日時(Date) |
2024年10月15日 (火) / Ocboter 15th, 2024 3限 (13:30--15:00) / 3rd period (13:30--15:00) |
場所(Location) | エーアイ大講義室(L1), AI Inc. Seminar Hall (L1)+ Online (HYBRID) |
司会(Chair) | Naoaki Ono |
講演者(Presenter) | 笹原和俊 (東京科学大学 環境・社会理工学院) / Kazutoshi Sasahara (School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology.) |
題目(Title) | 計算社会科学入門/Introduction to Computational Social Science |
概要(Abstract) | Computational Social Science represents the social science of the digital era. It employs big data and computational and information technologies to examine humans and societies with a level of resolution and scale previously unachievable, in an interdisciplinary approach. This lecture will outline the methodologies of computational social science and present case studies on information ecosystems that have been conducted to date. |
講演言語(Language) | 英語 (English) |
講演者紹介(Introduction of Lecturer) |