
日時: 9月20日(水)3限目(13:30-15:00)

会場: L1

司会: 鍛治 秀伍
QU QIANYUE D, 中間発表 大規模システム管理 笠原 正治, 岡田 実, 笹部 昌弘(客員教授)

title: Auction Game in RIS-aided Secure Wireless Communication from the Physical Layer Security Perspective 

abstract: Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) has attracted considerable attention recently due to their controllable elements capable of directing signals in desired directions. Although promising, in actual network operations, the deployment of RIS may face challenges as RIS holders need to consider maximizing their profits when installing RIS. Therefore, there is an auction problem for RIS-assisted wireless networks: how to maximize the profit of RIS holders. We consider a wireless network system containing a source-RIS-destination link and a source-RIS-eavesdropper link. With the help of RIS, the destination node and the eavesdropper obtain the optimal number of elements from RIS to maximize the secrecy rate of their data transmission. We then formulate the problem as an auction game based on the Alternative Ascending Clock Auction (ACT-A). We regard RIS as the auctioneer and the destination node and eavesdropper as the bidder. Additionally, we considered the different scenarios in this auction game from a security perspective. Finally, we use an alternating optimization algorithm to solve the problem of maximizing the utility function of different nodes in each scenario.

language of the presentation: English

人見 信 M, 2回目発表 情報基盤システム学 藤川 和利, 笠原 正治, 新井 イスマイル
title: Verification of Initial Attacks on MQTT over QUIC Brokers and Proposal of Defense Mechanisms
abstract:In recent years, MQTT has gained widespread adoption alongside the proliferation of IoT devices. On the other hand, QUIC has garnered attention as a new transport protocol enabling high-speed communication. With the emergence of the combination of these technologies, namely MQTT over QUIC, security concerns have surfaced. As the adoption of IoT devices and QUIC progresses, the risk of attacks is on the rise. Addressing security issues promptly is essential for establishing a secure digital environment. MQTT over QUIC is a relatively new technology, and research regarding its vulnerabilities and attack vectors has not been conducted sufficiently. I focused particularly on initial attacks, conducted attacks after setting up the broker, and observed the broker's behavior.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: MQTT over QUICのブローカーに対するinitial攻撃の検証と防御手法の提案
近年、IoTデバイスの増加とともに、MQTTが広く採用されている。一方、QUICは高速な通信を可能にする新しいトランスポートプロトコルとして注目されている。これらの技術の組み合わせ、すなわちMQTT over QUICは、より高性能なプロトコルとして期待されている。QUICの採用が進む中、QUICを利用したプロトコルに対して攻撃のリスクが高まっている。早急にセキュリティの問題を解決することが、安全なデジタル環境の構築には不可欠である。しかし、MQTT over QUICは比較的新しい技術であり、その脆弱性や攻撃に関する研究はまだ十分に行われていない。私は、特にInitial攻撃について注目し、攻撃を実装後、MQTT over QUICブローカーに対して攻撃を行い、ブローカーの挙動を観察した。修論に向けて、防御手法の提案も今後行っていきたいと考えている。
茶円 春希 M, 2回目発表 ディペンダブルシステム学 井上 美智子, 笠原 正治, 大下 福仁(客員教授), 江口 僚太
title: Extended Maximal P-star Partition and Its Self-Stabilizing Solution
abstract: This paper introduces a new problem extended maximal P-star partition where maximal p-star decompositions are simultaneously constructed for p = 0,1,\ldots , P for a given P. We propose a self-stabilizing algorithm contstructing the extended maximal P-star partition of a distributed network. The extended maximal P-star partition is a partition of nodes in a graph such that for any p (< P), maximal p-star decomposition is constructed for a graph excluding nodes belonging to larger stars. Under the unfair distributed daemon, the most general scheduler model, our proposed algorithm converges in at most O(n) rounds with O(P log n) space per process, where n is the number of nodes. Though the extended maximal P-star partition is achieved with a fair composition of maximal p-star decomposition algorithms for p = 0,1, ... , P, the proposed algorithm only requires the same space complexity as existing maximal P-star decompoition, that concludes, it drastically reduces space complexity with comparable round complexity compared to a fair composition of existing algorithms.
language of the presentation: Japanese
ZHENG HAOZHI M, 2回目発表 ディペンダブルシステム学 井上 美智子, 笠原 正治, 大下 福仁(客員教授), 江口 僚太
title: Gathering in Carrier Graphs: Meeting via Public Transportation System
abstract: The gathering problem requires multiple mobile agents in a network to meet at a single location. This paper investigates the gathering problem in carrier graphs, a subclass of recurrence of edge class of time-varying graphs. By focusing on three subclasses of carrier graphs - circular, simple, and arbitrary - we clarify the conditions under which the problem can be solved, considering initial knowledge endowed to agents and obtainable online information, such as the count and identifiers of agents or sites. We propose algorithms for solvable cases and analyze the problem with different assumptions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that investigates the gathering problem in carrier graphs.
language of the presentation: Japanese