大郷 友海 | M, 2回目発表 | 数理情報学 | 池田 和司, | 笠原 正治, | 吉本 潤一郎, | 福嶋 誠, | 日永田智絵 | |
title: Predicting HTML source codes from web pages using tree structure
abstract: Automatic Front-end generation is a task that predict source codes from its corresponding GUI images. Recent methods in this domain uses domain specific languages(DSLs) as the outputs, though they have limited representation ability. In this work, we will attempt to use raw HTML and CSS codes instead of DSLs. To overcome downsides of use of raw codes, which is vulnerability in predicting long source codes, we use tree structure like document object model(DOM). We at first decompose the problem into two parts: 1) predicting HTML from GUI images, and 2) predicting CSS from predicted HTML. We conducted preliminary experiments to check the difficulty of of the first task using simplified or normal GUI images, and think that it is more difficult to predicting HTML from normal GUI images than simplified ones. language of the presentation: Japanese | ||||||||
西本 真由 | M, 2回目発表 | 数理情報学 | 池田 和司, | 笠原 正治, | 吉本 潤一郎, | 久保 孝富(特任准教授), | 福嶋 誠, | 日永田智絵 |
title: Mother Dog Mediates Adaptation of Young Offspring to Human Society
abstract: Dogs play important roles in human society as companion animals or working dogs, e.g., guide dogs, service dogs, rescue dogs, etc. with their high social cognitive abilities. Dogs acquire social cognitive abilities to interact with human beings in their developmental processes. However, it is still unclear whether a mother dog mediates adaptation of her young offspring to human. The purpose of this study is to verify the mediation effect of a mother dog. The participants were an owner of dogs, an unfamiliar person to the dogs, and a group of six hunting dogs: a mother, an adult dog, and four young offsprings of the mother. During the walk, the location of each individual was recorded by a GPS system. We conducted multiple trials of the walk and changed the members for each trial. The distances between all possible individuals were calculated in the analysis. We compared the distances between the owner and the young dogs between the condition with the mother and that with the other adult dog (control condition). As results, we found that the distance between the owner and young dogs under mother condition was smaller than that of the control condition. This result may suggest that the mother dog mediates adaptation of young offsprings to human society. I will present future directions using dynamic network analysis. language of the presentation: Japanese | ||||||||
REHMAN IFRAZ | M, 2回目発表 | ソフトウェア工学 | 松本 健一, | 笠原 正治, | 石尾 隆, | 畑 秀明, | Kula Raula Gaikovina | |
title: Newcomer Candidate: Characterizing Contributions of a Novice Developer to GitHub
abstract: To attract, onboard, and retain any newcomer in Open Source Software (OSS) projects is vital to their livelihood. Recent studies conclude that OSS projects risk failure due to abandonment and poor participation of newcomers. Evidence suggests more new users are joining GitHub, however, the extent to which they contribute to OSS projects is unknown. In this study, we coin the term ‘newcomer candidate’ to describe new users to the GitHub platform. Our objective is to track and characterize their initial contributions. As a preliminary survey, we collected 208 newcomer candidate contributions in GitHub. Using this dataset, we then plan to track their contributions to reveal insights. We will use a mixed-methods approach, i.e., quantitative and qualitative, to identify whether or not newcomer candidates practice social coding, the kinds of their contributions, projects they target, and the proportion that they eventually onboard to an OSS project. The key limitation is that our newcomer candidates are restricted to those that were collected from our preliminary survey. language of the presentation: English | ||||||||
上田 裕己 | D, 中間発表 | ソフトウェア工学 | 松本 健一, | 笠原 正治, | 石尾 隆, | Raula G. Kula | ||
title: Identifying programming style for the software projects
abstract: As the scale of software has grown, many developers with different experiences and technical backgrounds are collaborating. The developers need to spend 50% of the total development work to understand the function of the source code that is written in a different format. To reduce the developers' cost, this research proposes techniques that continuously extract and optimizes programming style that changes during software development according to the development of organization and technology. We categorized programming styles into general styles and software project-specific styles and developed tools that discover and optimize each of style according to the software project change history. Our general coding style detection tool reduces more than 90% false-positive of static analysis tools that notify the general coding style violations. Also, our project-specific programming style detection tool made the software fix options, and 80% of suggestions are merged in the most popular open-source projects. language of the presentation: English 発表題目: ソフトウェアプロジェクトに最適化したプログラミング作法の特定 発表概要: ソフトウェア規模の拡大に伴い,異なる経験や技術的背景を持つ多数の開発者が協力して数万行に渡るソースコードを記述しているなか,開発者は自分と記述形式の異なる他人が記述したソースコードの機能を理解するために開発作業全体で約50%の時間を費やす.本研究はソフトウェア開発の中で変化するプログラミング作法を開発組織や技術に合わせて継続的に抽出および最適化する技術を提案する. 本研究ではプログラミング作法を一般的な作法とソフトウェアプロジェクト固有の作法の2つに分け,それぞれをソフトウェアプロジェクトに合わせて検出および最適化するツールを開発した. 我々の提案した手法を用いることで,一般的なコーディング作法違反を検出する静的解析ツールのFalse Positiveを90%以上削減可能であることを確認した. また,プロジェクト固有の作法を特定するツールを開発し,最も人気のあるオープンソースソフトウェアへソースコードの変更を提案した.我々が提案した変更のうち80%がそれぞれのプロジェクトに採用された. | ||||||||