田中 智基 | M, 2回目発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一, | 笠原 正治, | 諏訪 博彦(特任准教授), | 藤本 まなと, | 松田 裕貴 |
title: Evacuation Center Determination Method Considering Uncertainty of Evacuees Behavior to Support the Handicapped<
abstract: In disaster situations, the elderly, children, disabled people are regarded as the handicapped. Special support and evacuation strategies for that kind of victims are crucial in order to keep evacuees including them safe. Common evacuation strategies guide evacuees to their closest shelters from their present locations. However, if evacuees biasedly exist in certain areas, some shelters cannot accommodate all victims thet are coming because the number of victims exceeds the capacity of the shelters. In addition, even if the destinations of each evacuee are decided, some evacuees may ignore the guidance. This can cause refusal to accept evacuees at some shelters. If the handicapped are refused to accpt, delay of evacuation will become huge. In this study, we propose an evacuation center determination method considering the capacity of shelters, the handicapped and evacuee behavior to aim quick evacuation for the handicapped. Language of the presentation: Japanese | |||||||
岩本 好広 | M, 2回目発表 | 大規模システム管理 | 笠原 正治, | 安本 慶一, | 笹部 昌弘 | ||
title: Application of Generalized Suffix Tree for Similarity Measurement among Evacuees' Trajectories
abstract: When a large-scale disaster occurs, speedy and reliable evacuation is required. In the existing work, an automatic evacuation guiding scheme has been proposed, which provides a speedy and reliable evacuation route with each evacuee and estimates a blocked road segment from the difference between the recommended route and his/her trajectory. However, the misestimation of blocked road segments may arise when the evacuee intentionally leaves the recommended route. We expect that such unexpected user behavior would be detected by checking the similarity among evacuees' trajectories. In this research, we apply the generalized suffix tree technique to quantify the similarity between arbitrary two trajectories and show its fundamental characteristics through numerical results. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||||||
大谷 珠有 | M, 2回目発表 | 大規模システム管理 | 笠原 正治, | 安本 慶一, | 笹部 昌弘 | ||
title: A Study on Path Reachability Including Distance-Constrained Detours abstract: When a failure occurs at a certain link on a path in a network, taking a detour from the failure point to the destination will improve the reachability between source and destination. On the other hand, taking a detour may also increase the path length, which results in the increase of end-to-end delay. In this research, we newly propose a new path metric called path reachability including distance-constrained detours, which measures the probability that a path between two nodes is reachable under the assumptions where at most one link on the path can be failed and the path-length increase caused by detour is bounded by a predefined threshold. Through numerical results using a grid network and wireless multi-hop networks, we show the fundamental characteristics of the proposed metric. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||||||
WANG DONG | D, 中間発表 | ソフトウェア工学 | 松本 健一, | 安本 慶一, | 石尾 隆, | Raula G. Kula | |
title: *** For Your Inforamtion: A Study of Link Sharing ***
abstract: *** Code reviews serve as a quality assurance activity for software teams. Especially for Modern Code Review, sharing a link during a review discussions allows review teams as an effective awareness mechanism where “Code reviews are good FYIs [for your information].” Although prior work has explored link sharing and the information needs of a code review, the extent to which links are used to properly conduct a review is unknown. To complement the knowledge about information needs, two empirical studies are conducted to investigate the intentions behind shared links, and evaluate the automatic detection of patch linkage. The first study shows that seven intentions behind sharing links. The second study reports that the detection of patch linkage using textual contents and file location is promising, especially for alternative solution linkage with a 79% recall rate. *** language of the presentation: *** English *** | |||||||