日時(Date) | 平成30年6月20日(水)3限(13:30--15:00) Wed. June 20th, 2018, 3rd Period (13:30--15:00) |
場所(Location) | L1 |
司会(Chair) | 井上美智子 教授 (Prof. Michiko Inoue) |
講演者(Presenter) | Sebastien Tixeuil (Professor, Sorbonne Université) |
題目(Title) | Benchmarking passively mobile sensor networks |
概要(Abstract) | Current distributed systems frequently include some kind of passive mobility (e.g. passively mobile sensors can be embedded on animals or vehicles whose movements must be coped with by the sensors). This talk will present recent resarch results related to energy benchmarking and stateless routing performance on such passively mobile entities. |
講演言語(Language) | English |
講演者紹介(Introduction of Lecturer) | Sebastien Tixeuil is a professor at Sorbonne Université (formerly Université Pierre & Maris Curie) in Paris, France, since 2007. He obtained his PhD in 2000 from the University of Paris Sud-XI. His current research interests are mainly in distributed algorithms for dynamic and mobile networks, including sensor networks, mobile robot networks, vehicular networks, etc. focusing on distributed control despite faults and attacks hitting the network. |