
日時: 12月26日(月)3限(13:30-15:00)

会場: L2

司会: 織田 泰彰
浦田 龍図 M, 1回目発表 ヒューマンロボティクス 和田 隆広, 加藤 博一, 織田 泰彰
title: Study on prosthetic eye control method for movable robotic prosthetic eye
abstract: Prosthetic eye is generally static. Therefore, when only one eye is replaced by a prosthetic eye, feeling strangeness is caused for the person facing the prosthetic eye users because coordinated eye movements between the two eyes are not possible. This reaction, in addition to the aesthetic of the eye not moving itself, has become a suffering for prosthetic eye users. To solve this suffering, there is a need for a robotic prosthetic eye that can reproduce the eye movements before the eye was removed. For the realization of a robotic prosthetic eye, it is necessary to study of the prosthetic eye's hardware that replaces the removed eyeball and the software that enables it to move naturally. We measure the eye movement of the healthy side and use it for control. However, it is impossible to perfectly reproduce the movement of the eye before enucleation due to measurement problems that do not allow detection of the original eye movement on the prosthetic eye side and structural problems that cause angular and temporal errors from measurement to operation. Therefore, a realistic goal is to operate within an angular and time error range that does not cause feeling strangeness to the person facing it. But there is no knowledge of the degree of angular and time error that does not cause a sense of feeling strangeness. To determine the threshold for the motion criterion of a robotic prosthetic eye, we first measure its tolerance angle and time. Based on the threshold, we aim to construct a method to estimate the direction of the prosthetic eye movement within the acceptable range from the unaffected eye. In this presentation, we mainly explain how to measure the degree of feeling strangeness by reproducing the unilateral prosthetic eye condition using animation.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: 可動型義眼のための義眼制御手法に関する研究
発表概要: 義眼は一般に動かすことができない.そのため,片側のみが義眼である場合,両眼で協調した動作が行われず,義眼使用者と対面する人が違和感を抱く.このことが,審美的なこと自体に加えて,義眼装着者の悩みとなっている.この悩みを解決するために,摘出される前の眼球運動を再現できる可動型義眼が求められている.可動型義眼を実現させるためには,摘出した眼球の替わりに取り付ける義眼のハードウェアと,これを自然に運動させるソフトウェアの研究が必要である.本研究では,健側の眼球運動を計測しこれを制御に用いるが,このとき,義眼側の本来の眼球運動を検出できない計測上の問題と,計測から動作に至るまでに角度・時間誤差が生じる制御の問題により,摘出前の眼球の運動を完璧に再現することが不可能である.そのため,実際には対面する人が違和感を抱かない程度の角度・時間誤差の範囲内で動作させることが現実的な目標となる.しかし,違和感を抱かない角度・時間誤差がどの程度であるかの知見は存在しない.そこで本研究では,まず許容される誤差を計測しその閾値を決定することで,義眼の要求仕様を明らかにする.さらに,得られた結果を基に,健側の眼球から義眼の将来の運動を予測し,これを義眼制御に用いる手法を提案する.本発表では,一側義眼状態をアニメーションにより再現した違和感の測定実験について述べる.
乙部 達生 M, 1回目発表 ヒューマンロボティクス 和田 隆広, 清川 清, 織田 泰彰, 劉 海龍
title: Reducing Motion Sickness Symptoms in Operators of Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicles
abstract:In many cases, Remotely Operated underwater Vehicles (ROV) are operated from small vessels, and ROV operators sometimes experience motion sickness, such as seasickness and sickness caused by the ROV operation. However, to the best of the author's knowledge, there have been no systematic studies on the conditions and mechanisms of motion sickness, as well as countermeasures to reduce it. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of ROV operating on the onboard ship on the symptoms of motion sickness, focusing on the underwater exploration task. Through a preliminary experiment using a wave-making tank, this study hypothesizes that ROV operators will have difficulty fixing their gaze on the ROV's camera image which make that motion sickness symptoms will be more likely to worsen when the visibility of the camera image is reduced. To verify this hypothesis, the visibility of the ROV camera images was varied in steps and artificial visual cues were placed on the images to examine their effect on the motion sickness symptoms of the ROV operator.
language of the presentation: Japanese
発表題目: 水中ロボット操縦者の動揺病発症要因とその低減
発表概要: 遠隔操縦型水中ロボット(ROV)は小型船舶等から操縦が行われるが,ROV操縦者は船酔いに加え,ROVの操縦に起因する酔いなどの動揺病を経験することがある.しかし,この動揺病の発生条件や発生機序,更には軽減策に関する系統的な研究は筆者の知る限り見当たらない.本研究では,水中探索タスクに注目し,船上でROVの操縦がROV操縦者の動揺病発症に与える影響を調査することを目的とした.造波水槽を利用した予備実験を通じて,本研究では,ROVの操縦者はROVのカメラ映像を見ながらROVを操縦する際に,カメラ映像の視認性が低下している場合に,操縦者の視線が固定しにくくなり,動揺病症状が悪化しやすいとの仮説を立てる.この仮説を検証するため,ROVのカメラ映像の視認性を段階的に変動させ,また映像上に人工的な視標を設置し,ROV操縦者の動揺病症状への影響を調べた.