織田 泰彰 劉 海龍 本司 澄空
title: Human-Centered Haptic Shared Control Using Human-Machine Intercommunication for Remotely Operated Vehicles with Variable Sensor Accuracy
abstract: We focus on Haptic Shared Control (HSC) for remotely operated vehicles. HSC has been studied to improve vehicle stability and to reduce the burden of vehicle operation, but no method has been established to assist humans in fields where measuring vehicle surroundings may be uncertain. However, there is no established method to assist humans in fields where sensor information can be uncertain. In addition, HSC uses the same input terminal for both humans and machines, which reduces control accuracy compared to fully autonomous control without a terminal. In this study, we propose a human-centered HSC in the activity field that includes situations where sensor noise is large, or the sensor is unavailable. The proposed method consists of two approaches. (1) Information transfer for humans to determine the intensity of HSC presentation, and (2) Improvement of control accuracy by switching between Shared and Autonomous control. Since the information available to humans is limited in remote control, we aim to assist human cognition and judgment by communicating additional information indicating the system status and to improve accuracy by performing fully autonomous control when the sensors are fully functional. In this presentation, we will report the results of (1) information conveying to humans and HSC strength determination and discuss control method switching techniques using these results.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: センサ精度が変動する遠隔操縦車両の人間—機械相互コミュニケーションを用いた人間主体Haptic Shared Control
発表概要: 遠隔操縦車両操縦のHaptic Shared Control(HSC)に着目する.HSCは自動車等の操縦で車両安定性の向上や操縦負担軽減を目指す研究が進んでいるが,機体や周囲の状態を測定するセンサ情報が不確実となりうる領域での人間に対する補助方法は確立されていない.また,HSCは人間と機械が同一の入力端末を用いる特性上,端末を経由しない完全自律制御より制御精度が低減する.本研究では,センサノイズが大きい,または使用不可となる状況を含む活動領域における人間主体型のHSCを提案する.提案手法は2つのアプローチからなる.① 人間がHSCの提示強度を決定するための情報伝達 ② Shared, Autonomous controlの切替による制御精度向上.遠隔操縦では人間が得られる情報が限られるため,システムの状態を示す情報を追加で伝達することで人間の認知・判断を補助し,センサが十全に機能する状態では完全自律制御を行うことで精度向上を目指す.本発表では,①の人間に対する情報伝達とHSC強度決定についての結果を報告し,それを用いた制御方法切り替え手法について議論を行う.