横田 京祐 | M, 2回目発表 | ロボティクス | 小笠原 司, | 佐藤 嘉伸, | 高松 淳, | 趙 崇貴, | 丁 明(客員准教授) |
title: Walking Assist Device Control in Various Terrain without Delay Based on Plantar Force Prediction
abstract: Many types of lower-limb exoskeletons have been developed to assist human walking. However, to apply the exoskeletons to daily use, there are some problems on control method. The main problems are adaption of various terrain and delay of assist. To solve the problems, we focus on plantar force during walking. The plantar force reflects walking states corresponding to terrain and displacement of center of gravity before motion. In this research, we propose a method to predict future plantar force in various terrain from Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors data based on machine learning. The reason why we chose IMU sensors is that the IMU sensors are basically mounted on the exoskeletons and reflect human motion. We used Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) for future plantar force prediction. By estimating future plantar force with the LSTM, the assist in various terrain without delay could be possible. In the experiment, we measured walking on flat grand, slopes and, stairs to confirm whether it is possible for the future plantar force prediction. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||||||
LIU PEIMING | M, 2回目発表 | インタラクティブメディア設計学 | 加藤 博一, | 佐藤 嘉伸, | 神原 誠之, | 藤本 雄一郎 | |
title: Finger Motor Skill Training Music Video Game Design on Smartphone
abstract: It is necessary to continue rehabilitations for a long time. But many conventional rehabilitations are monotonous and it is difficult to recognize short-term efforts. So many patients can’t continue them because they can’t maintain their motivations. We introduce a smartphone application gamification based on music play to a finger motor skill training. We believe that our system can improve the patient’s motivations and it is more effective for a rehabilitation. language of the presentation: English | |||||||
溝江 俊太郎 | M, 2回目発表 | 生体医用画像 | 佐藤 嘉伸, | 加藤 博一, | 大竹 義人, | Soufi Mazen, | 上村 圭亮 |
title: Automated analysis of 3D dynamics of foot and ankle joints using robust CT segmentation and multi-rigid 2D-3D
abstract: Three-dimensional dynamic analysis of bone is important in the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedics.As an analysis method, 2D-3D registration using CT and X-ray moving images has been proposed.However, for the analysis of complex joints composed of many bones such as tarsal bones, it was necessary to manually perform CT segmentation of individual bones and initial positioning for registration.The clinical routine application for a large number of patients was not realistic.Therefore, in this study, 3D position estimation was performed by CT segmentation and landmark extraction using CNN and landmark extraction from two-way X-ray moving images for full automatic analysis.Using this result as the initial position in 2D-3D registration based on higher-precision luminance values, we aim to develop a system that automatically analyzes the dynamics of the foot and ankle joint. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||||||
森田 道成 | M, 2回目発表 | 生体医用画像 | 佐藤 嘉伸, | 加藤 博一, | 大竹 義人, | Soufi Mazen, | 上村 圭亮 |
title 2D3D reconstruction of Pelvic area from single lower limb radiograph usig deep learnig
abstract: CT image describe 3D information. Thus, it is widely used for diagnostic imaging and preoperative planning. However, CT scan involves relatively high medical cost and radiation exposure. On the other hand, single radiograph can be acquired with lower radiation exposure and lower cost than CT scan, while it can obtain only 2D information. In this work, we aim at 2D-3D reconstruction of CT images from single radiograph. In the proposed method, firstly, we synthesize a digitally reconstructed radiographs(DRR) of the target bones from single radiograph. Then, we reconstruct CT images from the synthesized DRR using deep learning. In this paper, we discuss the preliminary result of 2D-3D reconstruction of CT image from DRR of pelvic area. language of the presentation:Japanese | |||||||
髙橋 秀明 | M, 2回目発表 | サイバーレジリエンス構成学 | 門林 雄基, | 中島 康彦, | 笠原 正治, | 妙中 雄三 |
title:5G Threat Analysis Based on Smart Factory Operational Scenario
abstract:The 5th generation mobile communication system (5G) is expected to bring major innovations to mobile communication network by integrating different types of technologies. 3GPP release 15 had been developed with 3 types of scenario: high-speed and large-capacity communication (eMBB: enhanced Mobile Broadband), ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC: Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication), and mass machine type communication (mMTC: massive Machine-Type Communication). However, from the security aspect, the 5G threat analysis has not reached any concrete conclusion due to the large scale of 5G and the use cases variety. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) is a key technology is to realize essential network functions in the base station and 5G packet core (5GC). Particularly, security aspect on NFV security is important to maintain the 5G service sustainably. Since the NFV threat analysis has not been specifically performed on the field of 5G, there is no evidence where existing security mechanisms can contribute to the sustainable of 5G operation. In this paper, we analyze 5G related threats, investigate on the results, and suggested action to be taken into consideration in the future mobile communication systems. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目:スマート工場における運用シナリオに基づく5Gの脅威分析 ~ NFVの視点から見るセキュリティ ~ 発表概要:第5世代移動通信システム(5G)は、複数の異なる種類の技術を統合することにより、移動通信ネットワークに大きな革新をもたらすとされており、3GPPがrelease15で定義した高速大容量通信(eMBB:enhanced Mobile Broadband)、超高信頼低遅延(URLLC:Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications)、及び超大量端末の接続(mMTC:massive Machine Type Communication)のシナリオ実現に向け開発されている.しかしながら、5Gの脅威分析は、5Gの大規模性やユースケースの多様性に起因して、具体的な脅威分析に至っていない.また、5Gに実装されるネットワーク機能の仮想化(NFV:Network Function Virtualization)については、基地局や5Gのパケットコア(5GC)におけるネットワーク機能を仮想化により実現する役割を有する.そのため5Gの持続的な運用の観点からNFVは、特にセキュリティが重要視される中核技術である.しかしながらNFVの脅威分析は、5Gの具体的な脅威分析をもとに行われていないためそのセキュリティ機構が持続的な5Gの運用に寄与できるものか検討できていない.そこで本稿では、ユースケースを用いた脅威分析を実施し、5G脅威の具体化を試みることで、当脅威分析手法の有用性と将来の移動通信システムにおける脅威分析で着意すべき事項を検討する. | ||||||
櫻井 和貴 | M, 2回目発表 | サイバーレジリエンス構成学 | 門林 雄基, | 笠原 正治, | 岡田 実, | 妙中 雄三 |
title: A New Approach to AIS Operations to Improve Credibility
abstract: The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a very important and widespread system used to exchange information between ships in maritime traffic. Nevertheless, AIS is fundamentally vulnerable from a cybersecurity perspective because it is not designed to be resilient against various attacks. There are only a few researches that address the cybersecurity threats on AIS. And those researches have not devised any countermeasures, and AIS is a dangerous condition. In this study, the problems of AIS are analyzed, and the establishment of a certification authority to monitor AIS is proposed as a solution. The proposed approach could prevent some of the threats envisioned in AIS, but several problems remain yet. Safer AIS operation will be a possible solution, but the specification of AIS needs to be secured fundamentally. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目:AISの信憑性向上のための運用手法に関する研究 発表概要: AIS(Automatic Identification System)は、海上交通における船舶間の情報交換に使用される非常に重要なシステムであり、世界において広く普及している。しかしながら、AISは様々な攻撃に対して回復力を持つように設計されていないため、サイバーセキュリティの観点からは根本的に脆弱である。AISのサイバーセキュリティ上の脅威に対応した研究は少なく、また、それらの研究では、対策までは考案されておらず、AISは危険な状態にある。本研究では、AISの問題点を分析し、その解決策として、AISを監視する認証局の設立を提案する。提案手法はAISで想定されている脅威を防ぐことができるが、同時にいくつかの問題点が残された。提案手法の実現により、従来より安全なAISの運用が可能となるが、すべての問題を解決するためにはAISの仕様を根本的に確保する必要がある。 | ||||||
福嶋 章悟 | M, 2回目発表 | 情報セキュリティ工学 | 林 優一, | 岡田 実, | 安本 慶一, | 藤本 大介 |
title: Evaluating EM Information Leakage from LCDs with Consideration of the Electromagnetic Environment
abstract: There is a threat to intercept information by measuring electromagnetic waves unintentionally emitted from information devices with displays. The electromagnetic emission from a display device is represented by the product of three elements: Source, Path, and Antenna. It is reported that the intensity and spectrum of the EM leakage wave depend on the size of the device and the length and number of the attached lines. On the other hand, the effect of the electromagnetic environment around the EM information leakage devices has not been sufficiently studied so far. In this study, I develop an evaluation system and evaluate the effect of the electromagnetic environment around the devices on EM information leakage. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: ディスプレイを有する情報機器の周囲の電磁環境を考慮した電磁的情報漏えい評価手法に関する研究 発表概要: ディスプレイを有する情報機器から意図せず放射される電磁波を取得し、映像情報を傍受する脅威が存在する。情報漏えいの原因となる機器からの電磁放射はSource、Path、Antennaの3つの要素の積で表現され、漏えい電磁波の強度やスペクトルはデバイスのサイズや接続線路の長さや本数に依存することが報告されている。一方で、情報機器周囲の電磁環境が情報漏えいに与える影響についてはこれまでに十分に検討されていない。そこで本研究では、情報機器周囲の電磁環境を考慮した電磁的情報漏えいの評価システムを構築し、機器周囲の電磁環境が情報漏えいに与える影響を評価する。 | ||||||
小山 千尋 | M, 2回目発表 | サイバーレジリエンス構成学 | 門林 雄基, | 小笠原 司, | 林 優一, | 妙中 雄三 |
title: The proposals for risk management tools to improve security in control systems
abstract: The number of cyber attacks on control systems has increased in recent years, and the impact of attacks on critical infrastructure may not be confined to just that organization.The causes of the attacks are various, such as attacks that are difficult to defend against due to the use of very advanced technology and attacks that exploit the lack of security management of the organization.In this research, we propose a tool to quantitatively evaluate the risks that exist in the system and implement the most appropriate risk management in order to realize the continuous and safe operation of the control system.In this paper, we propose a tool to quantitatively evaluate the risks in the system and to implement the most appropriate risk management in order to keep the control system operating safely. The security staffs in charge of security and the decision makers in the organization as well as those in charge of the system operation discuss the risk evaluation and response jointly to introduce practical security measures. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: 制御システムにおけるセキュリティ向上のためのリスク管理ツールの提案 発表概要: 制御システムに対するサイバー攻撃は近年増加しており、需要インフラを狙った攻撃の影響はその組織だけに留まらず周辺住民や利用者にも及ぶ可能性がある。攻撃を俯瞰すると、未発表の脆弱性を利用する技術的に高度な攻撃からセキュリティ管理が行き届いていないために成功する攻撃も存在する。本研究では制御システムが継続して安全に稼働し続けることを実現するために、システムに存在するリスクを定量的に評価し最適なリスクマネジメントの実施支援ツールを提案する。セキュリティ担当者と組織の意思決定者だけでなくシステム運用担当者が共同でリスクへの評価・対応を議論することで、実用的なセキュリティ対策の導入を支援する。 | ||||||