
日時: 9月20日 (金) 3限目(13:30-15:00)

会場: L1

司会: 嶋利 一真
FERREIRA DA SILVA LUCAS M, 2回目発表 光メディアインタフェース 向川 康博 和田 隆広 舩冨 卓哉 藤村 友貴 北野 和哉
title: Sensor Pose Estimation Using Low-Cost, Low-Resolution TMF8820 Sensor Data
abstract: In this study, we propose a method for sensor pose estimation using the TMF8820, a low-resolution, fast, and cost-effective 3D imaging sensor that captures both spatial and temporal information. The proposed method leverages the Interactive Closest Point algorithm to estimate the sensor's pose directly from the measured data, without relying on external tools or cues. We present preliminary results with simulated data to demonstrate the feasibility of this approach, even with resolutions as low as 16x16 pixels, and discuss the method's application to real-world data in the next steps.
language of the presentation: English
LI SIYUAN M, 2回目発表 ヒューマンロボティクス 和田 隆広 清川 清 織田 泰彰 劉 海龍 本司 澄空
title: Visual Information for Motion Sickness Reduction Considering Text Readability
abstract: With the increase in opportunities for passengers of autonomous vehicles to engage in activities such as reading text, issues of increased motion sickness and reduced work efficiency have emerged. Although there has been research on reducing sensory conflicts to mitigate motion sickness using visual information that presents vehicle dynamics, the impact of such visual information on text readability has not yet been fully investigated. Therefore, this study proposes a method to adjust the stimuli intensity of visual information to reduce motion sickness without compromising readability. A preliminary experiment was conducted to verify the effectiveness of various visual information patterns in a scenario involving a reading task in the moving vehicle.
language of the presentation: English
今澤 拓也 M, 2回目発表 サイバネティクス・リアリティ工学 清川 清 和田 隆広 内山 英昭 Perusquia Hernandez Monica 平尾 悠太朗
title: A study on the generation of a virtual visceral floating sensation by means of falling images
abstract: In roller coasters and other attractions where people fall from a high altitude, they may perceive a unique sensation of visceral levitation due to the upward force called negative G. This is called visceral levitation sensation. This is called the visceral levitation sensation. An illusion similar to this sensation may be experienced when watching an image of falling from a high place, which is called a pseudo visceral levitation sensation. Vection, which is the illusion of movement of one's own body even though it is actually stationary, is one of the illusions induced by visual information. Although there have been many studies on the sensation of movement such as vection, there have been few studies on the pseudo visceral levitation sensation. This study aims to clarify more about pseudo visceral levitation sensation. In this presentation, we will present the results of an experiment comparing the pseudo visceral levitation sensation with vection and give an overview of the experiment we plan to conduct.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: 落下映像による擬似的な内臓浮遊感覚の生起に関する研究
発表概要: ジェットコースターなどの高所から落下するアトラクションでは、マイナスGと呼ばれる上向きの力がかかるため内臓が浮きあがり独特の感覚を知覚することがある。これを内臓浮遊感覚と呼称する。この感覚に似た錯覚を高所から落下する映像を視聴した際に感じることがあり、これを疑似的な内臓浮遊感覚と呼称する。視覚情報によって引き起こされる錯覚として、実際には静止しているにもかかわらず自己身体の移動感覚が引き起こされる錯覚であるベクションが挙げられる。ベクションなどの移動感覚に関する研究は多く行われているが、疑似的な内臓浮遊感覚に関する研究は少ない。本研究では疑似的な内臓浮遊感覚に関してより多くのことを明らかにしていくことを目指す。本発表では、疑似的な内臓浮遊感覚とベクションの比較を行った実験の結果を発表し、実施を予定している実験の概要を説明する。