木村 友香 | D, 中間発表 | 数理情報学 | 池田 和司, | 佐藤 嘉伸, | 稲垣 直之, | 川鍋 一晃(客員), | 森本 淳(客員), | 吉本 潤一郎 |
title: Pharmacological functional MRI analysis of dopamine D1 receptor interventions with 11.7 T high field MRI scanner
abstract: Dopamine D1 receptor (D1R) is associated with schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and attracting attention as an important therapeutic target. However, the neurophysiological function of D1R has not been completely clarified. Pharmacological functional MRI (phfMRI) evaluates regional brain hemodynamic changes brought by the pharmacological interventions and can help to investigate the neurophysiological function of specific receptors. In this study, we investigated the blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) effects of pharmacological interventions using compounds specific for D1R with a preclinical high-field MRI scanner. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: MRIを用いたドパミンD1受容体の薬理学的機能評価 発表概要: ドパミンD1受容体は、統合失調症、パーキンソン病、注意欠陥多動性障害に関連しており、重要な治療標的として注目を集めている。しかしながら、ドパミンD1受容体の神経生理学的機能は完全に解明されていない。本研究では、ドパミンD1受容体の機能評価を目的として、特異的な作動薬、拮抗薬を用いてラット脳内における神経活動変化をfunctional MRIを用いて評価した。 | ||||||||
SHI CHENGJIE | M, 1回目発表 | 数理情報学 | 池田 和司, | 佐藤 嘉伸, | 吉本 潤一郎, | 久保 孝富(特任准教授), | 福嶋 誠 | |
title: A Gaming AI Model of StarCraft II Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
abstract: Recently, developing gaming AI agents for video games are becoming popular. Combining modern machine learning methods and computing resources, researchers can build very powerful AI agents such as AlphaGo which can defeat professional players. In this study, we use a deep learning model named deep reinforcement learning to build a StarCraft II AI agent. The agent uses a specific race named Terran and the expected ability of the agent is to defeat a 10 level built-in AI agent of the game and also defeat high level human players as possible. The study can help exploring the potential of Deep Reinforcement Learning for building a gaming AI, as well as testing the power of AI agent in terms of a specific race of the game. language of the presentation: English | ||||||||
髙橋 雄太 | D, 中間発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一, | 池田 和司, | 荒川 豊, | 諏訪 博彦 | ||
title: Design and Development of Smart Life Support Devices for Elderly.
abstract: Information devices are everywhere in our lives, and new services and devices are being proposed and developed to realize the future society towards Society 5.0. To cope with super-aging society in Japan, a cyber-physical system (CPS) for the elderly is needed to improve their health and quality of life by smart devices. Wearable devices are one of the most popular smart devices, however there are still some problems in their widespread use due to the complexity of wearing them and their difficult operations. In this study, we design and develop smart devices to support health and life for the elderly. As smart devices to support outdoor and indoor life of the elderly, we designed and developed a sensor cane that monitors walking ability by sensing daily walking, and a smart remote controller that enables the elderly user to operate all home appliances simply by pointing it. Then, we evaluated the performance of these devices. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: 高齢者に向けたスマート生活支援デバイスの設計と開発 発表概要: 生活のいたるところに情報端末が溢れ,Society 5.0に向けた未来社会の実現のために新たなサービスやデバイスが提案・開発されている.超高齢化社会の日本においては,スマートデバイスを用いて健康の改善,QOLの向上を促進する,高齢者のためのCPS(サイバーフィジカルシステム)が必要である.代表的なスマートデバイスとしてウェアラブルデバイスが挙げられるが,装着の煩雑さや難しい操作のため,普及には課題が残っている.本研究では,高齢者に向けた健康と生活を支援するスマートデバイスの設計と開発を行う.屋外および屋内で生活をサポートするデバイスとして,一つは日常の歩行をセンシングし歩行能力をモニタリングするセンサ杖,もう一つは向けるだけで全ての家電を操作できるスマートリモコンを着想し、設計開発を行った.そして,これらのデバイスの性能を評価した. | ||||||||
LIAO HUNG-YI | M, 1回目発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一, | 杉本 謙二, | 藤本 まなと, | 松田 裕貴 | ||
title: Smart Lighting Control System With Mood Recognition
abstract: Recently, the smart lighting system has been attracting attention as one of the methods to improve the quality of life (QoL). The lighting color has a great impact on people's moods. Therefore, if the lighting color is not suitable for people, their moods greatly dropped and their work motivation and performance may be decreased. In this study, we propose a novel smart lighting system that can help people live more comfortably and work efficiently in order to solve such a problem. The key idea of our proposed system is to dynamically change the lighting color according to the people's mood. Specifically, our system estimates the people's mood from the psychological data (ECG, facial expressions, speaking sound, etc.) that can be obtained from various sensors such as the wearable device, camera, and microphone, and then changes to the appropriate lighting color according to the estimation result. We are currently developing the proposed system to realize the scenario mentioned above. After finishing the development of the proposed system, we will plan to evaluate the performance of our system in smart home testbed. language of the presentation: English | ||||||||