西川 諒 | M, 2回目発表 | サイバーレジリエンス構成学 | 門林 雄基, | 安本 慶一, | 笠原 正治, | 妙中 雄三 | |
ENRIQUEZ DONADO HUGO GERARDO | M, 2回目発表 | サイバーレジリエンス構成学 | 門林 雄基, | 安本 慶一, | 加藤 博一, | 妙中 雄三 | |
title: Designing and Evaluating a Botnet Functionality-Based Strategy Simulation Computer Game
abstract: Gamification applies game mechanics to non-game contexts, recently its use in higher education has gain popularity to evaluate academic content, it has been proved to boost student engagement. The objective of this research is to create game mechanics based on a specific cyber security concept, in this case the game revolves around the functionality of a botnet, specifically understanding how botmasters control their bots within a network. The game elements are taken directly from a botnet attack scenario where institutions are susceptible to cyber-attacks and one or more botmaster have control over bots within a network, players compete against each other to control the lasrgest number of bots. language of the presentation: English | |||||||
片山 洋平 | M, 2回目発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一, | 向川 康博, | 伍 洋(客員准教授), | 諏訪 博彦(特任准教授), | 藤本 まなと |
title: A study of an algorithm for curation of driving video for memorial videos
In recent years, more and more people are using video for tourism.Although there are many systems that curate images of a tourist attraction and turn them into a memorial movie after a sightseeing trip, there is no system that curates the driving scene during a sightseeing trip. In this study, we propose a drive recorder video curation algorithm for memorial video for post-car rental tourists at a tourist destination. The proposed method uses crowdsourcing to obtain the importance score of a scene, and machine learning is used to estimate the importance score using features based on the categories of objects and local landmarks in the image. The performance of the proposed model was evaluated using 50 video segments from drive recorder videos taken in Okinawa. The results showed that the correlation coefficient of 0.88 between "Okinawan-ness score" and "Importance score for memorial movies" was significantly high, suggesting that the proposed method can be used to estimate the importance of "Okinawan-ness score". In the future, we aim to generate curation videos using the estimated importance. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: メモリアル動画のための運転映像キュレーションアルゴリズムの検討 発表概要:近年,動画を観光に活用するケースが増えている.観光後に観光地の画像をキュレーションしメモリアル動画とするようなシステムは多数存在しているが,観光中の運転風景をキュレーションするシステムはまだ存在していない.本研究では,観光地でのレンタカー利用後の観光客に向けた,メモリアル動画のためのドライブレコーダ動画キュレーションアルゴリズムを提案する.提案手法ではクラウドソーシングにより風景の重要度スコアを取得し,画像に写るオブジェクトのカテゴリと地域のランドマークを利用した特徴量を用いて機械学習による重要度スコアの推定を行う.提案モデルについて,沖縄で撮影されたドライブレコーダ映像中の50動画を利用し性能評価を行った.実験の結果から「沖縄らしさ」が「メモリアル動画への必要度」と相関係数0.88を示し有意に強い正の相関を持つこと,提案手法により「沖縄らしさ」の重要度スコアの推定が可能であることを示唆した.今後は推定された重要度を用いてキュレーション動画の生成を目指す. | |||||||
人見 一宇 | M, 2回目発表 | インタラクティブメディア設計学 | 加藤 博一, | 向川 康博, | 神原 誠之, | 藤本 雄一郎 | |
title: Complimentary Pattern Projection Method with Projection Surface Color abstract: Many people use their smartphones to experience the AR environment. However, large-scale AR environments require the pattern to calibrate the world coordinate system. Therefore, my study use the complimentary pattern projection method. This method theory is that changing two colors serially above a certain frequency makes the mixed color which mixed these colors. The number of color combination is very high. In this research, there are some related works and one reveals which color combinations are difficult to perceive But there is few method with the projection surface color. In this research, I would like to reveal which color combinations are difficult to perceive with some projection surface colors language of the presentation: Japanese | |||||||