Colloquium A

日時(Date) 2024年7月26日 (金) / July 26th, 2024
4限 (15:10--16:40) / 4th period (15:10--16:40)
場所(Location) エーアイ大講義室(L1), AI Inc. Seminar Hall (L1)
司会(Chair) 佐藤 嘉伸 (Yoshinobu Sato)
講演者(Presenter) Jean Cousty, Ph.D(Professor of Computer Science, Université Paris-Est, ESIEE-Paris)
題目(Title) Interactive Segmentation With Incremental Watershed Cuts
概要(Abstract) We present an incremental method for computing seeded watershed cuts for interactive image segmentation. We propose an algorithm based on the hierarchical image representation called the binary partition tree. We show that this algorithm fits perfectly in an interactive segmentation process by handling user interactions, seed addition or removal, in linear time with respect to the number of affected pixels. Additionally, we design a parallel algorithm for the longest step of the method, namely the connected component labeling of minimum spanning forests. Run time comparisons with several state-of-the-art interactive and non-interactive watershed methods show that the proposed method can handle user interactions much faster than previous methods with a significant speedup ranging from 10 to 60 on both 2D and 3D images, thus improving the user experience on large images.
講演言語(Language) 英語 (English)
講演者紹介(Introduction of Lecturer) Jean Cousty received the engineering degree from ESIEE Paris, France in 2004, the Ph.D. degree from Université de Marne-la-Vallée in 2007 and the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches from Université Paris-Est in 2018. After a one-year postdoctoral period in the ASCLEPIOS research team at INRIA (Sophia-Antipolis, France), he has been teaching and doing research at the Department of Computer Science Department, ESIEE Paris, where he is Head of Department since 2021, and at Laboratoire d'Informatique Gaspard-Monge, Université Gustave Eiffel. His current research interests include graph-based approaches to image analysis and computer vision, hierarchical analysis, mathematical morphology, and discrete topology.