Colloquium A

日時(Date) 2023年5月17日(水)4限(15:10--16:40)
Wed. May 17th, 2022, 4th period (15:10--16:40)
場所(Location) エーアイ大講義室, AI Inc. Seminar Hall (L1)
司会(Chair) 佐藤嘉伸
講演者(Presenter) Prof. Karri Silventoinen (University of Helsinki)
題目(Title) Epidemiology: the power of statistics serving human health and welfare
概要(Abstract) Epidemiology is a science applying statistical methods to find causes and risk factors of diseases and thus eventually improving population health by removing them. For many epidemiological research questions, new data collection is needed. However, administrational registers can offer shortcuts to collect epidemiologically useful information. Already decades, Finnish population registers have been utilized in epidemiological research independently or complemented by survey data and clinical measurements. The advantages of register based information is that it is not prone to recall bias or selective participation, can offer longitudinal data readily available and is much less expensive than active data collection. In this presentation, the usefulness of population registers will be demonstrated by several epidemiological examples.
講演言語(Language) English
講演者紹介(Introduction of Lecturer)