日時(Date) | 2022年12月14日(水)5限(16:50--18:20) Wed. Dec. 14th, 2022, 5th period (16:50--18:20) |
場所(Location) | エーアイ大講義室, AI Inc. Seminar Hall (L1) |
司会(Chair) | 安本 |
講演者(Presenter) | Sajal K. Das (Department of Computer Science, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA) |
題目(Title) | From Smart Sensing to Smart Living: The Role of AI/ML and Data Science |
概要(Abstract) | Our daily lives are becoming increasingly dependent on smart cyber-physical infrastructures (e.g., smart homes or cities, smart grid, smart transportation, smart healthcare, smart agriculture, etc.). The wide availability of sensor enabled IoT devices and smartphones are also empowering us with fine-grained data collection and opinion gathering via mobile crowdsensing about events of interest, resulting in actionable inferences and decisions. This synergy has led to cyber-physical-human (CPH) convergence in smart living environments, the goal of which is to improve the quality of life. However, CPH and IoT systems are extremely vulnerable to security threats owing to their interdependence, large scale, heterogeneity, human behavior, and trust issues. This talk will highlight unique research challenges in smart living environments, build a unified data falsification threat landscape for CPH and IoT systems, and propose novel anomaly detection frameworks and models for securing such systems. Our novel solutions are based on a rich set of theoretical and practical design principles including AI/ML, data analytics, uncertainty reasoning, information theory, prospect theory, and reputation/ belief models. Case studies with real-world datasets will be presented to secure smart grid and smart vehicular CPS. The talk will be concluded with future research directions. |
講演言語(Language) | English |
講演者紹介(Introduction of Lecturer) | Sajal K. Das is a Curators’ Distinguished Professor and Daniel St. Clair Endowed Chair in Computer Science at the Missouri University of Science and Technology, where he was the Chair of Computer Science Department during 2013-2017. Previously, he served the US National Science Foundation as a Program Director in the Computer and Network Systems Division. His interdisciplinary research interests include cyber-physical systems, IoT, cybersecurity, machine learning, data science, wireless sensor networks, mobile and pervasive computing, smart environments, HPC and cloud computing, applied graph theory and game theory. He has contributed significantly to these areas and published 350+ papers in high quality journals, 475+ papers in peer-reviewed conferences, and 55 book chapters. A holder of 5 US patents, Dr. Das has directed numerous funded projects over $22 million. He coauthored four books – Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Cambridge University Press, 2020), Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Critical Infrastructure: Foundations and Challenges (Morgan Kaufman, 2012), Mobile Agents in Distributed Computing and Networking (Wiley, 2012), and Smart Environments: Technology, Protocols, and Applications (John Wiley, 2005). His h-index is 97 with more than 37,700 citations according to Google Scholar. Dr. Das is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal and serves as Associate Editor of several journals including the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, and ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. A founder of IEEE PerCom, WoWMoM, SMARTCOMP and ACM ICDCN conferences, he served as the General and Technical Program Chair of numerous conferences. He is a recipient of 12 Best Paper Awards in conferences like ACM MobiCom and IEEE PerCom, and numerous awards for teaching, mentoring and research including IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Achievement award for pioneering contributions to sensor networks and mobile computing, and the University of Missouri System President’s Award for Sustained Career Excellence. He graduated 12 postdoctoral fellows, 50 PhD and 31 MS thesis students. Dr. Das is a Distinguished alumnus of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and an IEEE Fellow. |