Colloquium A

日時(Date) 2022年11月7日(月)3限(13:30--15:00)
Mon. Nov. 7th, 2022, 3rd period (13:30--15:00)
場所(Location) face-to-face (L1) and online (WebEx), WebEx link: see Special Lectures in Data Science (7024) Lecture 3 Handouts
司会(Chair) 須藤
講演者(Presenter) Dr. Makoto Miwa (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Toyota Technological Institute) / 三輪 誠(豊田工業大学 大学院工学研究科 准教授)
題目(Title) Information extraction from scientific literature with knowledge bases / 知識ベースを用いた科学文献からの情報抽出
概要(Abstract) In various fields of science and technology, such as biomedical and materials science, new discoveries are published daily in the literature, and various knowledge bases are manually curated based on the literature. In order to reduce this labor, research on information extraction from the literature using natural language processing technology has been conducted. In this lecture, we will review the task settings and techniques for information extraction from literature, introduce recent efforts to improve extraction performance using knowledge bases, and discuss future prospects.
講演言語(Language) English
講演者紹介(Introduction of Lecturer)