江頭 智也 | M, 1回目発表 | 情報セキュリティ工学 | 林 優一 |
title: ***Study on manipulation of measurement data on CMOS image sensor system by intentional electromagnetic wave irradiation***
abstract: ***A lot of information devices operate using the physical information by sensor. Such devices trust sensing data from sensor. In the field of instrumentation security, the threats of the manipulation of sensing data using the physical disturbance to the sensor are studied. On a CMOS image sensor for imaging the light, the attacks which make measuring instruments unmeasurable, or manipulate measurement value by irradiating the CMOS image sensor with the light generated by attacker. However these attack only consider the saturation of the CMOS image sensor. Therefore, it is insufficient as a study of vulnerability considering the entire measuring system using CMOS image sensor. In this study, we consider a method of manipulating measuring data by intentional electromagnetic wave irradiation for the entire measurement system including CMOS image sensor.*** language of the presentation: ***Japanese*** | |||
大坪 敦 | M, 1回目発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一 |
title: Development and Evaluation of Walking Support Application Based on Music Entrainment Effect
abstract: Walking is attracting attention as a measure for prevention and improvement of lifestyle-related diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, but too high or too low load of walking will result in low effectiveness. Thus pace control in walking is very important. We developed a smartphone application to naturally and accurately induce to the target walking pace by using the music entrainment effect that people unconsciously match the pace with that of music. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: 音楽の引き込み効果を用いた歩行ペース誘導アプリの開発と評価 発表概要: 近年,ウォーキングは高血圧,糖尿病のような運動不足に起因する生活習慣病の予防・改善対策として注目されている. しかし,歩行の負担が大きいと継続が難しく,負担が小さいとその効果は期待できない.そこで効果的な負担度での歩行を支援する必要がある. 利用者の歩行ペースを調節する手段として,画面や音声によって早く(遅く)歩いてくださいと指示をする方法が考えられるが,正確な歩行ペースを伝えることは難しい.また,画面による指示が歩きスマホに繋がるという問題もある.そこで本研究では,音楽のリズムに人が無意識に合わせてしまう引き込み効果を用いて自然にかつ正確に目標歩行ペースに誘導する手法を提案・評価する. | |||
大西 晃正 | M, 1回目発表 | ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム | 安本 慶一 |
title: Analyzing relationship between in-home tasks and mental and physical load for decision support to improve QoL
abstract: For modern people who are busy with work, housework and take-home work after returning home are high mental and physical burden tasks. In a tired situation after coming back home, when trying to accomplish all these tasks, rest time (including sleeping time) is shortened and fatigue accumulates and it will carry over to the next day. On the other hand, by not performing tasks, mental burden increases. In this research, by clarifying the relationship between the task and the mental / physical load, we will examine the realization of a decision making system support to select the tasks and their order to be done within the day from all the tasks to be held to maximize QoL.Currently, in order to investigate the relationship between tasks held and mental and physical loads, we live with wearable sensors attached, and at each time point the level of subjective task, subjective mental and physical load, and collects biometric information data reflecting psychological state. In this presentation, we will present the result of examining the method of presenting task candidates to be executed for decision making, along with the data collection method and analysis method. language of the presentation: Japanese 発表題目: QoL向上のための宅内タスクと精神的・身体的負荷の関係を用いた意思決定支援システムの検討 発表概要: 仕事で忙しい現代人にとって,帰宅後の家事や持ち帰り業務は精神的・身体的な負荷が高いタスクである.帰宅後の疲れた状況において,これらのタスクを全て遂行しようとすると休養の時間(睡眠時間含む)が短縮され疲労が溜まり,翌日に持ち越すことになってしまう.一方で,タスクを遂行しないことにより,精神的な負荷が高まってしまう.本研究では,タスクと精神的・身体的負荷の関係を明らかにすることで,全ての抱えているタスクの中からその日のうちにやるべきタスクとその順番をQoLが最大になるように選択する意思決定を支援するシステムの実現に向けた検討を行う.現在,抱えているタスクと精神的・身体的負荷の関係を調べるために,ウェアラブルセンサを装着した状態で生活し,各時点において,抱えているタスク,主観的な精神的・身体的負荷のレベル,心理状態を反映する生体情報データを収集している.本発表では,データ収集方法,解析方法とともに,意思決定のための実行すべきタスク候補の提示方法について検討した結果を発表する. | |||
大橋 達矢 | M, 1回目発表 | ネットワークシステム学 | 岡田 実 |
title:Sensorless wide area Wireless Power Transfer using multiple power transmission coils
abstract: In wireless power transmission, the generation of a leakage electromagnetic field and the constraint of power supply area are regarded as problems. The leaked electromagnetic field is a factor causing malfunction of the adjacent electronic device. Also, when the power receiving unit deviates from the power supply area, the transmission efficiency sharply decreases. To solve such a problem, we propose wireless power transmission system using a multiple power transmission coil and a power receiving side compensation circuit that enables feeding only when the power receiving unit approaches without using a sensor. In this presentation I will introduce our proposed system. language of the presentation:Japanese | |||
大平 修慈 | M, 1回目発表 | 情報基盤システム学 | 藤川 和利 |
title: DoS Attack Fast Detection Optimized Method in In-vehicle Network Based on Similarity of Sliding Window
abstract: Due to spread of Connected-Car, there is a security risk of cyber attack on modern automobiles. Also, Since CAN(Controller Area Network) of de facto in-vehicle network is a slow network less than general network (e.g., Ethernet, IEEE802.11, ...), thus CAN is inherently vulnerable to DoS attacks. As a countermeasure against DoS attacks on CAN, a method for detecting DoS attack using entropy of sliding window has been proposed. However, due to the conventional method can't detect DoS attack of same entropy value, it is ineffective against DoS attack that manipulated entropy. In this research, we propose a method that can detect DoS attack that manipulated entropy by using similarity of sliding window. We confirmed that proposed method can detect the DoS attack and showed that the execution time is smaller than the conventional method. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||
岡本 拓実 | M, 1回目発表 | 情報セキュリティ工学 | 林 優一 |
title: Study on non-invasive fault sensitivity analysis to cryptographic devices based on leaked information
abstract: There is fault sensitivity analysis (FSA) as one of fault analysis attacks to cryptographic devices. The conventional FSA used invasive fault injection method to cryptographic devices to control the timing of fault injection accurately. On the other hand, if the attacker can observe remotely the side-channel information leaked from cryptographic devices, there is a possibility that the timing of fault occurs can be controlled non-invasively by using observed information as a trigger signal. Therefore, in this research, I show that FSA can be implemented non-invasively by the above method and reveal the secret key. And I also investigate countermeasures to such an attack. language of the presentation: Japanese | |||