GU YI | M, 1回目発表 | 生体医用画像 | 佐藤 嘉伸, | 向川 康博, | 大竹 義人, | Soufi Mazen, | 上村 圭亮 |
title 2D-3D Reconstruction of Musculoskeletal Structures Using the Prior Knowledge from Medical Image Database and Biomechanical Simulation
abstract 3D Reconstruction using 3D imaging methods CT and MRI plays a vital role in the medical field. X-ray projection image is a globally available 2D imaging method considered fast and inexpensive compared to CT. Traditional 2D-3D Reconstruction methods heavily rely on 3D-2D Registration and 3D Statistical Shape Model and classic optimizer, making processing stay in high complexity. Modern reconstruction method used the power of Deep Learning to achieve high performance, but those processes only focus on a few objectives. This research covers all the disadvantages, proposing a modern Convolutional-Neural-Network-based 2D-3D Reconstruction method by incorporating large-scale Musculoskeletal datasets and advanced Biomechanical Simulation into Reconstruction. language of the presentation English | |||||||
吉村 仁志 | M, 1回目発表 | サイバーレジリエンス構成学 | 門林 雄基, | 林 優一, | 中島 康彦, | 妙中 雄三 | |
title: A Study on Query Concealment with Intel SGX
abstract: In general web services, many queries from users to applications are processed while communicating with the DB server. However, various information can be inferred and may be misused by observing the queries sent to the DB server. (e.g., genome related research, price changes of flight information). Therefore, it is necessary to execute the process while keeping the query secret on the DB server. Existing research has used secret sharing and expensive cryptographic protocols, but they take time for the server to process queries, and the architecture needs to be reconfigured when applying them to existing systems. In this research, we study the design of a DBMS that can protect queries, has practical performance, and is easy to introduce into existing services. In order to protect queries from the DB server and improve performance, our proposed method uses Intel SGX, which is a TEE technology of the Intel CPU that can protect queries by encrypting the memory at the hardware level. Intel SGX generates an execution environment with very limited access rights called “Enclave”. Processes in the enclave are not directly accessible even by kernel-mode processes(e.g., OS or hypervisor). As a proposed design, we offload basic modules such as query intermediate data and query executors and optimizers that directly handle queries to the enclave. Through the proposed query protecting method, we prevent information leakage from queries. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: Intel SGXによるクエリ秘匿化に関する研究 発表概要: 一般のWebサービスではユーザーがアプリケーションに行った多くの問い合わせは、DBサーバと通信しながら処理が行われる。 しかし、DBサーバに送られたクエリを観察することによって様々な情報が推測可能であり、それらが悪用される可能性がある(例えば、ゲノム関連の研究、フライト情報の価格変動)。 そのため、DBサーバ上でクエリを秘匿したまま処理を実行する必要がある。 そこで本研究では、クエリを保護でき、かつ実用性が高いDBMSの設計を検討する。 既存の研究では、秘密分散や高等な暗号プロトコルが用いられているが、 これらはサーバがクエリを処理するのに時間がかかり、既存のシステムに適用する際にはアーキテクチャの再構成が必要となる。 本研究の提案手法では、DBサーバからのクエリの保護と性能向上のために、Intel CPUのTEE技術であるIntel SGXを用いて、 ハードウェアレベルでメモリを暗号化することでクエリを保護する。Intel SGXは、「enclave」 と呼ばれるアクセス権が非常に制限された実行環境を生成する。enclave内のプロセスは、カーネルモードのプロセス (OSやハイパーバイザーなど)からも直接アクセスできない。提案する設計では、クエリの中間データや、 クエリを直接処理するクエリ・エクゼキュータやオプティマイザなどの基本モジュールをenclaveにオフロードする。 このような提案するクエリ保護方式により、クエリからの情報漏洩を防ぐことができる。 | |||||||
佐藤 瑛人 | M, 1回目発表 | ヒューマンロボティクス | 和田 隆広, | 杉本 謙二, | 松原 崇充, | 趙 崇貴, | 佐藤 勇起 |
title: Haptic Shared Control for Path-following Task of Underwater Robot
abstract: In recent years, there has been growing interest in underwater robots. However, there are many situations that cannot be handled by automatic control due to unknown disturbances. In addition, the remote control by human beings requires a well-developed training, and the workload for operation is also large. Therefore the objective of this research is to improve the control performance while reducing the workload of humans by introducing tactile guidance control, which enables humans and robots to work in cooperation, to the path-following problem. We conducted a path-following experiment on a two-dimensional plane using Haptic Shared Control and autonomous control, and compared the control performance with that of autonomous control. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: 水中ロボットの経路追従タスクのための触力覚誘導制御 発表概要: 近年水中ロボットへの注目が高まっている.しかし,未知外乱等により⾃律制御では対応できない場⾯も多く存在する.また,⼈間による遠隔操縦には⼗分な訓練が必要であり,操作に対する作業負荷も⼤きい.そこで本研究では,経路追従問題を対象とし,人間とロボットが協調して作業できる触覚誘導制御を導入することで,人間の作業負荷を軽減しつつ制御性能を向上させることを目的としている。触覚誘導制御と自律制御を用いて2次元平面上の経路追従実験を行い,制御性能を自律制御の場合と比較した. | |||||||
佐藤 郁弥 | M, 1回目発表 | ソフトウェア工学 | 松本 健一, | 飯田 元, | 石尾 隆, | Raula Gaikovina Kula | |
title:Development of a extract function tool for code clone removal in Jupyter Notebook
abstract:In recent years, along with the growing interest in data analysis, the popularity of Jupyter Notebook, an integrated development environment that excels in data analysis, has been increasing. Although Jupyter Notebook allows rapid experimentation by reusing cells, it is known that the increase in code clones has a negative impact on code quality, such as the tendency to propagate bugs. Therefore, in this research, we develop a function extraction recommendation tool to eliminate code clones. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目:Jupyter Notebookにおけるコードクローン除去のための関数抽出ツールの開発 発表概要:近年、データ分析への関心の高まりとともに、それを得意とする統合開発環境のJupyter Notebookの人気も高まっている。 Jupyter Notebookは、セルを再利用することで実験が迅速に行えるが、コードクローンが増えることで、バグが伝搬されやすいなどのコード品質に悪影響を及ぼすという欠点も持つ。 本研究では、この問題を解決するために、コードクローンを除去するための関数抽出推薦ツールを開発する。 | |||||||
佐瀬 凌太 | M, 1回目発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一, | 松本 健一, | 諏訪 博彦, | 藤本 まなと | |
title: A User-Based Vehicle Relocation Method for Improvement of One-Way Car-Sharing Utilization Efficiency
abstract: Recently, one-way car sharing is beginning to spread in society. In one-way car sharing, the vehicle uneven distribution problem appears (spatial and temporal vehicle uneven distribution) this does not happen in round-trip car sharing. If there is no available vehicle or parking lot when users require them, the user experience will be poor. This becomes a critical issue for one-way car sharing. Vehicle relocation, using hired workers to relocate shared vehicles to heavily demanded service stations, is a major solution for this problem. Although there are some previous studies on worker-based relocation, the worker hiring cost is an extra cost for the car sharing operator. On the other hand, there are some studies on user-based relocation which improve utilization efficiency without hiring costs. In this research, we design a user-based vehicle relocation method using Deep Learning to predict user utilization. We use NAIST Car Sharing as a use case of our method and aim to improve the utilization efficiency by solving the vehicle uneven distribution problem. Based on data observation, utilization efficiency can be improved by vehicle relocation. We achieved 82% accuracy predicting where the user will return the vehicle, to decide where to relocate the vehicle according to user demand. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: ワンウェイカーシェアリングにおける利用効率改善のためのユーザベース車両再配置手法 発表概要: 近年、ワンウェイカーシェアリングが社会的に普及し始めている。このワンウェイカーシェアリングにおいては、従来のラウンドトリップ型のカーシェアリングでは発生していなかった時間的・地理的に車両の分布が偏ってしまう現象である車両偏在問題が問題になる。もしユーザが必要な時に利用可能な車両・駐車スペースを用意できなければ、ユーザエクスペリエンスを著しく損ねてしまう。これに対する解決策として、サービス提供者が雇った人員やユーザによる車両再配置がある。先行研究では雇われた人員による再配置が行われているが、雇用コストが問題となる。一方でユーザによる車両再配置を行い、雇用コストをかけることなく利用効率の改善を行なったものも存在していた。本研究では、Deep Learningによるユーザ利用予測を用いたユーザベース車両再配置手法を提案する。この手法のユースケースとしてNAISTカーシェアリングを想定し、車両偏在問題の解決による利用効率の改善を目指している。実際の利用データから車両再配置による利用効率の改善可能性の存在を確認し、再配置するステーションの決定に必要なユーザの返却ステーション予測のタスクにおいて82%のAccuracyを達成している。 | |||||||
高松 拓実 | M, 1回目発表 | 計算システムズ生物学 | 金谷 重彦, | 安本 慶一, | 小野 直亮, | MD.ALTAF-UL-AMIN, | 黄 銘 |
title:Building an Embedding Model for Histopathological Images Using Deep Learning
abstract:There are various staining methods used to capture histopathological images. Special staining, including immunostaining, is expected to be applied to determine tumors and evaluate their malignancy. However, different staining methods can identify different targets. In this study, we construct a model that embeds different types of stained images into an integrated latent space, and develop a method for extracting biological tissue features independent of the staining method. language of the presentation:Japanese 発表題目: 深層学習を用いた病理組織画像の埋め込みモデルの構築 発表概要:病理組織画像の撮影には様々な染色方法がある。免疫染色を始めとする特殊染色により、腫瘍の判断、悪性度の評価などの応用が期待される。しかしながら染色方法により識別できる対象が異なる。そこで本研究では、種類の異なる染色画像を統合された潜在空間に埋め込むモデルを構築し、染色方法によらない生体的な組織の特徴を抽出する手法を開発する。 | |||||||
松本 貴志 | M, 1回目発表 | 数理情報学 | 池田 和司, | 中村 哲, | 吉本 潤一郎, | 久保 孝富, | 福嶋 誠, | 日永田 智絵 |
title: Investigation of the relationship between negativity bias of facial expression recognition and autonomic nervous system activity
abstract: Negativity bias is the tendency to interpret ambiguous stimuli or events as negative. It is often observed in patients with depression and may prevent psychological well-being. The negativity bias in facial expression recognition has been suggested to be associated with depressive tendencies based on the results of fMRI(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) studies. In this study, we will investigate the relationship between negativity bias and autonomic nervous system activity, such as heart rate variability and electrodermal activity. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: 表情認識の否定的バイアスと情動反応の関係の調査 発表概要: 否定的バイアスとは,曖昧な刺激や事象を否定的に解釈する傾向のことである. 否定的バイアスはうつ病患者に多く見られ,心理的な健康を妨げる可能性がある. 表情認識の否定的バイアスに関して,fMRI(磁気共鳴機能画像法)による研究の知見から抑うつ傾向との関係があることが示唆されている. 本研究では,否定的バイアスと心拍変動や皮膚電気活動などの自律神経系の活動との関係を調べる. | ||||||||
LI HUAYANG | M, 1回目発表 | 自然言語処理学 | 渡辺 太郎, | 中村 哲, | 進藤 裕之 | |||
title: Autocompletion in Computer-aided Translation abstract: Computer-aided translation (CAT), the use of software to assist a human translator in the translation process, has been proven to be useful in enhancing the productivity of human translators. Autocompletion, which suggests translation results according to the text pieces provided by human translators, is a core function of CAT. In this presentation, we will talk about two kinds of autocompletion: sentence-level and token-level autocompletion. language of the presentation: English | ||||||||
岩内 厚大 | M, 1回目発表 | 知能コミュニケーション | 中村 哲, | 荒牧 英治, | 田中 宏季 | |||
title: *** Detecting of Psychiatric Disorders from Eye Movement Considering the Types of Emotional and Cognitive Stimuli *** abstract: *** People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and schizophrenia (Sz) have difficulties in social skills and communication. Basically, these disorders are diagnosed by experienced psychiatrists according to diagnostic criteria, and medically useful objective indices have not yet been found. In this paper, we propose a method to detect psychiatric disorders with using eye movements during an emotional cognitive task which includes various facial expressions. Furthermore, weighting which emotional cognitive stimuli contribute to the classification of mental disorders, we have attempted to classify a healthy control (HC) and a disease group using a heat map of eye retention and a convolutional neural net-work (CNN), and confirmed that we could classify ASD at a maximum of about 70%. *** language of the presentation: *** Japanese*** | ||||||||
鱸 尚晃 | M, 1回目発表 | 知能コミュニケーション | 中村 哲, | 渡辺 太郎, | 作村 諭一 | |||
title: *** Translation of the Emphasis in Speech: Transforming “How You Say” into “What You Say” within the Source Language. *** abstract: In speech communication, 'how you say' speaks as much as 'what you say.' The same seems to be true for cross-language communication. Speech-to-text translation can be used for cross-language communication, which translates speech in one language into text in another. It has been studied extensively and seen significant performance improvement. Still, generating a translation considering 'how you say' challenges many researchers. The current study addresses this problem, mainly focusing on one of the implications made by manipulating 'how you say': the emphasis. Previous research on the translation of emphasised speech exposes two problems: data shortages and limited application. As a solution for these problems, we propose a new method of emphasis translation, by utilising the fact that three elements can represent emphasis: sound, words, and grammar. language of the presentation: *** English *** | ||||||||
ZHOU YANGYANG | M, 1回目発表 | ソーシャル・コンピューティング | 荒牧 英治, | 渡辺 太郎, | 若宮 翔子, | 劉 康明 | ||
title: Analyzing the relationship between weather and music preference abstract: Previous research has considered individual or personal level influences of music preference extensively, but there has been less research considering environmental variables like weather patterns. In this paper, we aim to find whether weather patterns are related to music preference at the city level. Music preference was estimated through Top25 tracks from 106 cities, and corresponding weather data was collected from Apple Music and OpneWeather, respectively. We then compared weather variables to acoustic features (obtained from Spotify) for these tracks by comparing their K-means clusters (Adjust Rand Index) for both sets of data, but found no relationship. Following which, we analyzed from a microscopic perspective and found that mean daily temperature was negatively correlated with the danceability, energy, and tempo features, but positively correlated with loudness. In conclusion, we found only a limited relationship between weather and music preference at the city level: a significant relationship was observed for acoustic features pertaining to emotion and daily temperature. These findings complement the existing literature on the relationship between environmental variables and music preference, clarifying the relationship between ecology and music preference at the city level, and may potentially have implications for music recommendation algorithm development. language of the presentation: English | ||||||||
船井 遼太朗 | M, 1回目発表 | コンピューティング・アーキテクチャ | 中島 康彦, | 林 優一 , | 張 任遠, | TRAN THI HONG(客員) | ||
title: Implementation of Highly Efficient Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on CGRA(IMAX2)
abstract: In recent years, AI, big data, machine learning, automated driving, blockchain, simulation, and other technologies are expected to create an explosive demand for computation costs. On the other hand, Japan is aiming for a decarbonized society with zero carbon dioxide emissions. Therefore, it is important to develop a highly efficient computing system that can achieve performance with lower power supply. In this study, I aim to speed up Sparse General Matrix-Matrix Multiplication (SpGEMM), which is often used in scientific computing, by proposing a method for performing index-based sparse matrix compression and implementing SpGEMM units in CGRA called IMAX2. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: IMAX2を用いた高効率な疎行列-疎行列積の実装 発表概要: 現在、AI、ビッグデータ、機械学習、自動運転、ブロックチェイン、シミュレーションなどの技術により、爆発的な計算需要が予想されている。一 方で日本は、二酸化炭素の排出量をゼロにする、脱炭素社会を目指している。従って、より低消費電力で性能を得ることが可能な高効率計算基盤を開発することが重要である。本研究では、科学技術計算で多く用いられている疎行列-疎行列乗算を高速化する事を目的として、インデックスを用いた疎行列圧縮を行った上で、CGRAであるIMAX2に疎行列-疎行列乗算機構を追加実装することで高効率な計算手法を提案する。 | ||||||||