
日時: 12月6日(水)3限目(13:30-15:00)

会場: L2

司会: Mazen Soufi
工藤 拓斗 M, 1回目発表 ソフトウェア工学 松本 健一, 飯田 元, Raula Gaikovina Kula, 嶋利 一真
title: Testing the Effectiveness of GPT in Programming Education: Introducing Bug Explanation and Hint Generation Functions into the Course
abstract: "In programming exercises, Teaching Assistants (TAs) engage in various tasks such as responding to student queries, grading assignments, and preparing for classes. Ideally, TAs should provide prompt feedback for students struggling with error resolution during exercises. However, in typical programming exercises, the number of students often outweighs the number of available TAs, posing a significant challenge in providing timely feedback. Previous research successfully addressed this issue by developing a natural language feedback generation method using GPT, enhancing the quality of feedback. Nevertheless, the actual impact of implementing this method in a classroom setting remains unknown. In this study, building upon the methodology of previous research, we introduce GPT-based natural language bug explanation and hint generation functions into programming exercises. We focus on changes in TA response time to student questions, student utilization patterns of the system, and trends in questioning TAs. The investigation aims to determine whether GPT can play a role equivalent to that of human TAs in addressing student queries during programming exercises."
language of the presentation:Japanese
発表題目: プログラミング教育におけるGPTの効果検証: バグ解説とヒント生成機能の授業への導入
発表概要: プログラミング演習におけるTAは,「生徒からの質問対応」,「課題の採点」,「授業の準備」などの様々な作業を行う. 演習中,課題のエラー対処が困難な生徒に対してTAが修正に必要なフィードバックを迅速に提供することが理想であるが,一般的なプログラミング演習ではTAの数に比べて生徒の数が多いため,TAの負担が大きい問題がある. 先行研究ではそのような問題を解決すべく,GPTを使った自然言語のフィードバック生成手法を開発してその質を高めることに成功した. しかしその手法を実際の授業に導入して,どのような効果が得られるかはわかっていない. 本研究では先行研究の手法を元にGPTによる自然言語のバグの解説,バグ修正のためのヒント生成機能を授業に導入して,生徒の質問に対するTA応答速度の変化,生徒の機能の使用方法,TAへの質問傾向に着目し,GPTがTAの作業の一部を担えるかを調査する.
INDIRA FEBRIYANTI M, 1回目発表 ソフトウェア工学 Raula Gaikovina Kula, 安本 慶一, 松本 健一, 嶋利 一真
title: Tracking Developer Proficiency Across Forked Repository Compared to Their Repository in Open Source Project
abstract: In the programming community, libraries play a crucial role, enabling contributors to implement and enhance applications effectively. Community support for PyPI libraries is a huge advantage for Python programmers, facing the challenge of how the new contribution contribute the future project. In previous work, the constructed to confirm who and where complex code was implemented in the Open Source Software (OSS). However, the implementation sequence of complex code by contributors to maintain high-quality code is unclear. Hence aim to deepen our understanding of developer proficiency in using elegant and efficient code across various repositories. By this work specifically focusing on 'requests', one of the most popular projects in PyPI, and its most prominent contributor, Kennethreitz, I expected to analyze diverse code proficiency between original and forked repositories.
language of the presentation: English
井上 雄大 M, 1回目発表 大規模システム管理 笠原 正治, 松本 健一, 原 崇徳, 中畑 裕
On Independent Video Game Development Assisted by Decentralized Autonomous Organization
Abstract: Different from the conventional mainstream game industry, an independent video game (indie game) has promoted open and participatory game production. However, the indie game confronts challenges such as (1) securing funding, (2) professionalization, and (3) difficulty in promotion. These challenges make indie game developers reluctant to actively participate in the game production due to the lack of human resources and the degradation of game production efficiency. The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) provides voting-based decision making, distribution of governance tokens according to human effort, and highly transparent organizational management. In this research, we explore the potential of integrating indie games into the DAO to accelerate the open and participatory game production and overcome the challenges of indie game development.
language of the presentation: English or Japanese (choose one)